'œTell me about your current wealth then.' Li Qiye smiled while staring at the youth.

'œI'¦' Liu Yushang opened his mouth but found that speaking would only result in further humiliation.

He stood out among his peers and regular cultivators. However, he didn'™t come close to being able to touch Li Qiye.

Even if he had one or two hundred million refined jades, this was not even considered a spare change for Li Qiye. The latter could casually give someone this amount without thinking twice.

Thus, even if he was satisfied with his wealth accumulation so far, it was meaningless to respond.

As a proud genius, he looked down and even found Li Qiye wretched. In his opinion, the guy was only lucky.

Unfortunately, once wealth reached a certain level, it could trump everything else. That'™s why it wasn'™t unreasonable for Li Qiye to call him a 'œpoor brat'.

Nonetheless, he felt as if Li Qiye had just slapped him with a stack of money. It certainly didn'™t feel good.

'œCultivators don'™t compete with money, that'™s vulgar.' He said with indignation.

'œWell, I'™m a vulgar person who loves money and jades.' Li Qiye smirked as if he loved to show off his wealth.

'œYou!' Yushang turned red right away.

'œStop lying to yourself. Cultivators certainly don'™t compete with money but don'™t think you'™re above it. Nothing escapes money, the gold and silver of mortals become refined jades for cultivators as well.' Li Qiye shook his head.

Yushang couldn'™t refute this statement since it was indeed the case. Cultivators wielded incredible powers and abilities. However, their treasures and cultivation resources were still purchased with money.

'œSo you won'™t compete then?!' Yushang changed the topic.

'œWhat makes you qualified to challenge me?' Li Qiye smiled.

'œHere's how it will go, we'™ll spar for ten moves. If I win, the bet between you and the princess will end. If you win'¦' Yushang gritted his teeth before finishing, aware that he had nothing to make it worthwhile.

He eventually made up his mind and shouted: 'œIf I lose, I'™ll stay and become your servant!'

'œHow courageous and chivalrous.' Li Qiye shook his head: 'œUnfortunately, you'™re only doing what you want without caring for her opinion.'

'œYour Highness'¦' Yushang turned towards Ning Zhu.

To which she responded: 'œI truly appreciate your kindness, Young Noble Li, although I do not deserve it. As for my own business, I can make decisions myself. I am willing to stay with my young noble, so please, don'™t interfere.'

She explicitly stated her stance, not needing anyone to save her.

'œI'¦' Yushang had an awkward expression. He saw the princess working with the servants earlier and assumed that she wouldn'™t want to stick around any longer. However, this didn'™t seem to be the case.

Fortunately for him, their conversation was interrupted by a series of footsteps. They sounded both chaotic yet orderly.

Both youths gazed in the direction of the sound and a dozen unknown cultivators surrounding Li Qiye.

They wore different uniforms, clearly not from the same sect. What was important to note were their empty eyes. Their movements resembled that of puppets.

'œClank!' They immediately unsheathed their weapons, showing off their aggressive intention.

'˜What'™s going on?' Liu Yushang asked.

'œSlaves of the Vampyric Dyad.' Ning Zhu'™s expression darkened.

'œThe Vampyric Dyad?' Yushang became serious as well.

'œDie!' The servants lunged for Li Qiye.

'œHmph.' Ning Zhu unsheathed her sword and unleashed a torrent of green sword rays against the attackers.

'œAh!!' Several died right away.

Her decisiveness and brutality in battle rivaled her intelligence and beauty.

'œNice technique!' Yushang praised after seeing the wide radius of the attack.

'œKekeke, not nice at all, how dare you kill our slaves?' A nefarious voice sounded.

'œPoof!' A rain of blood descended and two figures appeared not far from Li Qiye. A stench of blood permeated the air.

They wore black robes while bloody mists engulfed them. Their hair stood up straight just like two horns. Their eyes were green and creepy, akin to those of poisonous creatures.

As they spoke, four long, sharp fangs could be seen.

'œThe dyad'¦' Liu Yushang became startled.

'œYoung Noble, they are blood suckers.' Ning Zhu returned to Li Qiye'™s side, on guard.

'œKeke, little juniors, at least you know your stuff.' The two appeared to be identical twins.

Their notoriety was comparable to Crimsondeath Monarch. However, they were far crueler and evil, similar to the dead Dark Hand Devil.

They belonged to the side branch of the Blood Race and cultivated an evil art requiring blood sucking. Worst of all, their victims would become their slaves afterward.

Ning Zhu and Yushang found their presence surprising because this territory was under Armament Mountain'™s jurisdiction. Big shots of the evil path rarely came here because they might be under attack right away.

'œKekeke, you'™re that brat who got the Preeminent Legacy?' One of them spoke.

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