The repeated occurrences in this region didn'™t go unnoticed by its inhabitants. Thus, it didn'™t take long before numerous experts appeared by the Tang'™s plain.

Some who were familiar with it became startled to see the changes. In the past, this barren plain was abandoned.

Now, they saw fortresses and lofty towers along with runic lines. The fortresses flashed brightly and sent their energy through the lines to reach the towers.

This wondrous project couldn'™t have been done in a day or two. However, it really appeared overnight.

The land itself was still sad and desolate with withered grass. Nonetheless, a new sign of life could be seen as if it had awakened.

'œThis is unprecedented. Where did all of these towers come from?' An old local became startled.

'œWhat is the Tang doing?' A disciple from a nearby sect asked.

'œThe plain is not theirs anymore. The man is known as the richest in the world, Li Qiye, had bought it.' A well-informed spectator revealed.

Everyone knew the world'™s richest at this point and found this surprising.

'œWhat does that guy want to do? He'™s going all out?' Someone wondered about Li Qiye'™s ambitious plan.

'œI think there is a treasure coming out.' A member of the crowd informed everyone, whether it be on purpose or otherwise.

'œA treasure here?' Others haven'™t heard of this at first due to the condition of the plain.

'œI heard it from Armament Mountain. Don'™t you know about the history of the Tang'™s progenitor? He'™s just like Li Qiye, extremely rich. Hmm, but the most important thing is that he'™s the creator of the moneyfall method.' The first cultivator responded.

People exchanged glances and found this reasonable. This progenitor was famous once and had miraculous tales about him. There could be incredible treasures hidden here.

'œWe have to go take a look right now!' Initially, most only wanted to observe but now, they have all lost their patience.

After all, who would want to miss a supreme treasure coming out?

Unfortunately, someone stopped them before they could make it in.

'œThe plain is personal property. No trespassing is allowed.' This person declared.

'œPrincess Ning Zhu!' Most didn'™t expect this at all but a few knew that she had become Li Qiye'™s maid. Thus, the latter began spreading the message quietly.

'œGentlemen, please leave.' She said.

These cultivators came for a treasure and didn'™t want to give up so easily.

'œPrincess, I heard that there is a treasure here, is that true?' Someone tested the water.

'œI'™ve never heard of such a thing.' She denied.

This wasn'™t enough. Another asked: 'œArmament Mountain said that the progenitor of the Tang left behind a treasury deep in this land'¦'

'œUntrue.' She interrupted him.

'œPrincess, don'™t be so unreasonable. If there'™s no treasure, then it'™s fine for us to take a look?' Another demanded.

'œAs I'™ve said, this is personal property so no trespassing.' She asserted.

'œI disagreed.' The cultivator retorted: 'œThe plain is still under Armament Mountain'™s jurisdiction and they never said anything about not allowing entry. I don'™t think what you'™re doing is proper.'

Money was tempting enough, let alone a potential treasury. Though no one had seen it, the rumors have gotten out of control. They would rather believe it than otherwise.

'œOur young noble is not under the jurisdiction of Armament Mountain.' Ning Zhu showed no sign of backing off.

'œYour Highness, everyone in this region is under the jurisdiction of Armament Mountain, no exception. Are you trying to rebel?' Someone loudly shouted.

'œAnd if I am? I don'™t mind another enemy.' A calm voice answered instead of Ning Zhu.

'œThat'™s Li Qiye.' Many followed the direction of the voice and recognized him.

'œThe richest in the world.' Others murmured while feeling jealousy.

In their eyes, he was nothing more than someone who got lucky and obtained the Preeminent Legacy. Life wasn'™t fair at all.

'œLi Qiye, watch your words.' A member of Armament Mountain stepped forward: 'œAre you challenging us? We might not be the strongest but have never been afraid of anyone'¦'

'œThe same for me.' Li Qiye interrupted this disciple: 'œWhy should I give Armament Mountain face?'

A few smiled wryly and shook their head. They had seen Li Qiye'™s haughtiness before when he didn'™t give a damn about Sea Emperor Sword Kingdom. Armament Mountain was no exception.

In fact, he even made the kingdom'™s future queen his maid. He definitely didn'™t mind having another enemy.

'œThe plain'™s treasury once belonged to the Tang, they'™re no longer here so it is up for grabs. Are you trying to monopolize it?' An expert shouted.

He spoke with absolute confidence as if there was indeed a treasury here.

'œNo, the entire plain belongs to me, the same with a random rock or a treasury.' Li Qiye chuckled.

'œSee, he wants to monopolize the treasury!' Another crowd member fanned the flames.

'œYou already got the Preeminent LEgacy, now you want this treasury too? Your greed knows no bounds, you'™re taking up too many resources!' One more joined in.

'œYes, yes, I'™ve heard all of this before. Scram if you don'™t have anything else to say, stop bothering me.' Li Qiye said.

'œLi Qiye, don'™t even think about monopolizing it, it belongs to the worthy!' This didn'™t stop one more from yelling.

'œYes, we need to look for it right now!'

Eventually, the crowd became heated and tempted. They teamed up and tried to enter.

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