The news of Li Qiye’s extortion astounded all listeners.

“Is this brat crazy and suicidal? He wants two-third as the ransom?” One expert said.

“He’s just different, always overbearing and haughty.” Another big shot became surprised.

“He thinks he can do whatever he wants now that he’s rich, even daring to go against Armament and Sea Emperor. He won’t last long.” One more snorted.

“Why is he doing this? Isn’t it better just to tuck his tail between his legs and enjoy his wealth?” An elder said.

All in all, everyone thought that it was unwise of him to create enemies everywhere. He was already set forever, never having to worry about money ever again.

His best option right now should be to lay low and not garner attention from others. On the other hand, he chose to offend the worst potential enemies.

“How will they retaliate?” Someone murmured.

“What else? They’ll have to kill him. There’s no way they’ll accept his demand.” Another answered.

This was also an issue of pride and reputation. Acquiescing here would ruin these sects. Moreover, spending two-third to save these men would weaken them considerably.

“Buzz.” While everyone was having these conversations, an arrow could be seen exploding in the sky. Sparks scattered and resembled illuminating stars.

A vast dao diagram emerged and an ancient voice could be heard.

“Li Qiye, release everyone now or nothing will be left of you in three days.” The voice left no room for negotiation as it echoed.

“That’s Starshooter King.” Everyone recognized him - the father of Starshooter Prince.

Starshooter Kingdom had maintained a strong stance against Li Qiye.

“See, they will not let him extort them.” An expert said. Most shared this view due to Li Qiye’s outrageous demand.

“Brat, release us now or when our real legion comes, you’ll be crushed.” Starshooter Prince took advantage of this opportunity to threaten Li Qiye.

“That’s fine, I’m bored anyway, I’ll kill whoever dares to come.” Li Qiye answered with a smile.

Listeners outside exchanged glances after hearing his confidence.

“Your death will be ugly…” Starshooter Prince uttered coldly since his threat didn’t work.

“Worry about yourselves first because if I get in a bad mood, I’ll light up a torch and turn you all into roast meat.” Li Qiye interrupted.

The prince had an ugly expression but decided to stop speaking. Li Qiye might actually go crazy and do so. That type of death would be too agonizing.

“Would Li Qiye be able to stop the incoming legions?” One spectator asked.

Both Armament and Starshooter had mighty legions consisting of elite disciples.

“Boom!” A pillar of light from Armament Mountain tore apart the sky. Waves of light rippled from the top, looking holy and making others want to prostrate.

“Rumble!” The ground suddenly shook violently as a massive figure emerged.

This was an old man with a human body and an ape head, adorned in full armor. His eyes were as bright as two suns; no one dared to look straight at him. His aura alone made their knees buckle.

“Celestial Ape Demon King, the first elder of Armament.” Someone took a deep breath after seeing him.

Eight-armed Prince was ecstatic to see him.

“The demon king is doing this himself?” Even the ancestors were wary of this character.

The first elder of Armament was once the national teacher of Starshooter for three generations. This was a testament to his ability and power.

“Let them go right now or face death.” His voice echoed and had more oomph compared to Starshooter King. A pressure descended on the plain, making it hard for the crowd to breathe.

“It’s starting soon.” The spectators gasped because Armament was right next to the plain.

The king didn’t need to arrive in person; the plain was already in range of his techniques.

“Make your move, I’m ready.” Li Qiye nonchalantly responded.

“Brat, die!” The demon king raised his hand and a massive, hairy palm manifested above the plain. Terrifying energies ravaged the sky and dao laws poured down like waterfalls.

Spectators immediately rushed away from the border in order to avoid being crushed to mincemeat by the palm.

“Last chance.” The king threatened.

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