Hundred-blade Noble'™s warning came too late. All of them have entered the plain at this point and saw the flashes and fog.

They immediately knew that something was wrong and became cautious.

'œOn guard!' Eight-armed Prince commanded and assumed a defensive measure.

He pulled back all eight hands around him. The various treasures poured down their affinities to form a fiery armor wrapping around him.

'œSomething'™s amiss!' Starshooter Prince felt the same way and returned to the command position of his army.

The royal cavalry roared affirmatively and the vanguard raised their shields. Not even a breeze could get through this impregnable fort. He also added an outer secondary wall consisting of divine swords.

Hundred-blade Noble roared and did the same thing. His celestial swords hovered around him as if he was the center of the cosmo.

'œPoof!' The plain became brighter with denser fog that enveloped both armies.

They disappeared from sight; not even the glints of their weapons could be seen. Spectators became confused right away.

'œA bewildering technique?' One spectator wondered after losing clear visibility on the plain.

'œI don'™t think it'™s that simple. This seems to be a grand formation with a maze-like property. It'™s prepared beneath and would activate against all intruders.' A big shot from the last generation carefully observed the fog before answering.

'œWell, if it'™s just a maze formation, it shouldn'™t be able to stop those experts. They have the manpower to break it too.' A youth remarked.

'œCareful!' They suddenly heard Hundred-blade Noble'™s shout.

'œShit!' Eight-armed Prince'™s voice resounded afterward.

'œSplash! Splash! Splash!' Next was splashing noises as if people had fallen into the water.

It was strange because the sounds happened in rapid succession. The entire armies seemed to have fallen into a body of water without the chance to scream and shout.

The plain became silent again.

'œWhat is happening there?' Cultivators standing outside clamored.

However, the fog still obscured their vision despite activating their heavenly gaze.

Eventually, the fog slowly dispersed and they could finally see again.

'œIt'™s going away!' Someone shouted.

Alas, what they saw next made them rub their eyes in disbelief.

'œAm, am I seeing things?' One of them shouted.

'œThere'™s no one left'¦' Everyone saw the same thing.

The plain was the same as before, down to a single blade of grass. Unfortunately, the trio and their armies have vanished.

'œHow can this be?! Where did that army go?!' An expert bellowed.

Even ancestors had no clue what was going on. There were more than a hundred thousand men in those cavalries. There should be corpses, at least.

They might not be the strongest legions in Sword Continent but were still quite impressive and intimidating. Moreover, three geniuses led them as well.

Worst of all, there were no fighting noises or screams. This made the whole thing creepier.

'œDamn, am I drunk?' Dong Ling was frightened and decided to drink another mouthful.

Ning Zhu didn'™t expect this either. She thought that Li Qiye would use the power of the earth'™s loop to kill them all. Instead, he simply made them disappear via that fog.

Because of this, she felt as if there was something monstrous slumbering underground.

'œAre there any active illusory effects?' One expert questioned.

Ancestors and kings began using their heavenly gaze. Alas, their careful observation yielded nothing.

One king shook his head: 'œNothing, no illusion nor concealment. This plain is the real thing.'

'œThen where did they go?!' A weak cultivator shuddered in fear.

No one had an answer to his question. Only magic and sorcery could explain this phenomenon.

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