Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1119: Why is it missing?

"Tai Qin, many things are not as simple as they thought," Long Yixi said, without telling Tai Qin details, and then changed the subject, "She will need to trouble you for a while, if she has anything Matter, call me as soon as possible."

"Ok, I know."

"Thank you," Long Yixi said, "Then I will be busy."


Hanging up the phone, Long Yixi started to deal with work in peace.

For the next two weeks, Long Yixi didn't go to He Xiaomei again, and didn't even make a phone call.

He Xiaomei’s life is also very peaceful. Hao Lu and Zhuo Wenwen take care of her every day. Occasionally, Wen Chenyu and Qin Yan will arrange time to accompany He Xiaomei. He Xiaomei is not boring at home. After the wound is removed, He Xiaomei starts to slow down. Walk slowly, because it doesn't hurt the bones, so it's not very strenuous to walk.

A new day came. After He Xiaomei got up in the morning, she made some simple breakfasts for herself after washing. Just after eating breakfast, she received a call from Hao Lu.

"Xiaomei, am I going to accompany you today?" Hao Lu asked Sister Xiaomei.

"No, Hao Lu, my injury is healed and I can walk," He Xiaomei replied, "Besides, I will go back to work at the construction site tomorrow. I am no longer a patient and don't need care."

"Well, then Wenwen and I will not be there today, Xiaomei, we will see you at the construction site tomorrow." Hao Lu said.


After hanging up the phone, He Xiaomei went to eat and clean up, then sat on the balcony, waiting for Tai Qin's arrival.

Sitting on the balcony for a while, He Xiaomei's thoughts fell into miss again, missing Long Yixi.

What has he been up to these days? I haven't called myself, and I haven't come to find myself, just like evaporating from the world in an instant, I'm not used to it.

These days, every day, I miss him, what he is doing, whether he misses himself, and sometimes I almost can't control myself to call him and send text messages, but in the end I hold back.

He Xiaomei thought, I'm going to work tomorrow, will I see Long Yixi on the construction site? Do you want to greet you first? Sitting in the office together, will he speak to himself?

These things that did not happen, He Xiaomei had many assumptions in her heart, and it was not until the doorbell rang into her ears that He Xiaomei immediately recovered.

She got up and went to the door. He Xiaomei opened the door and saw Tai Qin standing at the door. He Xiaomei greeted Tai Qin happily.

"I came to check for you today. Check again to make sure that there are no problems. You can go to work tomorrow with peace of mind." Tai Qin said that Xiaomei has been her friend and herself since this time. As a doctor, she has to be responsible until she recovers.

"Well, come in quickly." He Xiaomei said happily.

After the two walked into the living room, Tai Qin checked the wound for He Xiaomei and confirmed that it was completely healed.

"Basically no problem. You can walk normally in the future, but don't run or walk too fast. Pay attention to these." Tai Qin said.

"Well, I know, I will pay attention." He Xiaomei said.


Tai Qin nodded and smiled and said, "Well, then I won't go back now. I will stay with you for a while, and I will go back after lunch with you."


"That couldn't be better." He Xiaomei said with a smile.

On this day, He Xiaomei had a happy time. With Tai Qin's company, He Xiaomei was in a much better mood. After Tai Qin left in the afternoon, He Xiaomei took a taxi to the bar to sit for a while, dealt with some things by the way, and then took a taxi back home. Because my foot injury happened right now, I couldn't drive yet.

The next day, in the morning, He Xiaomei got up early, and when she was ready to clean up, she went to the gate of the community to take a taxi to the construction site.

But before leaving home, He Xiaomei received a call from Wen Chenyu.

"Xiaomei, I'll take you to the construction site today, just to discuss something with Yixi." Wen Chenyu said.

He Xiaomei wanted to say that sending herself to the construction site would be too troublesome for Wen Chenyu, but when he heard that he had something to talk to Long Yixi, Wen Chenyu was also on the way, and it seemed not to be troublesome.

"Well, thank you," He Xiaomei said.

"I already said that we don't need to be so polite between us," Wen Chenyu said, "You wait for me at home, I'll call you when I'm almost there, and you will go downstairs."


When He Xiaomei and Wen Chenyu arrived at the construction site, it was already past eight o'clock. After seeing the colleagues and greeted them, He Xiaomei answered their concerns and inquiries one by one, but He Xiaomei did not see Long Yixi.

"Hao Lu," He Xiaomei approached Hao Lu's ear and asked her in a low voice, "Will President Long not come to the construction site today?"

Today, Wen Chenyu came to the construction site to find Long Yixi. I wonder if Wen Chenyu had contact with Long Yixi before? But if Long Yixi doesn't come to the construction site, isn't Wen Chenyu coming for nothing?

"No, here," Hao Lu replied, "I just heard from my colleague from Ae that Mr. Long will come to the construction site today, but the meeting has not arrived yet. I don't know what the situation is?"

He Xiaomei nodded, she understood.

After that, He Xiaomei returned to the office to prepare for work, but when she first walked into the office, He Xiaomei was surprised to see the office layout changed.

Standing at the door, He Xiaomei looked at the entire office with only her own desk, and the feeling in her heart could not be expressed.

Where is Long Yixi's desk? Why is it missing?

So this office will be his own from now on?

Slowly accepting this reality in her heart, He Xiaomei walked to the desk, sat down to adjust her emotions, and began to work.

Until lunch, He Xiaomei was busy with work, and suddenly heard a knock on the door. He Xiaomei answered. When she looked up, it was Wen Chenyu who opened the door and walked in.

"Xiaomei, did you delay your work?" Wen Chenyu asked Xiaomei.

"No," He Xiaomei said with a smile, and then said politely, "Sit down."

Wen Chenyu nodded and sat down on the stool opposite Xiaomei. Then he said, "You are starting to work today. Don't have too much pressure in your heart. I have talked with Yixi just now. I told him to let you Arrange some work, so your later work will not be very hard."

Hearing Wen Chenyu's words, He Xiaomei felt a little throbbing in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face. She just asked calmly, "Long Yi Long, when did he come to the construction site?"

Wen Chenyu didn't notice He Xiaomei's emotions and replied normally, "It came over ten o'clock. I had a chat with him, and by the way, talked about your later work."

"Also, your two offices have been separated from today, and I just found out just now," Wen Chenyu said, "Since you are separated, you will be much more relaxed in the office in the future. If you are tired from work, take a break. , Maybe I was worried that Yixi was in the office before, and you didn’t dare to take a break, now don’t worry anymore."

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