Bauhinia Pass.

First, he stood far away on the hillside, looking at the last obstacle.

This place is less than three hundred miles away from the capital.

The cavalry can arrive in a day or two.

In fact, a few days ago, he tried to take Zhu Qizhen to Datong Xuancheng, hoping to break through these two big cities.

Completely tearing apart the northern defense line.

However, the generals guarding Xuancheng City in Datong did not open the city as obediently as the generals guarding the small town.

The defender adopted a very clever strategy.

Turn a blind eye.

Only some people who did not know the emperor were left at the top of the city, and he did not go to see them.

Such a cold treatment prevented Wala's vicious plan from succeeding.

I tried many times first, but couldn't open the city gate even though I tried my best.

So he asked for gold and silver property, saying that he would return it to the emperor.

After all, out of consideration for the emperor, a large amount of silver from these two cities was sent out to ensure the safety of Emperor Zhu Qizhen.

More than one hundred thousand taels were quickly distributed.

But how can I be satisfied with killing the red-eyed Wala people?

He also simply left some people to besiege the city first, and led Zhu Qizhen and tens of thousands of elites to bypass many cities.

Go straight to the capital!

What greatly surprised him was that many people abandoned the city and fled immediately when they heard that the Wala army was attacking!

There was almost no large-scale resistance along the way, and it was smooth sailing!

It took less than half the time expected to arrive at Zijingguan Pass!

"Report, Grand Master, there are many guards at Bauhinia Gate!"

The scouts inspected the enemy and reported that Zijin Pass is different from the checkpoints and cities along the way.

The defenses built here are very strong, and there are many soldiers on the city walls.

If it is a strong attack, it will definitely consume a lot of manpower.

The most important thing is that the troops have just been raised in the past half month. Cheng's morale will be damaged! He also wanted to save his morale to attack the capital first!

So he found Zhu Qizhen. It was still night and there was still a big banquet.

However, this time a lot of people were used.

All the surrendered Han people in the team, including the emperor's personal eunuchs who surrendered to the enemy, participated.

Zhu Qizhen subconsciously wanted to refuse, but the situation could not help him. Anyway, many city checkpoints had been opened, and he did not care about one more or one less.

Make sure you have enough to eat and drink first.

All the ambitions and ambitions accumulated since taking the throne have been wiped away by the cold wind and cruel battlefield outside the Great Wall.

All that is left is the selfish Zhu Qizhen.

After I die, no matter the flood Monstrous!

In front of Zijin Pass.

The eunuch shouted,"Open the door quickly!" Open the door!"

A group of people dressed as guards surrounded Zhu Qizhen and stood in front of the checkpoint.

"Who is down there!"

"We took advantage of the chaos to rescue His Majesty from the enemy chief. Hurry up and open the door!"

The eunuch's words made the people guarding the city confused.

But it turned out that the people under the city wall were all Han Chinese, wearing imperial guard armor.

The guard believed it.

"Open the door!"

The gate of Zijin Pass opened quickly, and then closed quickly.

Then a group of valiant cavalry rushed under the city, and they were still yelling at the Ming people for being treacherous!

It was as if Zhu Qizhen had really been rescued!

The guards immediately paid homage to the emperor and saw Everyone after Zhu Qizhen was overjoyed.

It was a real person, the emperor really escaped from the enemy camp!

They also imagined that they should be able to get a lot of rewards in the future, which could be regarded as saving their lives!

There were many flatteries for the personal eunuchs. They wanted to write a few more words about themselves in the credit book.

After all, opening the city gate was a great achievement!

But what they didn't expect was that the city gate was opened in the middle of the night.

The Wala army lurking under the city wall immediately rushed Come in.

The soldiers were slaughtered again, and the flames engulfed everything. When

Zhu Qizhen saw this scene, he felt a little sad in his heart, but then he didn't take it seriously. As long as he can live comfortably, dead people are nothing.

Bauhinia Pass, broken!

The capital, only a step far!



Yu Qian took a deep breath, raised his hands to Queen Mother Sun and said

"Queen Mother, in times of crisis, the country relies on the eldest king.

I sincerely request the Queen Mother to issue an edict to make King Xi ascend the throne!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people agreed

"I second the motion!"

"I second the motion!"

The magnanimity and ability shown by King Tianyi these days have impressed them one after another.

In addition, the emperor in the north is too, too. useless.

They have no choice but to establish a new emperor after the issue of moving southward is rejected.

In general, they were completely disappointed with Zhu Qizhen.

On the other hand, they were also afraid that Wala would repeat his old tricks.

If they blocked Zhu Qizhen in front and attacked the city, should they shoot arrows on the city wall?

Should they defend?

Some things must be avoided!

"I sincerely request the Queen Mother to issue an order to allow King Tan to ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

Seeing this, Li Shimin sat on the second throne.

He couldn't help but think of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, when he and countless others risked a narrow escape.

He was twenty-eight years old before he got the throne.

However, the twenty-three-year-old Tao The king only needs to sit quietly on the chair.

There are ministers fighting for the throne for him!

How happy it is to occupy the throne that comes from the sky with great righteousness!


When it came to the most critical throne, the Queen Mother Sun was furious.

She turned to look at King Xi who was sitting upright, and the suspicion in her heart grew rapidly!

"I sincerely request the Queen Mother to issue an edict!"

Wang Zhi, the official minister, now the head of the hundred officials, spoke.

The ministers behind him knelt down one after another, wanting to support the new king.

The situation was complete, and Li Shimin did not pretend to say anything. He said that he could not take on the big responsibility. He just sat quietly in the second position.

He knew that the Queen Mother Sun was a smart person.

The other party would definitely agree.

Seeing the Queen Mother's hesitation, courtiers kept admonishing her.

"Queen Mother, the Bauhinia Pass has been breached, and Wala troops will be at the gate at any time!

Please make a quick decision"

"It’s up to you!"

Reasonably, Empress Dowager Sun agreed to establish a new king, but emotionally she couldn't accept it.

His own son's throne was taken away!

"Ai Jia is tired, and I will leave the rest of the matter to you adults."

The Empress Dowager Sun glanced at King Xin, then drove away.

"Congratulations to the Queen Mother!"

Li Shimin, like everyone else, said goodbye.

From now on, she was kicked out of the decision-making circle.

King Tao, no, Li Shimin, who is now the emperor, is enough to make any decision!

Everything went so smoothly.

After quickly ascending the throne, Qun The minister pays homage to the emperor

"Long live my emperor, long live the emperor."

Li Shimin chose the same choice as King Tao in history, Jingtai

"Long live my emperor, long live the emperor."

In the Fengtian Palace, he looked at the kneeling ministers below.

His thoughts could not help but flash back to a thousand years ago.

In the palace, so many people cheered for his ascension to the throne!

After a while, Li Shimin came back to his senses and issued an order. There are orders to defend the city.

The first thing to do is to close the city gates tightly.

Li Shimin adopted the suggestions of Yu Qian and others and placed a considerable number of soldiers outside the city.

With your back against the city wall, you don’t have to worry about the cavalry attacking from behind.

You can also use the city wall. The artillery support on board.

The most important thing is that they can attack at any time.

Yu Qian and others had a very detailed idea.

But what they did not expect was that Li Shimin, recognized by later generations as the emperor through the ages, was about to give them a big job!

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