Emperor's Reckoning

489 Introduction of Three Generals

"Well, I have no idea how to act in this situation since... I don't remember any of you yet," said Lyon blatantly. He knew that it may have hurt their feelings but the truth is the truth. There was still a lot that he didn't understand. A part of the memories of his past life sometimes came back without a warning and he had no control over it.

The key was inside the wedding ring that he received from Cecile. Now that he had thought about it, the scene was pretty wild. He was proposed instead of proposing. However, he did not dislike the idea at all, not at all.

"So forgive me," said Lyon with a slight bow.




Lyon's eyebrows twitched as how he heard three different words to refer to him.

"Alright, alright, let's start from the beginning shall we," said Lyon as he patted the dust away from his saron before smirking. "My name is Lyon, Lyon Torga, I uh, well you probably knew me more than me hahaha!"

"There is no doubt about it," said the one with the glasses as he readjusted it with his middle finger.

"Yup," Kesya nodded.

"He is really him, but younger," said the half-giant.

"Eh? Oi oi, what are you guys talking about?" asked Lyon with a tilt of his head.

Kesya suddenly leaped forward with her arms open. She embraced her lord before spinning around his body and locked him to a piggy ride grip. She opened her mouth before she nibbled his ear. Her black ears twitched up and down as her pupils drown in euphoria.

"Oi, what are you doing," asked Lyon with narrowed eyes.

"Mhmm <3" She paid no heed as she mumbled, "So this is the younger version of you, my lord."

This was the same woman that killed those cultivators from heaven. The same one that gave an inspirational farewell to that guild.

"Kesya, stop taking advantage of his low cultivation level to your desire, I know Empress Cecile might not be mind but you know how Empress Selena looks like when she is angry."

"She is not here anyway," said Kesya as she mocked him with her tongue sticking out like a child.

Lyon raised his eyebrows, (Right, Selena, wow, I never thought that she would be the type considering how we met back in Nostria, I wonder how is she doing right now).

"Master, your order," said the half-giant.

"Eh? Hmm... I have no idea, I'm not used to ordering people around, I think," said Lyon with doubt to himself. (I must have been a great ruler am I not? So why am I doubting myself)

"Alright, I have one idea, why don't you two introduce your names to me?" said Lyon as he crossed his arms. He already knew the woman with black elfen ears was called Kesya but the other two were still unknown.

"Certainly my emperor," said the one with the glasses as he genuflected and crossed himself.

"My name is Assid, general of the fifth division!" his eyes turned sharp as he proudly stood straight. With those eyes of an eagle, how many body counts had fallen under his doing.

"My name is Graham, general of the second division!" said the half-giant as he knelt. The power surrounding him was no joke. He was the one responsible for smashing that captain into smithereens along with the giant island.

Kesya suddenly let go of Lyon before standing right in front of him and knelt, "My name is Kesya, general of the sixth division!"

Lyon was slightly taken back. He still couldn't comprehend that these three powerful figures were his generals.

"Wait a minute, so you're saying, the first, the third, and the fourth existed? I still have three more generals?!" exclaimed Lyon.

Lyon's companions had words stuck inside their throats. Just one of them was so powerful, now that the maximum possible is six. The thought could only send them shivering.

They all nodded.

(Unbelievable, these three alone could probably help me take over the entire mortal world, but there are another three waiting?) his smirk turned into a grin as he couldn't wait to meet them all. Heaven was definitely under his feet then and the flaming fire of hell would stray away from his presence.

"You guys are being modest now," said Cecile who had returned.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Lyon with furrowed eyebrows against his wife.

"Let me introduce them properly for you," said Cecile with a smile before her eyes turned sharp.

"First one, Graham. The half-giant half-human managed to ascend the throne in the Giant clan and put a spit on its scripture after they thought that he couldn't be anything for being a halfling. Has mastered all of the giant arts including the dangerous and lethal ones that their predecessor couldn't master. With the power of a giant and the sleek of a human, he was and I hope still is, impeccable. Always at the front! Bringing morals to his army and destroyed the enemies' just by his presence."

"You're too kind, Empress," said Graham

"Next, Assid. He is fully human but with inhuman brains. He is a very sharp and critical kind of man. Too critical perhaps. He was born a noble, but his deficiency in cultivation soon led him to be discarded by his family. But the boy bounces back. His efficiency in dealing with mundane tasks is impeccable but once you see him on the battlefield, the next thing you know, it's already over."

"You're too kind, Empress,"

"Next, Kesya. Half-elf, half dark-elf. Born with the right genes but with the wrong circumstances. Rejected by both the elven and the dark-elven she was deemed trash but her natural talent soon take a growth spurt. Having the immense control and the sharpness of an elf and the burst like power from a dark elf, once she went berserk, even the spatial storm trembles. "

"Thank you, Empress."

"Hmm... I wonder where the other three are right now, but with you here, they are bound to show up sooner or later," smiled Cecile.

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