Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5912: Fighting the Divine Punishment Again


There was a loud noise on the magic mountain.

Chu Yan fought against God's Punishment!

At this moment, the entire Shura field seemed to be eclipsed, and it seemed that only this corner of the world was left, becoming a stage exclusive for two people.

Divine Punishment held the sword in both hands and struck hard.

Chu Yan was not afraid of giving in. He held the sword in both hands and struck hard.


Two peerless swords collided together.

God Sword.

Refining the Divine Sword.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two swords represent two eras.

At this time, Yinshan couldn't help but said: "This battle is not only a battle between Emperor Chu and Divine Punishment, but also a battle between two eras of swordsmanship."

"What do you mean?" someone wondered.

Yinshan said: "The Heavenly Sword is the sword used by the Sword God of the Era of Gods and Demons. In the Era of Gods and Demons, the Sword God is the best at swordsmanship, otherwise he would not be called the Sword God."

"Even the Demon Palace recognizes this, because the Demon Palace has never had a sword demon until now."

There are many demon kings in the Demon Palace, and like the Divine Court, they have two cultivation directions: east and west.

However, there is no sword demon.

Everyone in the Demon Palace nodded slightly.

This story also carries a legend that everyone in the Demon Palace knows.

The Demon Palace originally had a strong Demon Clan who was good at sword cultivation, but later the Demon Clan Sword Cultivator broke the sword in his hand and went to cultivate other avenues.

Because this demon cultivator once challenged the Shenting Sword God, but he lost in that battle.

From then on, this demonic cultivator stopped practicing swordsmanship.

On the other side is Chu Yan's Heavenly Refining Divine Sword.

That goes without saying.

The Lord of Heaven Refining, the number one sword in this era.

This has always been beyond doubt.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, Chu Yan and Divine Punishment collided several times in succession.

Divine Punishment frowned slightly: "Boy, are you stronger?"

Although Divine Punishment has not yet been used at full strength, the gods have not activated it yet.

When he attacked the magic mountain just now, he turned on the gods, but when Chu Yan came out, he turned off the gods.

The activation of the gods is also a huge loss for him.

But even so, Divine Punishment was a bit shocking.

Because not long ago, God Punishment could crush Chu Yan alone.

On that day, before Chu Yan used Poseidon as his trump card, he had some upper hand, but that time he relied on the human marks of the gods and demons to be able to carry out critical attacks.

Before this, Chu Yan could not defeat Divine Punishment.

But not now.

The two people actually fought back and forth.

This made God Punishment's face grow darker and darker.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Please, how long have you been injured? Why don't you let me make some progress?"

God punishes me with silence.

Have I...been hurt for a long time?

Wouldn’t it only take seven or eight days?

Divine Punishment was a little confused at this time.

When we reach the self-centered state, who’s cultivation depends on heaven and earth?

Chu Yan said calmly: "How can you always look at me with old eyes? Today I am stronger than yesterday, just like tomorrow I will definitely be stronger than today. People can live longer and go back. ?”

God Punishment twitched the corner of his mouth and snorted coldly: "You should survive until tomorrow."

He was too lazy to listen to Chu Yan's nonsense here.

Tsk——Suddenly, he slashed out with his sword.


When the sword was released, the stars in the sky seemed to explode.

A straight beam of light headed towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, but almost instantly, a monstrous force burst out from his body.


In an instant, it was dark!

Immediately, he held the sword with one hand and pointed towards the sky.


The clouds suddenly split open, and a streak of white light shot out, illuminating the whole world again.


Break the sky with one sword!


The two sword energies collided together again, like a dragon and a tiger fighting.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly opened his palm and left the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword behind. Immediately, he stepped on it with the sole of his foot and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

God Punishment's eyes narrowed, and he aimed his palm downwards and pressed lightly.


Suddenly, all the space below collapsed, and Chu Yan's figure was forced out.

The space around Chu Yan was compressing at this time, and cracks continued to appear. Chu Yan felt that his body suddenly became extremely heavy.

But just for a second, Chu Yan grasped his hand, and a dazzling bloody light suddenly appeared.

In his hand, another sword was born.

Blood sword!

The moment this sword appeared, it was obviously not as powerful as the previous two swords.

There is no such amazing power as the Heavenly God Sword and the Heavenly God Sword.

But...this sword has a very special characteristic...

That is transparency!


The moment Chu Yan held the blood sword, it felt natural and without any sense of violation. It seemed that Chu Yan was holding not a sword, but everything about himself.

Yin Shan and others looked up and even had a slight illusion that Chu Yan seemed to be perfectly integrated with the blood sword.

Man and sword unite!

This is the power of the Blood Sword.

The Blood Sword may not be as powerful as the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword, but it is definitely the sword that best matches Chu Yan.

Because this sword... was made by Chu Yan himself, tailor-made for him.

Whether it is the length, weight, sharpness, or the power of the sword, it is all customized based on Chu Yan.

So when the sword came out, Chu Yan's own momentum increased sharply and he slashed forward fiercely.


In an instant, the space in front of him was cut open, and immediately Chu Yan stepped in.

Immediately afterwards, when Chu Yan appeared again, he was directly in front of God Punishment.

Divine Punishment narrowed his eyes slightly: "The way of space?"

Tsk - the next second, Chu Yan thrust his sword directly at his throat.

Divine Punishment didn't pay attention, he just dodged back slightly and punched out.


The fists and swords collided, and immediately the two figures retreated simultaneously.

God Punishment stood firm with a dignified look behind him.

Chu Yan was also extremely surprised.

At this time, he actually had some doubts, just like Divine Punishment.

Chu Yan was very confident in this battle. That was because he had obtained the Rules and Laws technique, but until now, he had not used it yet, and he could actually fight back and forth with God's Punishment.

Have you really become stronger?

But why?

My own realm has not been broken through.

In other words, there is no room for him to break through.

At this time, in the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, Jie Gui said faintly: "Little guy, all the efforts made by people will not be in vain! All the efforts made by everyone will be rewarded one day in the future."

Chu Yan was confused when he heard: "Senior, speak human language..."

Jie Gui said: "Have you forgotten that you have rebuilt it once in the world of rules?"

Chu Yan was startled, then said in a deep voice: "That time of reconstruction... can the power be brought into reality?"

"That's not possible." Jie Gui shook his head: "However, that re-cultivation is equivalent to allowing you to consolidate all your realms again! Now, your realm and strength have not actually improved, but you have a higher degree of control over yourself. ”

Chu Yan was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

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