Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6050 Mysterious Old Man

The Crystal Palace is open!

Chu Yan suddenly became nervous!

What is in the Crystal Palace?

He didn't know.

But he knew one thing, that is, this Crystal Palace is definitely not simple.

The Crystal Palace is the core of the Heavenly Cave.

All the avenues of the gods and demons are connected here.

You can imagine how dangerous this place is.

In a moment, the gates of the Crystal Palace were all opened.


The next second, a black shadow suddenly burst out from it.

Chu Yan's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his sword to block it.

However, the black shadow was too fast, like lightning, and did not give Chu Yan any chance at all. Chu Yan raised his sword halfway, and the black shadow had already rushed to his chest.


With a loud bang, Chu Yan flew out with his sword.

The point is that as soon as he stopped, he heard a click, and his chest was directly cracked inch by inch, like a huge spider web.

Chu Yan's pupils shrank.

"So strong!"

You know, his body has been tempered by blood and qi for tens of thousands of times, and now it has reached an unprecedented strength.

His combat power may not be improved much, but his defense has definitely improved rapidly.

The Asura God could not break the defense even when he activated the God.

As a result, the opponent only hit him with one blow, and his body was broken?

That's not all...

Chu Yan looked down at his skin.


The Tyrant Body Dao Patterns are dissipating one by one.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth... yin and yang...

They are broken one by one.

This means that the opponent's punch directly penetrated his Tyrant Body and blew up his body.

In other words, if there is no Tyrant Body, he may be dead now?

What the hell?

Chu Yan suddenly became extremely solemn.

Xiao Jiu and Zhi Qing, including the other major laws in the Nine Heavens Profound Tower, were also ready for battle.

This is not a joke.

Chu Yan was in danger of his life.

Chu Yan looked up and looked forward.

After the black shadow punched Chu Yan away, it slowly became solid.

It was an old man in cloth.

The old man glanced at Chu Yan and said in surprise: "Huh, you didn't kill him? Is your body very strong? Not only your body, but also a special defense method?"

Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

The other party saw through the Tyrant Body at a glance?

However, he was about to speak.

The old man didn't want to waste time talking to him, and his body leaned forward slightly, ready to dive.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "Cao!"

He didn't die just now because of the Tyrant Body. Now that the Tyrant Body is broken, Chu Yan has a premonition that if the other party hits him again, he will definitely die.


In an instant, Chu Yan exploded, the blood pool boiled, and the blood and energy around him surged. In addition, the Shura God and the selfless state were all turned on.


At this moment, Chu Yan smelled the smell of death.

It was the first time he was so close to death since he came out of the mortal world.

So he didn't dare to be careless at all.

However, the old man glanced at it and still didn't take it seriously, ready to punch.

Chu Yan was extremely nervous.

But at this moment, the old man paused and suddenly stopped where he was.

The little boy just now reached out and grabbed the old man's sleeve.

The old man turned around and saw the boy, the murderous intent in his eyes faded a little, and he said gently: "Little Luo, be good, grandpa will be back soon."

Xian Luo said tenderly: "Grandpa, don't kill him, he didn't bully me."

The old man was stunned.

Xian Luo hesitated and took out the half candied haws from his back: "Grandpa, eat it, it's sweet."

The old man frowned, and the first thing he did was to scan the candied haws with his mind, worried that Chu Yan would poison it.

But he was stunned when he scanned it.

Because he found that this candied haws was just an extremely ordinary mortal object, without any spiritual power.

Chu Yan rolled his throat and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, we can talk."

The old man was silent for a moment.

After a moment, the old man slowly retracted his overflowing power and said to Chu Yan: "I was impulsive just now."

Chu Yan let out a long breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "No, no... Just be happy, just don't hit me."

The old man said calmly: "How many years have I not seen a living person."

Chu Yan: "..."

What you said... I dare not reply.

The old man said again: "Young friend seems very special."

Chu Yan looked up at the old man.

The old man said lightly: "The blood mist here is so strong that ordinary people can't reach it at all. Even people who are several levels stronger than young friends can't do it. Young friends can walk here. I guess there must be something special?"

Chu Yan's face changed slightly and he became nervous again.

Although because of Xianluo, the old man temporarily put away his killing intentions.

But once the other party knows about the blood pond, who knows if he will have the killing intention again.

After all, the blood pond...has a huge temptation to anyone.

Until now, Chu Yan rarely exposed the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and the Clearer when facing the gods, demons and the Clearer, because these two things are too precious.

However, Chu Yan was on guard, and the old man suddenly said calmly: "Young friend, don't be nervous, and don't explain anything. I am not interested in these things."

Chu Yan frowned slightly. To be honest, he had some doubts in his heart.

The old man said calmly: "I know you don't believe it, but if you put yourself in my shoes, you will understand... To you, it may be a rare treasure, but in the eyes of a dead person, what value does any treasure have?"

Chu Yan was stunned and couldn't help saying: "Senior..."

The old man said calmly: "Yes, I'm dead."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "How is it possible?"

Is he talking to a dead person?

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "He didn't lie, he is really dead, the person in front of you... is just a wisp of remaining will."


Chu Yan took a breath of cold air first.

"In other words, I was almost beaten to death by a wisp of remaining will just now?"

Isn't this too exaggerated?

The point is, just a wisp of will is so strong, how terrible would this old man be when he was still alive?

The old man chuckled: "My friend, you don't have to guess. When I was alive, my realm was not as good as yours now."

Chu Yan's face changed: "Senior, this... is impossible?"

A remnant of will almost killed me, but when I was alive, I was not as good as myself?

It doesn't make sense.

The old man said calmly: "A dead man, why should I lie to you?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Why?"

The old man recalled, and his eyes showed a strong sense of vicissitudes.

Suddenly, he said: "When I was alive, my realm was actually very low, only slightly better than ordinary mortals. In terms of realm, it was almost...dimensional realm?"

Chu Yan's face changed.

Dimensional realm...

In fact, it is not weak, much better than mortals.

When Chu Yan was in the universe, the dimension realm was already the ceiling.

But everything has a relativity.

In today's world, the dimension realm is really too weak.

In the void, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mortal.

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