As the imperial study, the number of books in it is so large that it can be regarded as the first personal study in the entire Daning Dynasty.

Even if there are not 100,000 books, there are at least tens of thousands of books.

In this world where books and knowledge are extremely expensive, tens of thousands of books can already make most people amazed.

He had read a lot of books before, but Lu Changjing had never discovered that there was a secret hidden on the bookshelf behind the books.

If it weren't for his spiritual power entering the realm of the Grandmaster, and he had been familiar with the bookshelves many times these days, Lu Changjing would not have noticed that the bottom of the sixth grid of the second row of bookshelves was slightly raised by a few millimeters.

This extremely subtle difference is not noticeable to ordinary people at all, and even if it is found, they will not think of other places.

But Lu Changjing felt a little strange. You know, as the emperor's imperial study, every facility in it is carefully carved, let alone a difference of a few millimeters, even half a millimeter rarely appears.

Now this grid is a few millimeters higher than the others. If you say there is no trick, even a fool will not believe it.

After a little consideration, Lu Changjing sensed the surrounding situation and confirmed that no one would come in a short time. Then he came to the grid and touched it carefully.


After a while, Lu Changjing used his true energy to pry and actually opened the grid, revealing a thin gold foil underneath.

He quickly took out the gold foil and restored the grid to its original state. Lu Changjing returned to his seat and began to read it carefully.

Soul-picking Secret Scripture!

Unknown magic, spiritual secret skills!

Lu Changjing was stunned and looked at the gold foil in his hand in disbelief. He didn't expect its level to be so high.

Although he didn't know what level it was, he knew it was extraordinary just by hearing the name. At least it was above the ordinary, spiritual and divine arts.

At present, the highest level of secret arts he knew was the top divine art level. He didn't know what level was above it. He didn't expect that this gold foil would record such a level of secret arts.

Once it was spread out, let alone him, I'm afraid the entire Daning Dynasty would be in danger.

He didn't know whether Ning Zhongyu hid it here or the previous emperor hid it here.

The Daning Dynasty is indeed the top dynasty of the past. It has a deep foundation and even has such good things.

Lu Changjing stopped thinking and started to memorize the tiny words on it. It took more than two hours to memorize all the contents on it.

With the improvement of physical fitness, the talent and qualifications were also driven to grow. Memory, comprehension, and understanding... have skyrocketed a lot. Although it is still impossible to remember everything, it is not far away.

This piece of gold foil records tens of thousands of words, which are divided into three major secrets, namely soul-picking, soul-stealing, and soul-changing.

The soul-picking technique can give birth to the soul-picking hook. A soul-picking hook can hook away the three souls and seven spirits of a warrior of the same level, and suppress a strand of his three souls and seven spirits in the hook, so that the other party can use it for himself.

If the other party does not obey, just a mental move can make his soul fly away.

The soul-picking hook can also vaguely sense the opponent's thoughts. When the opponent has evil thoughts, it can teach the opponent a lesson in advance or make the opponent's soul fly away. It can be called the ultimate enslavement and control technique.

The only drawback is that the soul-picking hook is extremely sharp, and the pressure on the spiritual sea is amazing. If you are not careful, you may hurt the spiritual sea.

After hooking away a wisp of the enemy's three souls and seven spirits, the pressure will be greater. It is not easy to enslave and control the enemy.

If you want to get rid of the control of the soul-picking hook, first, the level of the skill and secret technique is far higher than the soul-picking technique, and second, the spiritual power is far higher than Lu Changjing by ten or a hundred times, so that you can get rid of the control.

Neither of them is so easy to achieve.

The soul-stealing technique can steal the memories and thoughts in the spiritual sea of ​​other warriors, especially those skills, combat skills and secret techniques with restrictions.

It can effectively avoid the inheritance restrictions and obtain the opponent's secrets silently, which is also extremely practical.

The soul-changing technique can modify the memory of others or delete the memory of others.

The three secret arts are all very useful and are very suitable for Lu Changjing's current situation.

Its breadth and depth far exceeds any martial arts, combat skills and secret arts that Lu Changjing has learned before, and even the Imperial Divine Art system is far inferior.

This opportunity is absolutely amazing!

Lu Changjing hurriedly put the Soul Picking Secret Scripture back. If it was left by Ning Zhongyu, and he knew that he had memorized the contents inside, he would definitely not let Lu Changjing go.

Next, he plans to practice the Soul Picking Art well, and when he breeds the Soul Picking Hook, he may be able to enslave and control Cao Wenzhen.

This old eunuch is quite afraid of death. As long as he can hook away a wisp of his three souls and seven spirits, he is not afraid that he will not listen to his orders obediently.

Even if he cannot take away a wisp of Cao Wenzhen's three souls and seven spirits, he can also take away a wisp of Cao Xiuyuan's three souls and seven spirits outside the imperial study, so that he will no longer listen to Cao Wenzhen, but only listen to Lu Changjing, which will make it much easier to act at that time.

If he could take away a strand of Ning Zhongyu's souls and spirits later, he could easily steal the entire Daning Dynasty and become the real emperor.

At that time, Ning Zhongyu would not only not be his enemy, but also become his helper in controlling the Daning Dynasty, allowing him to take charge of the entire Daning Dynasty as soon as possible, or vice versa, let Ning Zhongyu become his substitute.

Of course, he must be castrated before that, so that he won't put a hat on himself.

This magic came too timely, and Lu Changjing never thought that there was such a powerful magic in the world.

Soon Lu Changjing began to understand and practice the Soul Picking Technique. Although the side effects were not small, they were completely bearable for Lu Changjing, whose physique was more than a hundred times that of ordinary people.

Let alone one soul-picking hook, even two or three... maybe it wouldn't be a problem.

It can breed up to nine soul-picking hooks, and can enslave nine powerful practitioners. Even if their cultivation level is higher than themselves, they can still enslave and control them, as long as their mental strength does not exceed Lu Changjing's ten times or a hundred times.

As he entered the realm of master in refining the gods, Lu Changjing's spiritual attainments have surpassed many great masters.

Therefore, in theory, with Lu Changjing's current strength, if he encounters the right opportunity, he can even take away a ray of the Grand Master's three souls and seven souls and use them for his own use.

The highest combat power of the Daning Dynasty is the Grand Master of the tenth level of Forging Pulse. If he can enslave the nine Grand Masters, even if his true identity is exposed, Lu Changjing will have nothing to fear.

Smiling slightly, Lu Changjing was immersed in practice, unaware of the passage of time.

Although the Soul Picking Technique is complex and sharp, Lu Changjing's current talent and qualifications are close to one in a million, so it is not difficult to understand it.

It will probably only take a few days to start practicing the soul-picking technique.

When the first soul-picking hook is conceived, it's time for him to take action.

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