
There are two trees behind the coal mountain, one is a locust tree and the other is also a locust tree.

However, on the crooked neck locust tree on the left, there is the sixteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Chongzhen, Zhu Youzhen.

"Long live the lord, is it really to the point where you have to do it!"

The eunuch Wang Chengen knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

"I despise Liangde, and I am to blame, but all the ministers are mistaken.

I died without a face to see my ancestors, and I took off my crown and covered my face with hair.

Let the thieves be divided, and not one of the people will be harmed. "

Zhu Youzhen was to the effect that although I am only a shallow learner, the Manchu Dynasty is too wasteful in civil and military affairs.

Hang yourself like this, you don't have the face to see your grandfather and them.

I'll die first, you feel free.

Subsequently, Zhu Youzhen's consciousness gradually dissipated.

Liu Chan's consciousness also dissipated with him.

Chongzhen's huge memories of the past seventeen years flashed in Liu Chan's mind.

After the rise of Jin, Huang Taiji plundered the north!

The people revolted, and Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other peasant armies captured the Quartet!

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, drought death, waterlogging death!

The court is chaotic, the struggle for power is constant, and no one is doing the right thing!

The long river of time flows.

It was August of the seventh year of the Apocalypse.

Liu Chan's consciousness gradually sobered up, and the voice of the eunuch next to him became clearer and clearer.

"The fifth brother of the emperor believes that the king is smart and long-awaiting, and he is benevolent and filial.

The text of the "Ancestral Training" brother and brother, Pi Shaolun preface, that is, the emperor's throne. "

The righteousness of the holy decree is that I, the fifth brother, are very good, according to the emperor's ancestral precepts formulated by my grandfather.

After I die, this emperor will be given to my fifth brother.

"Congratulations to King Xin, no, Your Majesty. "

"Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

A group of eunuchs knelt on the ground one after another, congratulating Zhu Youzhen, the king of letters, no, Liu Chan on his accession to the throne.

Liu Chan, who was at a loss, took the holy decree and looked at the eunuch next to him.

I probably understand, the fifteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youxiao, died, and it was the emperor's turn.

"What day is it?"

The other party didn't care and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's August 20th. "

"What about the vintage?"

"Seven years of the Apocalypse. "

Liu Chan let out a long sigh, even though he didn't know Fang Cai's brother who was called Emperor Chongzhen.

But the other party is a little too miserable.

At the beginning, the eunuchs were chaotic, and the eunuchs were all over the court.

Then there was uneasiness both inside and outside, there was an uprising of the people inside, and there was the Houjin Emperor Taiji eyeing him outside.

In addition, the disasters of the previous year, floods in the south and drought in the north, and the poor treasury is cleaner than the face.

The ministers in the court are all bombastic nerds.

Even though he was diligent and conscientious for seventeen years, he finally ended up hanging.

Poor, pathetic!


Thinking of this, Liu Chan suddenly burst out laughing.

The surrounding eunuchs and palace people looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

They secretly said in their hearts, "Even if you become an emperor, you can't be so happy." "

The eunuch Wang Chengen was on the side and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the first emperor has just died, so it's not good to be so happy. "

Everyone understands the joy and happiness of being an emperor, but it can't be so obvious.

My brother is dead, so I have to pretend and cry a few times.

You can get by on face.

However, Liu Chan just threw the holy decree in the sky, turned around and left.

"Even if I starve to death, I won't be this emperor!"

Just kidding, when the last emperor?

Liu Chan has already experienced it once in Shuhan, so he doesn't want to take over this mess!

Today's Ming Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles, and it is not even enough to call it a mess.

A lump of mud, it should be said!

Anyone who wants to change will get stuck in an endless mud and can't extricate themselves.

until he traps his whole person into it and can't be reborn.

"Your Majesty!"

The eunuchs were stunned at first, and then panicked.

Especially the eunuch who passed on the decree, it has been hundreds of years since the decree was handed down, and this has never happened!

Not an emperor?

Isn't there something wrong with the king's brain?

Liu Chan smiled and had already walked into the palace.

He had already figured out that it was impossible to be an emperor when he was an emperor.

Only when you are a rich prince and maintain a rich life for more than ten years.

After the big deal, if you flee to the south, you can continue to live a prosperous life.

Turning the tide, ZTE Daming?

It's not that Liu Chan hasn't thought about it, but every time he comes to the conclusion.


When Zhu Yuanzhang, the great grandfather, established the Ming Dynasty, it was poor and white, and there were barren fields ravaged by the Yuan people everywhere.

And how much was the imperial court tax in the Hongwu year and Yongle years?

More than 20 million taels.

After more than 200 years of development, the population has doubled.

Industry and commerce, overseas trade developed rapidly, and even had the germ of capital.

Jiangnan is rich, and the north lives and works in peace and contentment.

More than four million taels.

How much does Liaodong's military spending alone need?

More than five million taels.

Thinking of Liu Chan here, tears were about to burst into laughter.

Can it be saved? Can't be saved!

After resisting the people of the Jin Emperor Taiji, the treasury had no money, so they could only increase taxes and raise military salaries.

Then the people increased their taxes, and they were made unable to survive by corrupt officials and corrupt officials, so they could only participate in the rebellion of the rebels!

To exterminate the rebels, they need military salaries, so they can only continue to increase taxes.

More people could not survive and joined the rebel rebellion.

It's an endless loop!

At that time, Chongzhen couldn't understand at all, why the rebel army was suppressing more and more?

It doesn't matter, and it doesn't work.

There is only one deep-seated reason.

That is, Da Ming is rotten from top to bottom!

During the period of Emperor Jiajing, the Yan Party under the bottom collected four million taels of salt tax silver, which could give the emperor one million taels.

A quarter is already counted as faithful.

During the period of Emperor Chongzhen, if you can send one-fortieth of the silver, you can be regarded as a loyal minister!

The real situation may be even more exaggerated!

"Haha.. !"

Thinking of this, Liu Chan just smiled and shook his head.

Where is this throne, it's a furnace!

seems to be full of flowers, the father of more than 100 million people in the Ming Dynasty.

But the place has long been detached from morality, who will listen to the emperor?

Maybe there are only a few personal eunuchs, and Wang Chengen is one.

"Lord Wang. "

Princess Zhou walked over, hesitated for a moment and still called her usual name.

"Princess, this throne is a hot coal, I can't take it!"

Liu Chan pulled the other party's Rouyi, knowing the purpose of her coming.

Judging from the memories of the next seventeen years, this man is also a hard worker.

became a queen, but without the treatment of a queen, her life was even worse than that of a princess.

At least at that time, there was no need to worry so much.

"Lord, this is the throne. "

Princess Zhou is a little incredulous, can anyone in the world refuse the temptation of the throne?

Liu Chan naturally couldn't resist the temptation of the throne, but the memories of internal and external troubles in the next seventeen years made him almost immediately dispel his thoughts.

What's more, he wants to do it all at once.

"Princess, in this way, you go and pack up your belongings.

resigned from the throne, this Jingshi can't stay any longer.

Why don't you go to Nanjing, or a place further south!"

It is estimated that Liu Chan feels that he has at least thirty or forty years to be at ease.

"Listen to the prince. "

Princess Zhou nodded, now that the other party has made up her mind.

All she could do was listen, the palace was as deep as the sea, and she had heard it.

The country is difficult, the situation is critical, and Zhou has heard more or less about it.

Maybe it's really good to go to the south for a leisurely life?



Wei Zhongxian was lying on the collapse, and a eunuch was beating his legs. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Nine thousand years old, it's not good!"

Someone stumbled in, panicked.

But Wei Zhongxian, who was on the ground, did not respond, and still closed his eyes.

The eunuch kneeling at the bottom seemed to remember something and slapped himself in the mouth.

Only then did he change his words. []

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old!"

With this sound, Wei Zhongxian opened his eyes.

The eunuchs were uneducated, but they learned what the limit was.

If you can't be a long live, you should be nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old.

Of course, you can add 11 months and 29 days, but that doesn't sound good.

"Anyway, what's the matter of panicking?"

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old, King Xin, no, Your Majesty threw the decree of succession to the ground.

What else to say, what to starve to death yourself, and not to be this emperor. "

Wei Zhongxian, who heard this, was only slightly surprised in his heart, and then shook his head.

"You guys, let you read more often.

Don't understand this?

has always passed on the throne, which one is not a resignation?

What's more, this one, but the younger brother of the first emperor, naturally wants to come to such a trick to avoid suspicion. "

The eunuch kneeling at the bottom suddenly realized, and hurriedly got up and said.

"Yes, it's small and uneducated. "

Wei Zhongxian's face was a little more smiling, and he said leisurely.

"Keep going and please, every time it's more solemn and formal.

I don't need to teach you such things. "

In fact, he is the one who has no culture, and he likes others to haunt the ugliness of culture in front of him.

"Yes, little one understands. "

With that, the man left.

Although he was groveling in front of Wei Zhongxian.

But the position of the celebrant made him arrogant in front of the courtiers.

The second time, the third time.

More and more eunuchs went to proclaim the decree.

The fourth time he went to many courtiers and advised Liu Chan, the king of letters, to ascend the throne quickly.

A nation shall not be left without an owner for a day.

Of course, most of the ministers in it are eunuchs.

Otherwise, it will not be mixed with the eunuchs.

But the fourth time, without exception, failed.

Everyone panicked, it's not a bridge of resignation!

Does this really not want to be an emperor?


Wei Zhongxian was also surprised.

"The fourth time, also shirked?"

The eunuch kneeling at the bottom said without tears at this moment.

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old, this time Your Majesty don't say that it refuses.

The door was closed, and our people didn't even enter!

I've been waiting for almost two hours, and I really can't help but tell you!"

"How so?"

Wei Zhongxian couldn't help but get up from the collapse, stood up and paced in place.

"It shouldn't be!

Emperor Xian and King Xin met before, and they should have said it well.

Is it against me this time?"

The next moment, Wei Zhongxian felt that the other party might be dealing with him.

Could it be that there is a traitor in the palace, so he will not ascend the throne?

However, Wei Zhongxian soon dispelled this idea.

If you really want to deal with yourself, you should ascend the throne first.

Now he is still a king, not an emperor!

How many more times?

Could it be that this person wants to refuse a few more times?"

Wei Zhongxian said a little uncertainly.

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old, I heard that the palace of King Xin has begun to pack up his belongings.

said that he was going to the south, but it didn't look like a fake.

Several convoys of things have already been sent south. "

"What, go south!"

This move completely exceeded Wei Zhongxian's expectations, and it also completely disrupted his deployment.

If you really don't want to be the emperor, the south is really a good place to go.

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old, what are we going to do now? "

After the words were spoken, several of the celebrant supervisors surrounded him.


"Ancestor, the first emperor had no heirs.

Now it seems that King Shin really does not want to be emperor.

Why don't you come?"

"Yes, the old ancestor might as well be one year older. "

The implication is to change from 9,999 years old to a real long live.

These few people present are all from the dragon's work.

"This. "

Wei Zhongxian hesitated, he hadn't thought of this possibility.

After a while, he still shook his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am a man without eggs.

I deserve everything, but I can't sit in this position.

You should think of a way to persuade the king to ascend the throne as soon as possible. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone shut up and stopped mentioning the big rebellion.

"Why don't you talk to the Qinglius, they might have a way?"

"Yes, now that the throne is vacant, aren't they in a hurry?

Let them figure it out together. "

"Yes, now there are internal and external troubles.

There has to be an emperor for everyone to feel at ease. "

Wei Zhongxian pondered, is there any other choice in the Zhu family clan?

Do you want someone else to be the emperor?

But after thinking about it for a long time, the bloodlines of these candidates are either too far away (good money Zhao) or too young.

I searched the entire clan, and only King Shin was the most suitable.

Genzheng Miaohong is the younger brother of the former emperor Zhu Youxiao, and the two have a good relationship.

Seventeen years old, not too young to be ignorant, and not too old to be scheming.

For Wei Zhongxian, such an emperor is better controlled.

Someone suddenly said, "Why don't you tell the queen too, and let her persuade the king too."

I heard that when the emperor asked for it, the queen was also present. "

As soon as this method came out, the people present hesitated slightly.

The queen, Zhang Yan, who is about to become the queen mother, is not an easy character to get along with.

and Wei Zhongxian's faction can't say that they have a good relationship, they can only say that they have hatred like mountains and seas.

After all, her children were lost by the eunuchs.

Since then, Empress Zhang Yan has begun to deal with Wei Zhongxian and the eunuchs.

I have to say that this is a very scheming woman.

How many six Shangshu and cabinet ministers were moved down by Wei Zhongxian.

Only she remained immovable, and even began to be on par with Wei Zhongxian in the palace.

"Try it. "

Wei Zhongxian waved his hand absently.

The emperor is gone, and he has no heart to embarrass the other party.

It's too fierce, and no one's face looks good.

What's more, his heart is also depressed in every way at the moment, after all, the emperor died too suddenly.

There were many people in the court, and it was also rumored that Wei Zhongxian killed the first emperor.

If Wei Zhongxian hears it, he will definitely scold and fart.

After all, he wants Zhu Youxiao to live for a long time.

Because this carpenter emperor handed over almost all the government to him.

also has great trust in Wei Zhongxian.

No matter from which point of view, Wei Zhongxian is the biggest beneficiary.


Zhang Yan, who was still the queen, couldn't help but be surprised when she heard this.

"Come on, put the letter to the palace. "

"Yes, sis!"

Soon, the palace gates opened.

Carrying Zhang Yan's carriage and horse, he headed towards the palace of King Xin.

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