Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5949 Everyone has a secret

Chu Yan's pupils shrank sharply: "The place where the avenue is rooted?"

The Blood King nodded slightly: "Yes, when we first came here, the avenue was summoned, and the place where it finally took root is in the center of this battlefield between gods and demons!"

After saying this, the Blood Lord said solemnly: "It is also for this reason that the battlefield between gods and demons has become a battleground between the gods and demons! Because the place where the gods and demons take root is the place that affects the survival of the two clans!"

"We may not care about resources, but we must not let that place fall into the hands of the other party. Once this happens, our lives will be controlled by each other."

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

This was something he had never imagined.

The great ways of the gods and demons are actually rooted in this battlefield.

If this is the case, it is not surprising why the two tribes would fight for this place without leaving any room.

Because this place affects the lifeblood of the two clans!

Even if they are Demon Ancestors and Divine Ancestors, no matter how powerful they are, Dao Dao is trapped here and restricted by people!

At this time, Chu Yan thought for a while and suddenly said: "Senior... When I first came to the battlefield of gods and demons, I saw a huge blood formation in the outside world. That blood formation was not caused by the battle between gods and demons and too many people died. ?"

The Blood King shook his head: "No, when we first came here, this was a bloody world."

Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

At first, he thought that the battlefield of gods and demons had always been shrouded in blood mist because too many people had died in years of fighting.

Now it seems……

It doesn't seem to be the case.

At this time, the Blood Lord said lightly: "This is also the reason why the gods and demons are eager to give birth to the Ancient Saint. The Divine Court does not hesitate to cooperate with the purgers and even choose some extreme methods. It is because everyone is guessing that as long as they become With the help of the Ancient Saint, the Dao will no longer be restricted by others.”

Chu Yan nodded and suddenly said: "Senior, where is that place under the blood cloud?"

Lord Xue glanced at the blood cloud in the center of the battlefield, pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Don't know?"

This answer is a bit irresponsible.

"You have been fighting here for hundreds of millions of years. Haven't you ever explored it before?" Chu Yan asked puzzled.

Lord Xue said softly: "Explore, why don't you explore? That's where our avenues connect."

"However, there is a huge cave under the blood cloud. The cave is like the eye of the world, a bottomless abyss! In the early years, we sent people to investigate, but the cave was too deep. ”

Chu Yan frowned: "How deep?"

Lord Xue took a deep breath: "We have detected the depth below 10 million meters, but it is still dark. The cave seems to have no bottom, and there are various crises in it. Every time we send people to explore, In the end, there was no one left out of ten, and there were countless casualties.”

Chu Yan said solemnly: "Even with the strength of the Demon Palace?"

Blood King shook his head: "No, let's put it this way, the number of half-saints who died in that cave is more than three digits."

Chu Yan took a sharp breath of air.

Lord Blood said solemnly: "We suspect that there may be a certain great master or some shocking mystery involved under the cave that day. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to find out the truth."

Speaking of this, Lord Xue suddenly smiled and said: "Little guy, are you interested? How about I send you to explore the cave?"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly and he laughed dryly: "Don't... I haven't lived enough yet."

Lord Xue chuckled and said, "I think you are very suitable for going to the Heavenly Cave."

"Why?" Chu Yan was puzzled.

Lord Xue said lightly: "This Heavenly Cave is obviously a place where opportunities and dangers coexist. We are even suspecting that the existence of the Heavenly Cave may be waiting for someone! I have investigated you again. You kid, you have been following this life. Just like cheating, the more dangerous the place, the safer it will be if you go there. Not only can you turn danger into safety, but you can also get various resources from it. "

"In this case, wouldn't it be suitable for the Heavenly Cave?"

Chu Yan recalled it, and it seemed that it was true.

But he shook his head.

"I am not alone now and cannot joke with my own life."

The Blood King chuckled: "Okay, I'm just teasing you. If you want to explore, the Divine Court will most likely stop you. I don't want to fight with the Divine Court just because of you."

Chu Yan burst into laughter.

At this time, Lord Xue stretched his body and said, "Okay, do you have anything else to do? I'm a little tired and ready to rest. Or do you want to fall asleep with me?"

Chu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and left dejectedly.


Lord Xue was amused by Chu Yan's appearance.


At this time, a figure appeared.

It's condensation.

He looked at where Chu Yan left and couldn't help but said: "Sir, you shouldn't have said these things to him."

Lord Xue smiled and said: "Leng Ning, what are you afraid of?"

Leng Ning said in a low voice: "The Heavenly Cave is related to the root of the great path of our gods and demons..."

Lord Xue said calmly: "That place is extremely dangerous, and it is not a secret. If he wants to investigate, he can find it easily. Besides, if he really wants to go, wouldn't it be a good thing for us if he finds some secrets? At least it will be a good thing for us. , he has some secrets, will he tell us first? "

Leng Ning hesitated and said: "Sir, do you think what he just said is the truth?"

Lord Xue smiled and said, "Which sentence? We talked too much, and we even said we would fall asleep together."

Leng Ning said with a dark face: "Nip it in the bud."

The Blood Lord laughed and said, "This... half and half, he is really worried, but he asked about the root of the Great Dao of Gods and Demons, there must be other reasons."

Leng Ning was puzzled: "Since you know, why don't you force it out?"

The Blood Lord said lightly: "Leng Ning, everyone has secrets, opportunities, and treasures in this life. People should not be too greedy. They should not envy others for having good things. Do you understand?"

Leng Ning's face changed, and he lowered his head and said, "I understand."

The Blood Lord waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go down. I'm afraid there are not many quiet days left. Let me have a good sleep."

"You go and keep an eye on the Divine Court. It is estimated that the Divine Court will take action in the next one or two days. Once this kid takes action, the war will probably never stop."

Leng Ning nodded: "Yes."

Then he disappeared from the spot.

The Blood Lord sat on the bed alone, supported his chin with one hand, and murmured alone: ​​"Chu Yan, who are you? What are you planning?"

The Blood Lord was almost certain that Chu Yan was planning something.

Because Xue Jun explained his situation to Chu Yan at the beginning, but Chu Yan did not choose to leave the battlefield of gods and demons. Then Chu Yan would definitely not surrender when he knew that he could not defeat Tian Ya.

Xue Jun's mouth corners rose: "It's getting more and more interesting. I'm looking forward to it. Don't let me down."

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