Western Xia.

The new king, Li In-hyo, ascended the throne at a time of crisis.

Under the front of the Song army, they spent half a month in fear.

The good news is that the Song army that came this time had no offense against the Xixia people in the city.

Among them, the Yuejia Army had the best morale and discipline. After defeating the enemy, they immediately left the city to garrison.

The Huaixi Army was fine under Li Qiong's control.

The left guard of the camp was under the two standards and did not dare to do anything too outrageous.

The bad news is that almost most places in Xixia were either captured or surrendered.

Except for the four states outside the river, they are relatively far away and have little strategic value.

The rest of the cities were all under the control of the Song army.

In the palace.

Li Renxiao and the pro-Song faction were discussing how to please the Song Dynasty.

Especially the Song army stationed outside, why haven't they left for so long!

"The minister suggested sending someone to reward the army."

The words of the Minister of Xixia are a bit cryptic, but there are all smart people present.

The implication is to send young women of appropriate age from Xingqing Mansion.

As for what they are going to do in the army, the meaning is self-evident.

"Yes, somewhat."

Li Renxiao has never done such a thing. Half a year ago, they were still a small country with dignity. They still looked down on the Song Dynasty, and even had a little contempt in their hearts.

"Lord, now is the time of life and death.

I don't care about so much anymore. If Xixia can survive, everything will be worth it.

Women among the people will definitely understand, it’s just for the country and the family!"

The pro-Song faction is naturally beneficial to the Song Dynasty.

However, from the perspective of Xixia, these people, like the pro-Jin faction, are somewhat traitorous.

"Then, let’s make arrangements."

Li Renxiao said helplessly, what can he do now? He can only use these unattainable tricks.

"Is it possible? Song Jun this time seems to be different from before."

Some ministers of Xixia also raised objections.

The person who made the suggestion pondered for a moment.

"No matter, you will know if it works after using it.

You should also do your best to make Song Jun eat and drink well."

When everyone thought of the good military discipline of the Song Army, they knew why they lost so miserably.

This is not a simple order and prohibition, but an absolute control of the soldiers!

The combat power of such an army has increased by more than ten times!

In this half month Here, they tried almost every method to please Li Qiong and Song Jun.

The chefs in the palace and the city were all summoned to provide food for Song Jun.

Many things that were originally only available to the royal family were now forced to Take it out.

A great war gave the Xixia people a good self-positioning.

A small country is a small country, and it will be destroyed if it jumps too far!

However, when Song Ting's documents were sent to Li Qiong's army, everything became a success. The outcome was settled.

The Song army, which was relatively restrained against the Li royal family, immediately left the barracks.

Chaos began.

The palace was ruthlessly knocked away.

The emperor, who was still discussing the matter, was caught by the Song army who rushed in and dragged on the ground. It's been a long way

"Spare your life, General, spare your life!"

Li Renxiao made a horrified sound.

However, Li Qiong just raised his eyebrows and looked at the captured Li royal family.

"Everyone is here?"

"There are a few generals missing, and they are still being hunted throughout the city."

"Move quickly."

Li Renxiao, who heard this conversation, couldn't help but think of the Great Terror.

"General, I am willing to give all the treasures of the royal family to you!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Li Qiong grinning his big mouth.

He said with a smile.

"Kill them all."

With an order, the heads of Li Renxiao and dozens of others suddenly fell to the ground.

In the luxurious Xixia Palace, rivers of blood suddenly flowed!

Except for a few children of the Li family who were sent away in advance, all the rest of the royal family were killed by Li Qiong.!

The Li family, who had ruled Xixia for more than a hundred years, was almost declared extinct!

As for those pro-Song faction, they did not mind becoming the dogs of the Song Dynasty.

They were responsible for maintaining order before the civil servants sent by the court to take over. Those who could be the dogs of the Song Dynasty, What an honor!


Four states outside Hebei.

Now that the order to exterminate Xia has been made, these places must be recovered.

The Song army spent half a month on the road, and then ended the battle in two hours.

But they didn't realize that the golden man was lurking next to them, spying on the military situation.

Wanyan Wushu watched the entire battle from beginning to end

"The armors on them all seem to be brand new."

"The means and methods of siege are becoming more and more skillful."

A simple conclusion was quickly drawn.

The strength of the Yue Family Army seemed to be three points stronger. After returning to the Kingdom of Jin, he summarized his summary of the Song Army's battle to destroy Xixia and submitted it to the country in a long book.

The leader, Wanyan Dan, was particularly concerned and summoned him several times.

However, Wanyan Zongpan and other leaders and factions could not deny it.

Not to mention reading it roughly, they did not even open it.

In their impression , the Song army is as weak as it was ten years ago.

As long as the Jin people rest and recuperate for a few years, they can easily organize an army to go south!

Yue Fei will be a chicken and a dog!

The palace of the Kingdom of Jin.

Wanyan Dan looked at the other party hesitantly

"The peace negotiation was decided by everyone together. Can a sudden war convince them?"

Wanyan Wushu advised him several times, saying that the Song Army was getting stronger.

In the hands of an unknown Song Dynasty official, the changes in the Song Army were almost visible to the naked eye.

The first was the further enhancement of the Yue Family Army's combat power. , and the Huaixi Army under Li Qiong's command. Their combat strength is getting closer and closer to that of the Yue Army.

Including Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun's troops, not to mention how strong they are, at least they dare to fight. For the Jin people, this is not good news.

The Jurchens had made all the calculations, but in fact they only had more than three million people.

Compared with the tens of millions of Song people, they were undoubtedly at a disadvantage

"The Kingdom of Jin cannot rest on its laurels. Lord, we must open our eyes and see the world!"

Wanyan Wushu knew very well that the destruction of Xixia this time was due to arrogance.

They treated the Song people and thought they were the same as a few years ago.

However, Liu Chan's arrival changed too many things.

Sitting on the top The emperor had a profound influence on the entire Song Dynasty

"Let me think again, think again."

Wanyan Quan undoubtedly heard it.

Xixia was destroyed by the Song Dynasty within half a year. This incident shocked and stimulated him as much as Wanyan Wushu.

However, he had not yet fully taken charge.

All major and minor state affairs in the Jin Kingdom were controlled by Wanyan Zongpan. These people had the final say.

Once again, they rejected Wanyan Wushu's suggestion.

They maintained the peace with the Song people and continued to enjoy the dividends of the mutual trade.

Another year passed.

Time came to Shaoxing Nine Years.

Wanyan Wushu Shu sat in front of the tombstone of his brother Wanyan Zongwang and stared at it for a long time.

This was the second son of Wanyan Aguda, who was as famous as Wanyan Zonghan at the time.

But he died too early, so his younger brother Wanyan Wushu is now alone. Branch.

For a long time, he said to himself

"Brother, this matter has reached the point where it has to be done.

The Song people are getting stronger every day, but we are just stuck in our ways.

Peace will eventually make the Kingdom of Jin follow in the footsteps of Xixia.

If you have spirit in heaven, please bless me to succeed."

After that, Wanyan Wushu poured a cup of wine in front of the tombstone.

Then he stood up and looked at the three hundred dead soldiers behind him!

"For the Kingdom of Jin!"

"For the Kingdom of Jin!"

The loud voice of the crowd seemed to reach the sky!

In the next hour,

Wanyan Wushu and his people controlled everyone in the court, especially the powerful masters and factions such as Wanyan Zongpan.

"What are you going to do, rebel?"

"Damn it! Get out!"

Faced with these insulting words, Wanyan Wushu didn't say a single word. He ruthlessly ended their lives with a knife!

A coup came and went quickly.

The next day, the city was quiet, as if It was as if nothing had happened.

Wanyan Dan was still the noble lord of the country, but both the lord and the faction died last night. The person in power now was Wanyan Wushu.

A few days later, he issued the first major order

"Destroy the Song Dynasty! Destroy the Song Dynasty! Destroy the Song Dynasty!"

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