An independent world awaited Li Qiye after traveling through the golden badge. It was a void expanse - a world that has yet to be excavated.

Chaos energy engulfed the area. This was the beginning before the formation of three thousand worlds.

Due to the density of the energy here, it was the best place for cultivation. Just a short session could be quite beneficial.

'œWho are you?' A dignified voice came from above. Listeners would immediately prostrate from fear since the voice could shake the dao heart.

This was akin to being banished to an endless domain. In this place, the listeners were mere insects while the voice belonged to a being above the nine firmaments - a primal god.

Of course, this was completely ineffective against Li Qiye.

'œSomeone who should be here.' Li Qiye smiled.

'œProstrate before me.' The dignified voice was still imperious and unbearable. [1]

'œI don'™t think you can handle it.' Li Qiye smiled.

The voice spoke again: 'œYour ancestors worshipped me so if you wish to enjoy the same blessing, prostrate now and I shall forgive your ignorant insolence.'

This person thought that Li Qiye was a descendant of the Tang.

'œUnfortunately, I am not a member of the Tang.' Li Qiye shook his head.

'œWho are you then? How do you know their secrets?' The voice asked.

'œI'™m afraid you'™ll jump up from fear after finding out.' Li Qiye smiled.

'œSuch shameless boasting, unaware that I am the lord of the nine heavens and ten earths. Gods and devils bow before me. No one has ever dared to disrespect me in the long trek of times'¦' The pressure from the voice intensified. Listeners would feel an immense weight pressing down on their shoulders, capable of crushing their bones. This was an indication of this being'™s might.

'œAlright, let'™s stop playing around.' Li Qiye reached forward and grasped heaven and earth. He shot out an illuminating ray piercing through this world, more than enough to destroy it.

There was no suppressive aura nor loud explosions. Nonetheless, the ray seemingly reduced everything in this world into a miniature version compared to the massive Li Qiye.

'œYou, you are'¦' The being was frightened after seeing this light, completely caught off guard, and no longer sounded imperious like before since he realized Li Qiye'™s identity.

'œIt'™s just a misunderstanding.' The being coughed awkwardly and said timidly: 'œDao Brother, I had no idea that you were coming, my apology.'

It was as if a young cultivator was apologizing to Li Qiye for doing something wrong.

'œForget it, you'™re just a greed intent and have limited abilities. I won'™t be pursuing it.' Li Qiye smiled then sat down.

'œDao Brother, I must say that you are something else, virtually matchless just like a true immortal.' The voice flattered him right away.

'œYou wouldn'™t be speaking right now if I were a true immortal. I would have devoured you first.' Li Qiye said.

'œWell, that'™s true'¦ sigh, true immortals'¦' The voice found it hard to answer at first. Nonetheless, from this sigh, one could hear many implications and secrets about this topic.

'œI'™m curious, why are you here? Even if you'™re just a strand of greed intent.' Li Qiye asked.

'œIt'™s a long story.' The voice responded: 'œYour battle above the sky back then was something else, everyone became afraid and three thousand worlds crumbled as a result'¦'

The tone was one of fear. Of course, this was only a remnant intent, not the actual cultivator. Nonetheless, that battle was truly dreadful. Even the being'™s true form wouldn'™t have survived after participating.

All in all, Li Qiye'™s ferocity went down in history to those in the know. If true immortals existed, they would also be afraid of him. Plenty of supreme monsters went down as a result of that battle.

In reality, those praised as being the strongest by ordinary cultivators were nothing more than ants compared to that battle'™s combatants.

The top beings thought that Li Qiye had died alongside those monsters. But here he was, perfectly fine and well.

'œThree Immortals are still fine.' Li Qiye said.

'œIndeed, but your battle did shake Three Immortals to the core. Nonetheless, the lord was able to handle it.' The voice replied.

'œMore things happened afterward.' Li Qiye said.

'œYes, truly astonishing matters but I don'™t know the details. As you know, I am only a remnant of greed with limited abilities. The lord'™s reach is beyond me.'

'œSo how did you get here?' Li Qiye asked.

The voice chuckled and said: 'œIt'™s a coincidence. After the unexpected events back then, a brat with the last name Tang came to find me.'

'œTang Ben.' Li Qiye added.

'œYes, that'™s him. His clan has a rich history and he somehow figured out enough clues to find me.'

'œIt'™s a shame about the Tang, they used to thrive once. What should have been forgotten was remembered even through the long years.' Li Qiye nodded.

'œYes, Dao Brother.' The voice said: 'œThe brat was angry at me at first but he didn'™t want to change, choosing to be himself instead. He blabbered all the time and annoyed me.'

'œHe must have had a good idea since he successfully convinced you.' Li Qiye smiled.

'œI should have just slapped him to death at the start. Now, here I am in this crappy place instead of Three Immortals.' The voice said with a tinge of regret.

It was persuaded by Tang Ben back then and decided to leave Three Immortals. All the right circumstances granted them safe passage.

Unexpected matters happened later on and it became stuck in Eight Desolaces.

'œHow amusing, that brat isn'™t bad.' Li Qiye smiled.

'œYes, he had a few incredible treasures. His problem was timidity, always afraid of being forced to give them back.'

'œThe issue with the three immortals was a long time ago. I'™m sure if they cared, he wouldn'™t have survived for that long.' Li Qiye said.

'œI told him that too, but he always had a guilty conscience and didn'™t dare to face it.' The voice responded.

'œWhat happens to him next? He couldn'™t have died so early.' Li Qiye asked.

'œSomeone came.' The voice suddenly became serious.

'œSomeone came.' Li Qiye repeated as his eyes narrowed.

'œThe brat was scared out of his mind after finding out.' The voice revealed.

'œHow did he know? His clan was impressive but if that person came, he\\\'d be nothing more than an ant.' Li Qiye asked.

'œThere was a big commotion. The brat got so scared and to be honest, Dao Brother, I was too.' The voice said.

1. Me here is imperious

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