Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5941 Killing Chi Hong

Sword Domain!


Suddenly, everyone within a kilometer radius of the square shuddered, and some people felt a sword hanging inexplicably above their heads.

It seemed that if Chu Yan wanted, the sword could fall and kill everyone in the venue.

The black-robed old man's eyes condensed: "Is this... the absolute sword domain of the God of the Divine Court Sword God?"

Xue Jun nodded: "I only have some vague outlines in my memory, but it seems that it is, that sword... is the Heavenly God Sword."

The black-robed old man sighed: "Eastern God? It is really an ancient and long-standing existence."


Chu Yan used the sword domain, and the anger in his body became stronger and stronger.


At this time, Chi Mozi was approaching, and was suddenly enveloped by the sword domain, and his face changed.

Because he felt a sense of crisis.

However, just when he was about to evacuate first...

It was too late!

Chi Mozi's eyes narrowed, and he saw the space in front of him twisted. Then a golden sword appeared and gradually changed into the shape of a person.

It was Chu Yan.

Flashing a sword!

After Chu Yan left the Shura Field, he studied many things because he could not improve his realm.

Including this sword domain.

He found that the sword domain of the Sword God did have something.

For example, this move now, flashing a sword.

Within the sword domain, everything can be a sword.

As long as it is a sword, it can be used to transmit.

Suddenly, Chu Yan was close to Chi Mozi's face.

"So fast!"

A cry of surprise.

Everyone in the Demon Palace was shocked.

Chi Mozi's eyes narrowed, and he was about to speak.

Too late!

Swish - Chu Yan slashed with a sword, this sword, close to the face, too fast, too fast, Chi Mozi shouted angrily and also punched.

At this time, Chi Mozi also burst out with all his strength, and even a dark mark flashed between his eyebrows.


The God's Court is blessed by the gods, and so is the Demon's Palace.

Just as Chu Yan said, there are 3,000 avenues in the God and Demon Era, and the gods and demons each occupy half.

The God's Court has half of the avenues blessing, and the Demon's Palace also has half.

At this moment, Chi Mozi burst out.

Extremely powerful.

Chi Mozi's aura even increased several times.

Below, countless people's faces changed slightly.

"Chi Hong used the demon!"

This is normally not allowed during a competition.

The demon is an external force, how can it be used during an internal competition?

But at this moment, Chi Mozi used it, his eyes kept spitting fire, he was also a genius, how could he tolerate being trampled by Chu Yan?

However, Chu Yan was not shocked when he saw this, but instead showed a contemptuous smile.

"Ridiculous self-esteem."

Chu Yan smiled sarcastically.

"Originally, I wanted to fight you in an open and square battle. Since you insist on seeking death, I will grant you your wish."

After saying this, Chu Yan's eyebrows flickered.

Isn't it the blessing of the Great Dao?

He also has it!


The next second, a seal of a god appeared.

It was the seal of the Sword God.


In an instant, Chu Yan's swordsmanship increased dramatically, and then his palm lightly slashed.


With a loud bang, a sword slashed down.

The Yutian Sword.


A terrifying force exploded, and with a click, Chi Mozi screamed, and his fist was directly crushed by the sword energy, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Chi Mozi was shocked: "God!"

However, this was just the beginning.

As soon as Chu Yan's sword fell, his eyebrows flickered again, and the second god appeared.

The god of King Yama.

At this moment, the death energy around him surged, and the whole person was like a ghost walking out of the abyss of hell.

Swish——another sword.


Chi Mozi was unable to resist and was chopped and flew a thousand meters away.


This time, as soon as he stopped, his body was shattered and turned into a soul floating there.

Chu Yan still did not stop, and his figure flashed.

"You are too weak!"

"You want to laugh at me? You know I am here, but you still want to humiliate me?"

"You... are nothing?"

At this moment, Chu Yan grinned.

Liberate nature.

Enough of repression!

Entering the era of gods and demons, you all bully me, right?

Think you are easy to bully?

Sorry, you chose the wrong person!

Soft persimmon, look at others, I am not!


Do you really think I have never killed before?

Last time, I was afraid of being exposed and kept hiding on purpose.

But it seems that some people misunderstood something.

In this case, today, I will kill you!

Swish-instantly, a sword chopped down again.

This sword is as sharp as lightning.

In one step, he flew directly in front of Chi Mozi.

This sudden scene shocked Chi Mozi completely, and he screamed: "Save me!"

At this moment, he begged for mercy.

Below, the old man in black robe frowned, but he looked at the Blood King next to him, still motionless.

The old man in black robe could only endure it.

"There are so many people, but you jumped out!"

"Who do you think you are? In this case, I will send you to the west!"

Chu Yan's voice was like thunder, and he slashed with a sword.


Chi Mozi screamed in despair, but it had no effect.

The next second, everyone saw it clearly.

Chu Yan slashed with a sword.


A touch of shocking sword energy directly pierced into the center of Chi Mozi's eyebrows, and then penetrated all the way down, forcibly cutting Chi Mozi in half.


The next second, a burst of blood-colored fireworks bloomed.

The entire Demon Palace military camp turned red.

The field suddenly became extremely quiet.


All the people in the Demon Palace swallowed their saliva.

Chi Mozi, dead?

How could he die?

Even though they all knew that this time it was Chi Mozi who was deliberately looking for trouble, how could Chu Yan dare?

The point is, Chu Yan is only level nine, did he really kill Chi Mozi?

A half-saint!

And what about the two gods?

However, they will not have an answer.

At this time, Chu Yan slowly landed on the ground, his face was also very solemn. He was holding a sword alone, and just looked around. Seeing that no one spoke, he smiled sarcastically.

"Nothing more!"

Everyone was silent.

No one knew who this sentence was talking about.

Is it Chi Mozi or the Demon Palace!

Chu Yan retracted his gaze and looked at Xue Jun, chuckling: "I'm sorry, senior, I didn't control my power. I didn't expect Chi Mozi to be so weak. I killed him by accident."

Xue Jun looked at Chu Yan meaningfully, and suddenly laughed: "It's okay, swords have no eyes, it's not your fault."

Suddenly, Chu Yan's smile became stronger.

At this time, Xue Jun suddenly said: "Okay, everyone disperse, the military meeting will be postponed."

The people in the Demon Palace lowered their heads and turned to leave.

Chu Yan did not leave.

Xue Jun said lightly: "You should go back first."

Chu Yan was stunned at first, then turned around and left.

He stayed because he thought Xue Jun would have something to say to him, but since he didn't, why did he stay?

Of course he had to go.

Go back to practice.

The battlefield of gods and demons is a good place, the source of power is rich, and it can't be wasted.

Chu Yan returned to his mansion and began to practice in seclusion.

What he didn't know was that all of this was actually seen by the Blood Lord, which made the Blood Lord smile unexpectedly.

"What a big heart."

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