Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1268: I also have the right to choose

After dinner, as usual, Han Haohong sent his children to school. Han Zhenzhen had something to do today. To go out, Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui were also busy with their own affairs.

After the whole day, life was fairly peaceful. In the afternoon, Han Zhenzhen went to school to pick up Xiaodouzi home.

On the way home, Xiaodouzi sat in the co-pilot and looked at Mommy who was driving. He moved his mouth several times and wanted to talk, but he didn't know how to ask Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen sensed his daughter's uncomfortableness and said, "If you have anything to say to mommy, just say it."

"Mummy," Xiaodouzi mustered up the courage, looked at Mommy, and asked, "Can we play with Uncle Sheng in the future?"

Han Zhenzhen was not surprised to ask his daughter such a question, but instead of answering her daughter, he asked her, "Do you want to play with Uncle Sheng?"

"Well, think so," Xiaodouzi replied, and said, "You know Uncle Fang and Uncle Sheng. We can all play with Uncle Fang, so can we also play with Uncle Sheng?"

Han Zhenzhen listened to her daughter's words, and it took a while before answering her daughter, "Not for the time being."

"Why?" Xiaodouzi didn't understand, looking distressed.

"Because, I have a good relationship with your Uncle Fang, and your relationship with Uncle Sheng is not so good," Han Zhenzhen can only answer the child like this, "Your Uncle Sheng has his own life, and we should not interfere too much with your Uncle Sheng. Of life."

It seems that this is indeed the case. He and Fang Zhenghao met because of a blind date, and they also rushed to live together in the future.

But Shenghang is not the case. I don't know what the current relationship between myself and Shenghang is, and there should be no future between myself and Shenghang.

After listening to Mommy's words, Xiaodouzi remembered what he had said when chatting with Uncle Sheng before, and hurriedly said to Mommy, "Mommy, Uncle Sheng is willing to marry you, and I think Uncle Sheng is very good."

Han Zhenzhen did not answer. He knew in his heart that Shenghang's current stalker, his willingness does not mean he would agree, but I saw this morning that he and Xiaodouzi are getting along very well.

Xiaodouzi looked at Mummy like this, did not hear her answer, Xiaodouzi did not continue to ask.

After returning home, Han Zhenzhen drove the car into the yard and stopped. When he was about to release the seat belt and get out of the car, he suddenly heard his daughter's voice.

"Mummy." Xiaodouzi called Mommy.

"Well, what's the matter?" Han Zhenzhen looked at his daughter.

"If Uncle Fang and Uncle Sheng chase you at the same time, and they both want to marry you, would you make a choice?" Xiaodouzi asked Mommy, "and I can also make a choice, right?"

I have been thinking about these questions all the way, only then will I ask Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen looked at his daughter and nodded.

Sheng Hang is not married, he can pursue himself, and he is single, and he is about to choose a partner for marriage, so in his heart, Fang Zhenghao and Sheng Hang are indeed optional objects, but he and Sheng Hang have a small past. Douzi also has the right to choose. In fact, Xiaodouzi’s right to choose is greater than that of herself. He plans to get married and puts his children first. If the other person treats the child well and the child also likes each other, he will give priority to him. There is no special situation. Basically follow the child's choice



Xiaodouzi saw that Mommy nodded and was so happy, he smiled and said to Mommy, "Then I know, hey, I also have the right to choose."

I chose Uncle Sheng. Although I haven't seen Uncle Fang yet, I have already decided in my heart, so I choose Uncle Sheng.

Seeing the child smiled happily, Han Zhenzhen didn't say anything. He smiled and said to the child, "Well, get off the car, let's go home."


On Saturday, Fang Zhenghao came to Han's house to pick Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi to the zoo.

Han Qingshan, Zhou Hui, and Han Haohong were also the first to meet Fang Zhenghao. The family greeted Fang Zhenghao and the first impressions were pretty good.

Han Zhenzhen took Xiaodouzi into Fang Zhenghao's car, and the three of them went to the zoo together. All day long, Fang Zhenghao took good care of Han Zhenzhen and the children. Han Zhenzhen felt that Fang Zhenghao was pretty good, at least it was easy to get along with, but Xiaodouzi was not so happy anymore. Even if he played in the zoo, he was not particularly happy. Mommy smiled and talked and took pictures with Mommy,

But getting along with Uncle Fang always feels uncomfortable.

After playing for a day, the three of them ate out in the evening. During the meal, Fang Zhenghao asked Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodou, is there something wrong with Uncle?"

"You can tell uncle, uncle will correct it." Fang Zhenghao said.

Xiaodouzi was not very happy. He looked at Uncle Fang, shook his head, and said, "No, uncle did not do a bad job, uncle did a good job."

It's just that I want to be with Uncle Sheng in my heart. If the person who went to the zoo to play today was Uncle Sheng, I would be very happy.

"Then you don't seem to be very happy. Uncle thought he did something wrong?" Fang Zhenghao said to the child, knowing that if you want to continue with Han Zhenzhen, the child's feelings are very important, so he cares about the child. which performed.

Xiaodouzi shook his head again, and the other uncle said, "No, Uncle Fang, I am actually quite happy today."

Han Zhen really knows the reason for her daughter’s unhappiness. Zhenghao said, "Zhenghao, Xiaodouzi is fine. She is also like this. Maybe it’s a little tired today and she doesn’t look high. Don’t blame yourself. ."

"You did a great job today. Thank you for taking care of me and Xiaodouzi." Han Zhenzhen said. Starting today, the name of the other party Zhenghao has also changed, and what he did to himself and Xiaodouzi today is all in his heart. Clearly, thank you.

"Yes, really, these are what I should do." Fang Zhenghao said, because Han Zhenzhen said, he has less blame for himself in his heart.

Fang Zhenghao looked at the child and said apologetically, "Xiaodouzi, sorry, if you knew it, uncle should accompany you and your mom to the zoo on Sunday, and let you have a good rest on Saturday."

The child has five days of classes during the week, and it is quite tiring. If you want to play on Saturday, it will inevitably be a little tired. I really didn't expect this before.

"It's okay, uncle," Xiaodouzi said obediently, "next time we will go out to play on Sunday."

I don't know if there will be another time, but I want to comfort my uncle.

As for the child, Fang Zhenghao was delighted, "Good, good."

It seems that before I apply to Zhenzhen to go play together next time, the child said it out. It seems that my impression of the child today is not very bad. The three of them continued to eat, and Fang Zhenghao sent Han Zhenzhen and the child home after eating.

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