Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1100: In my heart...

"Yeah" Long Yixi answered without saying anything.

When Tai Qin saw Long Yixi eating, she didn’t intend to talk more, but he was very sure in his heart, that is, she finally understood why Pei Jiale has been around Yixi for so many years, why she has not been able to enter Yixi’s heart. .

What Yixi loves is He Xiaomei, and compared with Pei Jiale, He Xiaomei is much better, much better, but she doesn't understand, why doesn't Yixi admit his love for He Xiaomei?

Tai Qin was puzzled, but did not ask, lowered his head and continued to eat.

After eating, Long Yixi sent Tai Qin out of the hotel. Looking at Tai Qin before getting in the car, Long Yixi still told him, "If you can, come here early tomorrow."

"Well, yes, I see." Tai Qin replied.

After that, Tai Qin confessed, “I’ll let someone bring a cane when I go back next time, so it’s much easier for Xiaomei to walk.”

"Hmm." Long Yixi answered, but he didn't particularly hope in his heart.

In fact, I can hug her. Whether it is going to the bathroom or eating, I want to hug her. She is not heavy and I can hold her easily. The most important thing is that I want to hug her in my heart. I want to hold her so that I can get closer to her.

Tai Qin didn't know these thoughts, smiled, and said to Long Yixi, "Then I will go first."


After Long Yixi watched Tai Qin go, he went back to the hotel.

All day long, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei stayed in the hotel and didn't go anywhere. In the afternoon, the person arranged by Tai Qin sent a cane. He Xiaomei wanted to learn to walk, but Long Yixi refused.

"In the last few days, I will be with you in the hotel, this thing is not needed." Long Yixi said, taking the crutches aside, not allowing He Xiaomei to touch it.

"Even if I don't need it these days, but I also need it in the future, I want to learn now." He Xiaomei said that her injury will definitely not recover completely within half a month. Even if Long Yixi stays with her these days By your side, how about a few days later? What about the time after? I still don't want to live on crutches.

Looking at He Xiaomei's persistence, Long Yixi's anger rose again. He stared at her and said, "Sit down, dare to move, I will make you regret your behavior."

After speaking, Long Yixi looked away and stopped looking at He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei sat on the sofa, trying to move, but she didn't dare to move, because she knew what Long Yixi said was not a joke, and if she really resisted, he would definitely not let it go.

He Xiaomei thought for a while, but finally gave up and watched TV obediently.

After a while, a knock on the door sounded, and Long Yixi went to open the door. Shi Ming came.

"Mr. Long, these are the documents you need to process. There are those on the construction site and those in the company." Shi Ming said to Mr. Long politely, knowing that Mr. Long will not return to the construction site during this time. It was even more impossible to return to the company, so I sorted all these documents and sent them to the hotel.

"Well," Long Yixi answered, took the file, and asked, "Anything else?"

Shi Ming didn't speak immediately. He looked at Designer He who was sitting in the suite watching TV, and then looked at Mr. Long with a little embarrassment.

From Shiming's expression, Long Yixi guessed that what he was about to say was related to He Xiaomei.

Long Yixi turned to the side and glanced at He Xiaomei in the living room. She would be watching TV seriously and didn't care about coming to the door.

After turning around, Long Yixi said to Shiming, "Let's talk."

Shi Ming nodded, and then said, "Ms. Long, the designer He was injured, I will not allow anyone on the construction site to disclose it, so Miss Pei will not know, nor will Runcheng."

When Shiming reminded him like this, Long Yixi remembered that he had done all these things before, without explaining Shiming.


Indeed, I didn't want Pei Jiale to know this, nor did I want Chenyu to know this.


If Chenyu knew about it, he would be very worried about He Xiaomei and would come to find He Xiaomei, so the peace and harmony between himself and He Xiaomei now became a luxury.

"Well, you did a great job, this month will add bonuses." Long Yixi said.

"Thank you, Mr. Long."

Long Yixi continued, "If Jiale is looking for you, you should know what to do?"

"Well, I understand, don't worry, President Long."

Long Yixi nodded, and did not chat with Shiming too much. After explaining the matter, he let Shiming go.

In the living room, He Xiaomei saw Long Yixi coming in with a lot of documents. He Xiaomei hurriedly asked, "Do you have my documents? Give it to me. I will be busy working now."

Looking at He Xiaomei's excitement, Long Yixi answered calmly, "No, starting today, you don't have any jobs."

"" When He Xiaomei heard it, she was stunned.

Long Yixi put the file aside, walked over to sit down next to He Xiaomei, and said, "I will not arrange any more work for you until your injury is not healed."

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi, moved her lips, wanted to confront, but didn't know what to say, so she could only look at Long Yixi like this.

Long Yixi knew that she had dissatisfaction in her heart. Today she was too dissatisfied with herself, but she didn't care at all.

"Keep watching TV." Long Yixi finished speaking, his eyes shifted to the TV.

He Xiaomei had no choice but to watch TV.

After dinner, He Xiaomei watched TV and Long Yixi was busy with work.

When He Xiaomei watched TV, she looked at Long Yixi many times. She saw him at work and wanted to work, but she didn't have anything to be busy and didn't know what to do?

Because she was absent-minded, He Xiaomei fell asleep on the sofa while watching the TV series.

Long Yixi hadn't finished his work, and when he looked at the sofa accidentally, he saw He Xiaomei fell asleep on the sofa, wearing a nightgown, without covering anything, with his arms and legs exposed.

Long Yixi suddenly breathed tight, put down the pen in his hand, got up, and walked in front of He Xiaomei.

Arriving in front of He Xiaomei, Long Yixi said nothing, picked up He Xiaomei, and walked to the bedroom.

He Xiaomei felt her body move and woke up vaguely, opened her eyes and saw Long Yixi's face, He Xiaomei asked softly, "Are you finished with work?"

"No," Long Yixi replied, and continued, "Since I wake up, I will wait until I take the medicine before going to bed."


Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei to lie down on the bed, then went to pour some water and watched her take the medicine before sitting by the bed with her and letting her sleep.

He Xiaomei would wake up a little bit and said to Long Yixi, "I'll fall asleep later, you can go to work."

If he wasted time, he would be late at work, and he couldn't bear it.

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