Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1277: Stay by my side

"Okay, I see." Shenghang did not hesitate, and agreed, but he was happy in his heart. If this happens, he will contact Zhenzhen more in the future.

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child, then at Shenghang, and said, "Then go and see nearby to see what to eat. Just have a dinner."

"Okay, I agree." Xiaodouzi said happily.

"Yeah." Sheng Hang also had no objection.

When the three of them were about to leave, they met Xiaodouzi's classmates and his parents.

"Han Yiqin," Xiaodouzi's classmate first called Xiaodouzi's name happily, then looked at the aunts and uncles around Xiaodouzi, and then said happily, "Your father is so taller, and your mommy is so beautiful. ."

"Hee hee, of course, but your mommy is also pretty," Xiaodouzi finished speaking, looked at the classmate’s mom, and greeted, "Auntie."

"Well, hello." The classmate's mommy said with a smile.

Then Han Zhenzhen greeted classmate Xiaodouzi's mom, because the classmate's dad hadn't come, so after the greeting, everyone left.

When heading to the parking direction, Xiaodouzi was happy, holding Uncle Sheng's hand in one hand, and Mommy's hand in the other, jumping forward happily.

Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang saw the child's happiness, they looked at each other, and they were also happy because of the child's happiness.

"True, you and Xiaodouzi will take my car. I will call the assistant for your car and ask him to pick up the keys and drive your car back to Han's house," Shenghang said to Han Zhenzhen, "I had dinner later. Later, I will take you and Xiaodouzi home."

Han Zhenzhen heard what the child said before he answered.

"Okay, okay, Uncle Sheng sent me and Mommy home after dinner." Xiaodouzi directly agreed on behalf of Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen could only hold back what he wanted to say, look at the child, and then look at Shenghang, only nodded in agreement.

The three of them got into the car. Shenghang drove the car and found a restaurant nearby. The three of them went in to eat.

Throughout the dinner process, Sheng Hang took care of Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi. Xiaodouzi had limited ability. He wanted to take care of Mommy, but he just picked up some vegetables for Mommy and ate it on his own. Later, it was Han Zhenzhen and Sheng. Hang takes care of the children together.

After dinner, Xiaodouzi wanted to go to the indoor amusement park again. Han Zhenzhen didn't agree with him. He wanted the child to go back to rest early, but seeing the child's excitement, it was hard to stop, so he could only agree.

The three came to the amusement city. Han Zhenzhen and Shenghang took care of Xiaodouzi to play. The children can play alone. Han Zhenzhen and Shenghang are by their side. Those who need an adult to play with, Han Zhenzhen or Shenghang go to play with the children. Everything is based on the happiness of the child.

Until ten o'clock, Xiaodouzi finally had enough fun and was tired. He was hugged by Uncle Sheng and walked out of the amusement city. When he walked to the car, Shenghang found that the child had fallen asleep on his body.

Han Zhenzhen also saw it and said to Shenghang, "Then I will sit in the back row with Xiaodouzi, and you will drive."

"No, you still sit in the co-pilot," Sheng Hang said, "I have a blanket in my car. I will cover the beanie and fasten my seat belt. It will be fine."

"Is this all right?" Han Zhenzhen was still worried about the child.

"Yes, no problem," Sheng Hang replied, "When I go back, I drive slowly, Xiaodouzi won't feel it, and won't wake her."


"Yeah." Han Zhenzhen finally listened to Shenghang.

Shenghang carried the child into the car, covered the child with a blanket, and then fastened his seat belt. Then he sat in the driver's seat and prepared to drive away.

Han Zhenzhen sat in the co-pilot and kept looking at the children in the back row, still uneasy.

"Why don't I sit back and go." Han Zhenzhen said.

Sheng Hang did not immediately answer Han Zhenzhen’s words, turned sideways, looked at Han Zhenzhen, stretched out his hand, took Han Zhenzhen’s hand, and said, "Sit in front and accompany me, okay?"

"Really, I know you don't worry about your child, but I still selfishly want you to accompany me more," Sheng Hang said, "I have fastened Xiaodouzi's seat belt, she will be fine, I will wait Turn on the air conditioner and it won’t be cold in the car for a while."

Han Zhenzhen didn't get rid of Shenghang's hand this time, and looked at the child again, confirming that the child's body was wrapped in a blanket and the seat belt was fastened. The child was sleeping soundly, and he felt more relieved.

"Well, let's go, drive slowly on the road." Han Zhenzhen said.

"it is good."

Shenghang drove the car slowly along the way, and his right hand came out from time to time to hold Han Zhenzhen's hand.

Shenghang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was very good. It was really beside him. The child was asleep in the back row. The warmth in the car was just like the warmth at home. Both of them were people they wanted to love and protect. I'm all by my side at this moment, I'm very satisfied and happy.

When Shenghang drove to Han's door, he just stopped the car and said to Han Zhenzhen, "True, I will get off the car later, I want to talk to you."

Han Zhenzhen didn't get out of the car in a hurry at this meeting, probably because he held hands with Shenghang from time to time and felt the temperature of his palms, and his heart also warmed up. Therefore, at this meeting, he wanted to stay and talk to him.

Han Zhenzhen looked at Sheng Hang and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Let's talk." Sheng Hang said, there are no important things. I have expressed love to her before. Now if I say this again, I am worried that she will be disgusted, and I am not in a hurry, then talk about other things. , As long as you can be with her.

Han Zhen really nodded, and did not take the initiative to speak.

After Sheng Hang unfastened his seat belt, he suddenly leaned over, reached out and hugged Han Zhenzhen, and held her tightly in his arms.

Han Zhenzhen smelled the faint scent of Shenghang's body, and heard the sound of his breathing on one side. Han Zhenzhen was a little nervous, pressed his hands on Shenghang's chest, moved, and said, "You let go, the child is still there. Behind."

"It's okay, she is asleep." The implication is that no matter what she and Zhenzhen do, the child will not see it.

Han Zhen really thought about it, so he didn't struggle anymore.

Both of them spoke very quietly, and might be worried that they would wake up the child, so they were very careful.

"I really want to keep holding you like this and let you be by my side." Sheng Hang said in Han Zhenzhen's ear.

Han Zhenzhen closed his eyes and did not answer. At this moment, he was struggling with his mind.

He decided to stay away from this man and not get close to him, but the love in his heart couldn't be done by himself, just like at this moment, he held himself like this, without intending to push him away. Han Zhenzhen really understood how bad his self-control is. He wanted to push him away, but he couldn't push him away. Only he knew in his heart that he didn't want to push him away.

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