Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1271: I really like Uncle Sheng

Han Zhenzhen is not worried that her daughter will play games with her mobile phone, but feels that it is really unnecessary. Every day her brother sends the child to school, picks up the child in the afternoon, and the child is at school with classmates, nothing will happen at all. No need for a mobile phone.

After hearing what Mommy said, Xiaodouzi didn't speak, but pouted and looked at Mommy. A few seconds later, she burst into tears with a "wow".

"Oh, my dear." Zhou Hui, who had been standing by without speaking, couldn't help it all at once, and hurried forward and picked up his little boy.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Xiaodouzi." Zhou Hui comforted the child.

"Woo, grandma, woo" Xiaodouzi cried out the sadness and grievance in her heart, but didn't dare to cry and said that she wanted a mobile phone, worried that Mommy would be more angry, so she just cried sadly.

Zhou Hui was comforting the child while persuading her daughter, "Really, the child needs a mobile phone to her. Our little beanie is good, holding the mobile phone will not play around, and it will not affect her study. Let her take it. Hold your phone."

Han Haohong wanted to give his niece a cell phone, but without his sister’s consent, he didn’t dare to give it, so he could only follow his mother to persuade her sister, “Yes, I bought a kid’s cell phone for my child, which doesn’t have many functions. What does she usually do? You can call us."

Han Zhenzhen would be conflicted in his heart. Look at the child, then his mother and brother. In fact, what his mother and brother said is correct, but he doesn't really want the child to take the mobile phone.

No answer, Han Zhenzhen got up and went to the kitchen.

Xiaodouzi kept crying, but looking at Mommy's back, she knew in her heart that Mommy was angry.

During dinner, Han Zhen really didn't speak, nor did he take care of the children to eat. Fortunately, Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui had been taking care of the children, so Xiaodouzi didn't find it difficult to eat.

But Xiaodouzi knew that Mommy was not happy, so he was also unhappy. There was a little emotion in his heart, and the meal was not good anymore.

After eating, Han Haohong went upstairs and handed the phone to his sister.

"I bought this for Xiaodouzi. You should consider whether to give it to the child. If you are sure not to give it, give me the phone tomorrow and I will return it." Han Haohong said.

Han Zhenzhen took the phone, did not speak, nodded, and said to answer his brother.

Han Haohong saw that her younger sister was hesitant, and she should have been worried about the child too, instead of insisting on not giving her mobile phone as before.

"Then I will go upstairs first." Han Haohong said.


After Han Zhenzhen waited for his brother to go upstairs, he put his mobile phone in his pocket and looked at the parents and children in the living room. At this time, the parents were playing with the children.

Han Zhenzhen walked over and asked the child, "Xiaodouzi, can you sleep with your grandpa and grandma tonight?"

Since the child is still blaming herself in her heart, let her sleep with her parents tonight, lest she sleep with herself, she can't control her emotions for a while, and is serious about the child again.

Xiaodouzi was still having fun with her grandpa and grandma, but when she heard what she said, she suddenly looked at her with red eyes and asked her, "Mum, do you want me?"

"No," Han Zhenzhen replied, how could he not want her, she is her own life, she can't leave her in her life, "Mummy didn't want you, just tonight"

Before Han Zhenzhen finished speaking, he heard the child say immediately.

"I want to sleep with Mommy, I want to sleep with Mommy." Xiaodouzi said twice before leaving her grandmother's arms and ran in front of her.


Han Zhenzhen squatted down and stretched out his hands to welcome his daughter's arrival.

Holding his daughter in his arms, Han Zhenzhen felt real satisfaction and felt at ease.

And Xiaodouzi held Mommy in both hands, and all the unhappiness in his heart was gone. As long as he was with Mommy, he would feel super happy and super happy.

Han Qingshan looked at her daughter and granddaughter like this, and said with a smile, "You mother and daughter are both petty people. You can't do without each other, so you love to make trouble."

I love my daughter and granddaughter in my heart, both of which are my apologies, so I am clear and tolerant of their thoughts and practices.

"Grandpa, Mommy and I don't call it a shamelessness, it's a personality." Xiaodouzi corrected her grandfather's words.

"Well, well, you say personality is personality." Han Qingshan left his granddaughter with everything.

Han Zhen really didn't speak, but listened to the conversation between his father and daughter with a smile on his face.

After chatting for a while, Zhou Hui said to her daughter, "Really, you take your child upstairs to rest, it's too early."

"Yeah." After Han Zhenzhen greeted his parents, he held his daughter upstairs to rest.

Back in the room, Han Zhenzhen and his daughter finished washing. They did not go to bed immediately, but sat face to face on the bed, ready to chat.

Xiaodouzi kept glanced at the mobile phone on the table beside him. He recognized that the mobile phone was bought by his uncle.

"Go ahead, why tell your uncle that you want a mobile phone." Han Zhenzhen asked his daughter.

She grew up by her side since she was a child. She knew her cleverness and personality. She must have a purpose when she asked her brother for a mobile phone.

Xiaodouzi lowered her head and glanced at Mommy from time to time, knowing that she couldn't keep her from her.

Han Zhenzhen didn't speak, and just waited.

Xiaodouzi knew that Mommy was waiting for him, and finally couldn't help Mommy, so he looked up and honestly said to Mommy, "Mommy, Uncle Sheng called in the morning."

When Han Zhenzhen heard this, he was startled, and then asked, "Did you answer?"

"Well, I chatted with Uncle Sheng." When it came to Uncle Sheng, Xiaodouzi's mood eased a little and was very happy.

Han Zhenzhen noticed a change in the child's mood, and guessed something, and asked the child, "So you want a mobile phone, call Uncle Sheng?"

"Well, I want to contact Uncle Sheng," Xiaodouzi said confidently, "Mommy, Uncle Sheng is very nice, I like Uncle Sheng very much, but I can't use your phone to call Uncle Sheng often. Phone, so I want to have my own cell phone."

Seeing her daughter's expression and inner happiness when she talked about Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen felt uncomfortable and couldn't bear it.

They are fathers and daughters. The children like him and want to get along with him. They can’t stop them. They owe the child too much, so that she never felt the love of the father, but I was worried in my heart. Grab the child yourself.

Xiaodouzi waited for Mommy's answer, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Mommy's answer.

Xiaodouzi moved forward, rubbed her mother's arms, and continued, "Mommy, I really like Uncle Sheng." "Yeah." Han Zhenzhen answered, reached out and hugged his daughter in his arms. .

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