Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1074: Just a display?

Hao Lu looked at the back of Mr. Long and his girlfriend this time, and said, “Mr. Long’s girlfriend is quite pretty, and they are very tasteful in dress.”

"But Sister Xiaomei, to be honest, his girlfriend's appearance is not as pretty as you." Hao Lu said with her own judgment.

In fact, in terms of appearance, Xiaomei is much more prettier than Mr. Long’s girlfriend, but it can be seen that Mr. Long’s girlfriend can dress up. She pursues a fashion style, and Sister Xiaomei is a simple and simple style, so on this point , Mr. Long’s girlfriend may be highly regarded by the public.

He Xiaomei retracted her gaze, lowered her head and continued to eat, and answered Hao Lu's words, "The girlfriend chosen by President Long will naturally be much better."

Hao Lu didn't notice Xiaomei's emotions, but just nodded and said, "Yes, President Long has such a noble status, and the people around him are excellent people, so it is natural to choose a good girlfriend."

He Xiaomei smiled, did not answer any more, and ate quietly.

After Long Yixi and Pei Jiale walked out of the restaurant, Long Yixi asked Pei Jiale, "Where is your car parked?"

When Pei Jiale heard this, Long Yixi wanted to drive herself away. Pei Jiale immediately took Long Yixi's arm with both hands and said begging, "Yixi, can I stay with you for a while?"

"Don't you have a dormitory here? Let's sit in your dormitory for a while. I will leave before going to work in the afternoon. It will definitely not delay your work in the afternoon, I promise." Pei Jiale said.

Long Yixi didn't have any waves in his heart, and took out his arm from Pei Jiale's hand and said coldly, "I'm going to work now. I don't have time to accompany you."

Hearing what Long Yixi said, Pei Jiale felt disappointed. He could only point his finger to the parking place not far away and tell Long Yixi that his car was parked there.

Long Yixi walked straight to Pei Jiale's car, Pei Jiale could only follow Long Yixi.


After walking to Pei Jiale's car, Long Yixi was still cold and said, "Get in the car and drive slowly on the road."

"Oh." Pei Jiale answered, feeling unwilling to leave now.

But he had no reason to stay, so he could only leave.

Before getting into the car, Pei Jiale suddenly turned around and walked two steps in front of Long Yixi. When he grabbed Long Yixi's arm with both hands, he stood on tiptoe and wanted to kiss Long Yixi.

Long Yixi reacted immediately. When Pei Jiale's lips were about to get close to him, Long Yixi stepped back and his head also moved to the side.

Pei Jiale jumped for nothing.

After Pei Jiale's movements stopped, Long Yixi took her hand from her arm with both hands, took two steps back, and said to her, "Let's go."

After speaking, Long Yixi turned and left.

Pei Jiale looked at Long Yixi's back, with tears in her eyes.

Having been with him for so many years, there was no intimacy at all, never holding hands, never kissing, let alone anything else.

Pei Jiale turned around and got in the car. He didn't immediately start the car to leave. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and edited a text message, "Yixi, I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now."

After editing, Pei Jiale sent it to Long Yixi.

auzw.com I know that he hates other people’s initiative and coercion. When he took the initiative just now, he was unprepared, and if he really kissed him, it would be forced, so He must be angry.

Before Long Yixi walked to the office, the phone rang. Long Yixi knew that it was a text message and didn't read it immediately. Until he returned to the office to sit down, Long Yixi took out the phone and read the text message.

After reading the brief message, Long Yixi didn't care at all. He directly deleted the text message, then put his phone aside, and looked in the direction of He Xiaomei's office.

Thinking of the content of He Xiaomei's phone call with Qin Yan during dinner, her anger rose.

Long Yixi sat in the office and waited for He Xiaomei's arrival. It was not until five minutes before work that Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei walk into the office.

He Xiaomei glanced at Long Yixi, and looked at each other for a few seconds. After quickly shifting her gaze, He Xiaomei greeted him politely, "Mr. Long, good afternoon."

After the greeting, He Xiaomei went to sit down at her desk and started work in the afternoon.

Seeing her calm look, Long Yixi felt more anger in her heart, but at this moment, she didn't know what to say to He Xiaomei.

Long Yixi can only endure the anger in his heart, lower his head and work.

An hour later, Long Yixi suddenly called out, "He Xiaomei."

He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi's voice, raised her head, looked at Long Yixi, and asked, "Ms. Long, what's the matter?"

"This file will be driven out by 8 o'clock tomorrow." Long Yixi said, putting the file in his hand next to the table, and beckoning He Xiaomei to come and fetch it.

He Xiaomei understood what Long Yixi meant, and did not answer. Instead, she got up, walked to Long Yixi's desk, took the file and opened it and looked at it.

Looking around, the expression on He Xiaomei's face suddenly changed.

There are so many materials that need to be filled in, and there is still a lot of data that needs to be consulted by other departments one by one. How can I finish writing these before 8 o'clock tomorrow?

He Xiaomei didn't think much about it. After closing the file, she looked at Long Yixi and said, "Mr. Long, I can't complete these materials at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"So?" Long Yixi asked, "You, the head of the Runcheng Empire, are just a decoration? Not good at work?"

"No, this is not a question of my work ability," He Xiaomei replied, "With so much work, no matter how strong my work ability is, it will not be possible to finish it before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. If it can be postponed to the next morning, I can finish it. "

The time is too short. If you can postpone one day, you can finish working overtime.

"He Xiaomei, do you think you can bargain for my decision?" Long Yixi's attitude towards He Xiaomei is not gentle at all, with a cold face and a strong tone.

"But you are embarrassing me." He Xiaomei said.

After saying this, He Xiaomei's mind suddenly reacted, her expression changed, and she was no longer excited.

Yes, he was embarrassing himself, why didn't he think of this just now?

The relationship between myself and him is more than just a working relationship. I already had hatred with him eight years ago. He hates himself, and he already hates himself in his heart.

Long Yixi wanted to continue, but seeing the expression on He Xiaomei’s face changed, Long Yixi didn’t say what Long Yixi wanted to say. He kept staring at He Xiaomei’s face and wanted to know her from her expression. Inner thoughts.

After thinking about it in her heart, He Xiaomei was not as impulsive as before, took a deep breath, and said to Long Yixi, "Okay, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, I will give you the file."

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