Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1065: Where is He Xiaomei's office?

"Okay, call me anytime, and then make an appointment at a specific time." Wen Chenyu replied, thinking that he had already told Long Yixi that he would definitely take good care of He Xiaomei, so he could not hear his answer. It doesn't matter anymore.


After Long Yixi hung up the phone, he threw the phone directly into the storage box, holding the steering wheel in both hands, watching the road ahead, but his eyes were full of hatred and hatred.

He Xiaomei, it seems that she is about to get to know her again. She is completely different now from eight years ago.

Eight years ago, she was very well-behaved, very responsible, and very clean and self-loving.

But eight years later, she was so open, cohabiting with Qin Yan, and still provoke Chenyu, are there other men she doesn't know are related to her? Ambiguous?

Thinking of this, Long Yixi's heart became more angry.

He Xiaomei, you have really made me startled.

When Long Yixi came to the construction site, He Xiaomei hadn't arrived yet. Long Yixi glanced at his watch. It was half an hour before 8:30.

Yesterday’s rule was for everyone to report at the construction site at 9 o’clock today, so

Long Yixi knew that this would be embarrassing to He Xiaomei, so he didn't say anything, and patrolled near the construction site.

At 8:45, He Xiaomei arrived. After He Xiaomei reported to Shiming, she found five other employees of her company. At nine o'clock, everyone gathered for a meeting.

At 8:55, Long Yixi came back from inspection and saw He Xiaomei not far away at a glance. She wore a very simple dress today, with an off-white upper body, black tight pants on the lower body, and flat sneakers on her feet. She is kind of pure.

Long Yixi's heart throbbed again, but Long Yixi refused to admit that the throbbing in his heart was because of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei also saw Long Yixi at this meeting. She was talking to a few colleagues in her company, and she became nervous at this meeting. She whispered to her colleagues, "Everyone prepares and waits for Halong to give us a meeting."


At nine o'clock exactly, the first construction site meeting of this project started. Shi Ming presided over. Long Yixi only said a few words. After that, Shi Ming began work arrangements and the logistics system was announced. Finally, Shi Ming arranged for everyone to stay.

"Designer He, how did you arrange for your company?" Shi Ming wanted to listen to the arrangement of Designer He from Runcheng before making a decision.

He Xiaomei replied to Shi Ming, "We have six people in our company plus me. Let the four men assign them in pairs. I live with our company's data clerk."

The accommodation is a small single-room house for two people, so it happens to be allocated properly for my company.

But as soon as He Xiaomei finished speaking, Shi Ming didn't answer, so Long Yixi spoke.

"No." Long Yixi objected directly.

"Suddenly, everyone around was surprised.

He Xiaomei didn't understand Long Yixi's reasons for objecting, and Shi Ming didn't understand.

"President Long, this" Shi Ming was interrupted by Long Yixi before he could say anything.

"A general manager, planning to live with the employees?" Long Yixi said.

He Xiaomei was taken aback, wondering, what happened to living with employees? Just take a break at night. During the day, everyone is busy with their own work. It has no effect. Why can't you live together?


However, Shi Ming understood and immediately said, "Yes, yes, Mr. Long is right. Designer He is the person in charge of this project, and of course he cannot live in the dormitory of ordinary employees."

"Designer He," Shi Ming looked at He Xiaomei, and said, "Well, let's live in our single dormitory, and let your company's data staff live with our company's data staff. Do you think this works?"

He Xiaomei was still a little confused, but she could figure it out a little bit, and asked Shi Ming, "Are there only three of us, the lady living on the construction site?"


He Xiaomei nodded, and then said, "Okay, then I will live in a single dormitory."

Since there are three people, one of them must live alone, and Long Yixi's objection is to let him live alone, so he can satisfy his wish.

"Okay, then I'll write it down." Shi Ming said, marking the assigned personnel conveniently.

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei with a calm look, thinking in her heart, He Xiaomei, you will treat overtime as a daily meal in the future. You and other female colleagues can't get in touch with each other, but I want to see. If you complain in your heart, who can you go to? Talk?

After the accommodation was allocated, Shi Ming asked everyone to take their luggage and go to the dormitory to tidy up. There was no work in the morning, and work began in the afternoon.

After listening, everyone left one after another. When He Xiaomei was about to leave, he was stopped by Shi Ming.

"He designer," Shi Ming said to He Xiaomei, "forgot to remind you that your single dormitory is over there, not with other employees."

Shi Ming said, pointing to the location on the other side of the staff dormitory, and continued, “There are two single dormitories over there, one for yours and one for the temporary accommodation of President Long. It happens to be the dormitory of the two of you in charge. "

"" He Xiaomei was startled, and asked Shi Ming, "Ms. Long also wants to live on the construction site?"

Shi Ming shook his head and replied, "No, Mr. Long usually doesn't live on the construction site, but occasionally he takes a break at noon, or if something happens temporarily, Mr. Long will stay on the construction site, so his room must be reserved."

He Xiaomei nodded, and then she understood.

Shi Ming continued, "Also, designer He, you usually live there alone, you must pay attention to safety at night, and immediately call the security room downstairs if you have something to do."

"Well, yes, I see." He Xiaomei replied.

After greeting Shi Ming, He Xiaomei went to the logistics side to get the key to her dormitory, and then went to the dormitory.

Long Yixi kept staring at He Xiaomei's figure until he couldn't see it anymore, and then took his gaze back and went to the office.

When Shi Ming saw President Long had gone to the office, he hurriedly followed.

There are two three-story temporary board houses on the construction site, one is a dormitory and the other is an office building.

Long Yixi came to his office and looked around. Although it was a bit crude and incomparable with the company's office, there was nothing wrong with the simple, clean and hygienic furnishings in the office.

After Long Yixi sat down at his desk, he noticed that there was another desk not far away.

"Whose office is that?" Long Yixi asked Shiming.

"It's for the document clerk," Shi Ming replied, "in the future, you and the document clerk will work in the same office to facilitate communication."

"Where is He Xiaomei's office?" Long Yixi asked again.

"Next to your office," Shi Ming finished speaking, and then explained, "Designer He's office is the same as your furnishings. She also works with their company's data clerk, and the two are in the same office." !--rm-->

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