Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1160: With you and Xiaodouzi

"Then live here," Long Yixi said, looking at Han Zhenzhen, "You and Xiaodouzi won't disturb me and Xiaomei. If Xiaodouzi likes to live here, then we will stay here. There is no need to go to Xiaomei's apartment."

After Long Yixi finished speaking, he looked at He Xiaomei beside him.

He Xiaomei had the same idea as Long Yixi. After looking at Long Yixi's gaze for a while, He Xiaomei looked at Han Zhenzhen and said with a smile, "Really, just live here. It's more convenient than my apartment, and You don’t need to cook by yourself, you have to buy ingredients to cook at my place, which is more troublesome."

Xiaodouzi is still small. If you eat outside meals for a long time, you will definitely not be used to it. So having Aunt Wu cooking here is really convenient.

"But" Han Zhen really wanted to say something, but was interrupted by He Xiaomei.

"I know you are afraid to disturb me and Yixi," He Xiaomei knew what she really thought in her heart. "Don't worry, it won't disturb us. The house is so big, Yixi usually only uses the study room, and Xiaodouzi wants to be in other places. You can play anywhere, it won’t affect our lives."

Han Zhenzhen was still a little embarrassed, but Xiaomei and Long Yixi both said so, and if they retort, they would appear to be impolite.

However, He Xiaomei and Long Yixi did not intend to listen to Han Zhenzhen’s answer any more. He Xiaomei looked at Xiaodouzi and said with a smile, "Xiaodouzi, the guest room has already been cleaned up, wait for Xiaomei’s mother to take you to sleep. it is good?"

"Okay, Xiaomei's mother, will you help me take a bath later?" Xiaodouzi is happy and relies a lot on Xiaomei's mother.


So in the end, Han Zhenzhen stayed with Xiaodouzi, and Long Yixi put their luggage in the guest room, and then went to the study to do things by himself.

He Xiaomei and Han Zhenzhen accompany Xiaodouzi to take a bath, until they fell asleep with the child, He Xiaomei was ready to leave the room and go back to rest.

"Xiaomei," Han Zhenzhen said to He Xiaomei in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I caused you and Yixi to trouble."

He Xiaomei took Han Zhenzhen's hand and said kindly, "It's not troublesome, you don't want to be so dismissive, and don't say sorry anymore, or I should be angry."

"Just stay here these days. In the next few days, I will take you and Xiaodouzi to the city to play, and in a few days I will go to the suburbs to play. When you go to see your cousin, please drive my car. There are still cars in the garage in Yixi, I will drive another car to take Xiaodouzi to play." He Xiaomei said.

"Hmm." Han Zhenzhen finished, and went forward to hug He Xiaomei, thanking him very much.

Over the years, thanks to this good sister, she helped herself from time to time, and gave herself spiritual comfort and care from time to time, otherwise she would not have survived those hard days.

He Xiaomei also hugged Han Zhenzhen and said, "Okay, don't think too much about it. After washing up, take a rest early. If there is nothing in the room, tell Aunt Wu tomorrow and let her buy it. ."


When He Xiaomei left the guest room and returned to the master bedroom, Long Yixi had already taken a shower and sat on the bed.

"You go to bed first, I'll go wash." He Xiaomei said to Long Yixi.

Long Yixi nodded and watched He Xiaomei walk to the bathroom.

After a while, Long Yixi couldn't help but got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

As soon as He Xiaomei finished washing her face, she saw Long Yixi walking in the mirror.

"What's wrong?" He Xiaomei asked him.


Long Yixi did not answer, and walked behind He Xiaomei, stretched out his hand to hug her, and put his head on her shoulder.

"It's okay, I just want to stay with you like this." Long Yixi said, not seeing her for a few hours, I felt flustered in my heart, so when I saw her just now, my inner impulse came up immediately and followed her to the bathroom. .

He Xiaomei smiled and said, "I was not so clingy before, is it too sensitive today?"

"Maybe, you are with Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, and I suddenly feel that you don't seem to be mine alone." Long Yixi told the truth.

"Yixi," He Xiaomei turned her face, rubbed Long Yixi's face, and said earnestly, "I am yours alone, my body and soul belong to you, but the relatives and friends around me, I still want to care , You have to take care of it, so do you. This is something that every one of us can't avoid, so don't be so sensitive."

"Well, good." Long Yixi promised, she was indeed too sensitive today, she didn't even understand such basic principles, and let this woman teach herself.

"Then you go out and wait for me for a while, I will wash up immediately, and we will rest."


For the next week or so, Long Yixi went to work on time every day, only staying at home on weekends to accompany He Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi.

He Xiaomei took Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi out to play, everyone had a very happy time.

Early this morning, after having breakfast, Han Zhenzhen drove to find his cousin. Before leaving, he told Xiaodouzi to listen to Xiaomei’s mother and Uncle Long. Then he asked Xiaomei and Long Yi. tin.

He Xiaomei made Zhenzhen rest assured that she would take care of Xiaodouzi, and then she held Xiaodouzi and sent Han Zhenzhen away.

After Han Zhenzhen left, Long Yixi also went to work, leaving He Xiaomei, Xiaodouzi and Aunt Wu at home.

"Xiaodouzi, do you want to play at home today? Or do you want to go out?" He Xiaomei asked Xiaodouzi tenderly.

"Mother Xiaomei, I want to go out and play."

"Okay, then Xiaomei's mother will take you out to play."

He Xiaomei took Xiaodouzi to the room and changed her clothes. He also changed her clothes. Then he took Xiaodouzi to the city to play.

In the morning, I took Xiaodouzi to visit the Wetland Park. At noon, He Xiaomei took Xiaodouzi for a dessert lunch, because Xiaodouzi wanted something sweet.

Just after lunch, He Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi left the dessert shop and received a call from Long Yixi.

"Xiaomei, where are you and Xiaodouzi?" Long Yixi asked directly. She just called home and Aunt Wu said that Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi were not at home.

"On Xisan Road, I just brought Xiaodouzi to lunch, and I want to go shopping nearby." He Xiaomei replied.

"Then you go shopping nearby first, don't go too far, I will come to you now." Long Yixi said.

He Xiaomei was taken aback, and then asked, "Aren't you going to work this afternoon? Come and see us now?"

"There is no important work in the afternoon, other tasks are left to Shi Ming, so come to accompany you and Xiaodouzi." Long Yixi answered very carefully, as if reporting the situation to his boss.

In fact, I was worried that she would be too tired to take Xiaodouzi outside alone, so I could take care of Xiaodouzi with them in the past and make Xiaomei a little more relaxed.

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