Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1286: Can you take me there?

But Han Zhenzhen already understood it in his heart. Han Zhenzhen nodded and answered his father, "Well, if you arrange for me to go on a blind date, I will go."

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui looked at each other, and the two of them felt relieved that their daughter's thoughts were the same as their own.

"Okay, really, your dad and I will not force you. If there is something suitable, you will meet, think it is okay, and get along again. Let's take it step by step, and wait for you to get along with him for a long time and think you two are suitable. , Then consider the matter of marriage." Zhou Hui said.

Han Zhen nodded, "Well, I see."

Han Haohong sat aside, listening to the chat between his parents and his younger sister, looking at her younger sister, feeling a little distressed for her.

The person she loves is Shenghang, and Xiaodouzi's dad is also Shenghang, but they can't be together. Surely my sister is also sad, right?

And Xiaodouzi upstairs heard this, and understood in his heart, Mommy will try to compare her dad again, so Uncle Sheng

Thinking of Uncle Sheng, Xiaodouzi feels sad that he can no longer be with Uncle Sheng, let alone call Uncle Sheng's father.

Xiaodouzi, who was going to go downstairs, turned around and went back to the room, closed the door of the room, and walked to the bed alone, sat down on the carpet, and started thinking. Xiaodouzi thinks that this is not possible, and he cannot let Mommy marry another uncle. Didn’t Uncle Sheng just dine with other aunts, and Uncle Sheng came to find Mommy at home, anyway, Uncle Sheng did not marry other aunts, even if They have plans to get married, but Uncle Sheng has not married anyone

Well, I hope that Uncle Sheng will marry Mommy and that Uncle Sheng and Mommy will be together. In this way, I can stay with Uncle Sheng forever. Xiaodouzi is very firm. He really likes Uncle Sheng in his heart. I really like the one I really like. So I want to be with Uncle Sheng. Although Uncle Sheng did wrong before, he can be forgiven for doing wrong things, Mommy said. As long as it is not a big mistake, it can be forgiven.

So I want to forgive Uncle Sheng.

Xiaodouzi muttered, thinking about it for a long time, and finally made a decision that he would go to Uncle Sheng tomorrow.

After the decision, Xiaodouzi felt much more relaxed, then stood up again, took his homework book, and went out of the room to find Mommy.

This night, Han Zhenzhen did not find anything wrong with the child. He checked his homework as usual, and then took the child to take a bath and sleep.

The next day, in the morning, Xiaodouzi behaved very well. After breakfast, she was sent to his uncle's car by her mother. Xiaodouzi obediently followed her uncle in the car.

On the way to school, Xiaodouzi asked his uncle, "Uncle, are you familiar with Uncle Sheng?" Han Haohong didn't expect the child to ask about Shenghang, but thinking about the relationship between the child and Shenghang before, the child is still thinking about it. It’s normal to stay with Shenghang. After all, the child’s inner world is simple, and he doesn’t understand many things. Maybe he hasn’t seen Shenghang these days. The child thinks

Shenghang, right?

"I don't know him very well, I didn't know each other before, but after I met, I only understood a little bit." Han Haohong answered his niece.

"Uncle, do you know where Uncle Sheng's company is?"

Han Haohong didn't care much about the child at all. He just replied, "It seems to be at No.50, Xiwu Road. Last time I participated in an event, I saw the information of Shenghang Company. It should be this."

The clever Xiaodouzi already remembered those keywords in his mind, No. 50, West 5th Road, although he didn't know where he was, but after escaping from school, he could take a taxi to find Uncle Sheng.

Han Haohong didn't hear the child again, and then thought of asking the child, "Xiaodouzi, why are you asking about this?"


Han Haohong thought that the child might want to see Shenghang, but he did not expect that the child would go to Shenghang by himself.

Han Haohong felt that Xiaodouzi was so obedient and so sensible under his sister's education, he would definitely not do anything by himself, and even if he had to do something, he would definitely tell his family.

"It's just asking," Xiaodouzi said, with a low tone, and continued, "Is Uncle Sheng busy at work lately? I don't come to see Mommy and me."

Hearing what the child said, Han Haohong was sure that the child wanted to Shenghang, and comforted the child and said, "Maybe, when your Uncle Sheng is finished with work, maybe he will come to you and your mom."

"Yeah." Xiaodouzi nodded and looked forward to it.

After that, Han Haohong and the child didn't talk about this topic anymore, they talked about something else.

After arriving at school, Han Haohong, as usual, sent the child to the school gate, watching the child and classmates walk into the campus before Han Haohong left.

However, after Xiaodouzi walked into the campus today, he did not go directly to the classroom, but said to the classmates around him, "Xiaomi, I left an assignment book in my uncle's car. I'm going to get it. You go to the classroom first. All right."

"Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for you in the classroom." Xiaomi said.


After separating from his classmates, Xiao Douzi turned and walked out of the campus. Because he knew where his uncle's car was parked, Xiao Douzi walked in the opposite direction.

Since there was a lot of traffic at the school gate in the morning, no one noticed Xiaodouzi's figure.

Xiaodouzi came to a road on the side of the school and just saw a taxi coming. Xiaodouzi immediately waved and stopped the taxi.

The driver saw the child beckoning to stop the car. He didn't know what happened to the little child, but he stopped the car.

Before the driver asked the doubts in his mind, Xiaodouzi said, "Uncle, hello, I forgot my workbook in my dad's car today, but my dad has already gone to work by car, can you? Send me to my dad's company?"

The driver understood, and did not doubt the child, and asked, "Do you know where your dad's company is?"

"I know," Xiaodouzi said proudly, "at No. 50 Xiwu Road."

The driver nodded, thinking about the location of No.50 West 5th Road, as if he had been there before, "Well, there seems to be a company there."

Xiaodouzi was even more happy, and said with a smile, "Uncle, can you take me there?"

"Okay, I'll take you, get in the car, be careful." The driver said generously.

Xiaodouzi nodded happily, got into the car, and fastened his seat belt.

On the way to Uncle Sheng's company, Xiaodouzi wanted to call Uncle Sheng, but he wanted to give Uncle Sheng a surprise. Thinking about it, he still didn't call. When he arrived at No. 50 Xiwu Road, before getting off the bus, Xiaodouzi took out two ten dollars from his schoolbag and handed it to the driver's uncle, "Uncle, I only have these two money, and I will give you all." !--rm-->

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