Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1098: Could it be... she?

So what she did just now was because of the pain in her ankle? Instead of imprisoning her and hurting her?

After confirming the facts, Long Yixi's heart began to panic. He looked at her ankles again, and then at her expression. Seeing that her brows were still frowning, Long Yixi's heart was even more messy and full of Worry.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Long Yixi asked her, this stupid woman, her ankle hurts, wouldn't she tell herself?

He Xiaomei did not answer, her eyes were still staring hollowly at a certain place.

After waiting for a while, Long Yixi completely understood.

Eight years ago, when I loved her, I was by her side, and there was no way to take her temper. Today, she is still by my side, and there is no way to take her, no way.

This woman, being stubborn, is really terrible. She wants her own life.

Long Yixi did not waste any more time, immediately stretched out his hand, took the phone, and directly broadcast Tai Qin's number.

"Hey, Yixi."

"Have you come to the hotel? How long will it take?" Long Yixi hurriedly asked.

"It hasn't arrived yet, maybe there are still twenty minutes." Tai Qin drove the car, this would not be sure the exact time, so he could only give a rough idea.

Long Yixi was anxious, but she had no choice but to say, "As soon as possible, her wound is bleeding, I am very worried."

When Tai Qin heard Long Yixi's words over there, he suddenly became nervous and immediately said, "Okay, I will speed up."

Without much chatting, Long Yixi hung up the phone, then threw the phone aside, and looked at He Xiaomei's face, still not leaving a trace of gentleness to her.

"Just lie down like this, dare to move, I will definitely make you regret it." Long Yixi commanded in a cold voice.

She is so stubborn, then she herself is a little bit fierce, to see who can stubbornly stubbornly.

After speaking, Long Yixi didn't plan to look at her again, got up and left the bed, and walked to the bathroom.

He Xiaomei knew that Long Yixi had gone, but did not move, because at this moment, there was no eagerness and impulse in her heart, and the faint pain in her ankle made her feel no idea to move.

It hurts, it hurts too much. As long as I move a little bit, I can feel the pain throughout my body.

Long Yixi went to the bathroom and took a wet towel out, walked over to the bed and bent down, wiped her cheeks and hands.

He Xiaomei did not move again, and ignored Long Yixi's movements, leaving him alone.

After Long Yixi wiped He Xiaomei's face and hands, he took the landline by the bed and called the hotel restaurant and ordered three breakfasts.

After that, Long Yixi just sat on the side of the bed, looking at He Xiaomei, while waiting for Tai Qin's arrival.

When Tai Qin came to the hotel, it didn't take twenty minutes, ten minutes.

Long Yixi heard the knock on the door, went to open the door, and saw Tai Qin walking in with the medicine box.

"How is she?" Tai Qin asked caringly. At this moment, he was just a doctor and caring about patients.

"The situation is not very good, go in and have a look, in the bedroom inside." Long Yixi said.

Tai Qin nodded, and then hurried to the bedroom.

He Xiaomei was lying on the bed. Although she couldn't move her whole body, she could see her eyes.

auzw.com When he saw a woman walking in from the door, He Xiaomei's heart still inevitably fluctuated.

Who is she? She looks about the same age as her, and she is also very beautiful. What is the relationship between her and Long Yixi?

After Tai Qin walked in and saw the person lying on the bed, even though she was injured, her complexion was not good, but these could not stop her beauty. Her eyes were very clear and beautiful, as well as the delicate features. It's beautiful.

Although she can't see her figure and clothes, Tai Qin is sure that this woman is definitely much better than Pei Jiale.

I believe in Long Yixi's vision, the woman he likes is absolutely not bad.

Tai Qin retracted his gaze, did not look at her any more, but politely smiled at her, and said, "Hello, my name is Tai Qin. I am a friend of Yixi and a doctor."

Hearing what Tai Qin said, He Xiaomei suddenly understood that Long Yixi had called someone before, could it be her?

Holding back other thoughts in her heart, He Xiaomei also politely answered Tai Qin, "Hello, my name is He Xiaomei."

"Well, let me call you Xiaomei," Tai Qin's character is not cold, so he gets along very easy, and then said, "I will look at your wounds now."

"Well, trouble you." He Xiaomei nodded, and treated Tai Qin very friendly.

Tai Qin began to put on work clothes, opened the medicine cabinet, and prepared to check He Xiaomei's wound, and then re-bandaged.

Long Yixi had already walked into the bedroom at this time, standing by the bed, looking at He Xiaomei from time to time, and watching Tai Qin's actions to treat her wounds. He was very alert.

Tai Qin took a look at the wound after unwrapping the gauze he had previously wrapped, and said, "The wound is cracked."

He Xiaomei didn't move much when he heard Tai Qin's words, but Long Yixi was more nervous than before.

"Is it serious? What needs to be done?" Long Yixi asked.

Tai Qin turned around and glanced at Long Yixi who was extremely nervous, feeling a little moved in his heart.

I’ve known him for so long and I’ve never seen him as nervous as this moment. When he was in school, even if he was injured in basketball or activity class, he was never so nervous. But now it’s because a woman is injured. I am worried about being injured.

It seems that He Xiaomei's position in his heart is much higher than he thought.

After regaining his emotions, Tai Qin replied, "It's not serious, I will take some medicine and re-bandage it, but"

When Tai Qin paused, he looked at He Xiaomei and said to the two of them, "After that, this foot must not move, whether you are sitting or lying down, you must pay attention."

"When I go back to the city later, someone will send someone a pair of crutches. When you walk, you can use the crutches. Don't let this foot land." Tai Qin said.

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei replied.

Long Yixi didn't speak aside, but Tai Qin's words he heard clearly and he took it in his heart.

Tai Qin nodded, and then continued to say to He Xiaomei, "It may be a little bit painful next, so bear with me."

"Well, it's okay, come on." He Xiaomei replied.

When Tai Qin retracted his gaze and was about to start treating He Xiaomei's wound, he heard Long Yixi's voice.

"Tai Qin, try to be light." Long Yixi said.


Tai Qin did not go to see Long Yixi and replied, "Well, I will."

In the following time, Tai Qin carefully treated He Xiaomei's wounds. During this period, the waiter brought breakfast. Long Yixi only asked the waiter to put breakfast in the dining room, and did not care about it, and stayed with He Xiaomei.

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