Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1297: Living in Uncle Sheng's house

Now, Sheng Hang understands everything. The child has been unhappy in the morning. When playing in the children’s playground, she was also unhappy. And when she saw Han Zhenzhen in the morning, she also had an indifferent expression. Then she thought she was It’s because of the child’s emotions. Now I want to come here.

Kind of situation.

Xiaodouzi looked at Uncle Sheng and stopped talking.

Sheng Hang understood in his heart, but he didn't know what to say when facing the child.

I didn't know it in the morning and didn't stop it. It must be too late to stop it now.

And suddenly I felt that I was really free, I couldn't find a reason to interfere, I couldn't find a reason at all.

After thinking for a while, Sheng Hang recovered his thoughts and said to Xiaodouzi, "Let’s eat, Xiaodouzi, the food in this restaurant tastes good, what else do you want to eat, Uncle Sheng will give you some."

Following Uncle Sheng's meaning, Xiaodouzi also shifted his mind and pointed to the dishes on the table.

Shenghang has been taking care of the children to eat. After the meal, Shenghang pays the bill and then takes the children home.

Xiaodouzi came to Uncle Sheng's little home for the first time. Seeing such a cozy little home, Xiaodouzi suddenly liked it.

"It's very similar to the place where Mom and I lived before." Xiaodouzi said excitedly.

"Really?" Sheng Hang asked.

"Well, the place where Mommy and I used to live is also small, but it's clean and beautiful, just like Uncle Sheng's house." Xiaodouzi said.

Sheng Hang can guess what Han Zhenzhen used to live with a child, he must not be as good as now.

"Xiaodouzi, if you like here, you can come often in the future." Sheng Hang said.

"Can you live here too?"

"of course can."

Xiaodouzi smiled happily.

Shenghang took the child around the house and knew that the child had a lunch break habit, so he accompanied the child to rest in the second bedroom.

After two o'clock, Han Zhenzhen finished busy and called Shenghang.

"Are you still in the children's paradise? I'm going to look for you and Xiaodouzi now." Han Zhenzhen asked Shenghang.

After Shenghang listened, there was no excitement at all, no enthusiasm at all. He just replied indifferently, "We are not in the children's playground, at my house, you can come and find us."

"Your home?" Han Zhen was a little surprised and repeated.

"It's not the Sheng family, it's my own home, a small house, do you want to come over?" Sheng Hang asked.

Han Zhen really understood. Think about it, since Xiaodouzi is over there, let's go by himself. Anyway, I wouldn't see Shenghang's parents in the past. It's fine to pick up the children.

"Well, then you send me the address and I will pick up Xiaodouzi."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Hang sent Han Zhenzhen the address. After returning to the room from the balcony, he saw the child waking up unexpectedly. Sheng Hang was surprised and hurried over.

"Xiaodouzi, how did you wake up? Did Uncle Sheng called to wake you up just now?" Sheng Hang asked the child concerned, afraid that he would not pay attention and did not take care of the child.

Xiaodouzi did not answer Uncle Sheng's words, but asked Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, was it the call from Mommy just now?"

"Well, your mommy is coming over to pick you up."


"I'm not going back, I don't want to go back." Xiaodouzi said hurriedly, and don't want to go back. Going back, grandpa and grandma will definitely ask Mommy how he saw the uncle, and then maybe that uncle is his own dad, so he doesn't want that uncle. Be your own dad.

Seeing such a strong resistance from the children, Sheng Hang asked, "Really don't want to go back?"

"Well, really."

"Then live here tonight. This small room belongs to you, and it will be yours in the future. You can live here anytime," Sheng Hang said.

Xiaodouzi was very happy, immediately sat up from the bed, stretched out his hands to hug Uncle Sheng.

Sheng Hang also hugged the child, and after a while, he heard the child's voice.

"Uncle Sheng, I will live here tonight. When Mommy comes, I will live here too. Can you cooperate with me?" Xiaodouzi said.

"How do you let Uncle Sheng cooperate with you?"

"If my mommy wants to take me back, you have to persuade my mommy to let me stay, and I will tell mommy to stay." By implication, Uncle Sheng wants to stand on the same side with himself.

"Okay, Uncle Sheng promises you."

"um hum."

Sheng Hang felt that as long as the children were firm in their ideas, Zhenzhen would work hard to persuade them, so there was no problem with keeping the children.

"We will go to the nearby shopping mall later, and by the way, we will go to the supermarket to buy you some daily necessities." Sheng Hang said, these, I have considered these now.


"Then you continue to sleep and Uncle Sheng will accompany you. It may take a while for your mom to come." Sheng Hang said to the child, wanting the child to sleep a little longer.

"Well, I'm still a little sleepy, then I will continue to sleep."

"it is good."

It was just after three o'clock that Han Zhenzhen came to Shenghang's home, and Xiaodouzi had already woke up.

Sheng Hang went to open the door and saw Han Zhenzhen standing at the door. Sheng Hang wanted to ask, what was the man she saw today and what did she think? What are your thoughts afterwards?

However, these questions only lingered in my heart, and Shenghang did not ask them in the end.

"Come in." Sheng Hang leaned down and signaled Han Zhenzhen to come in.

Han Zhen really didn't want to go in, and stood at the door, saying, "No, you can get me Xiaodouzi, I will take her away now."

Sheng Hang didn't move, looking at Han Zhenzhen's answer, "She probably doesn't want to leave now. Come in and chat with her."

Sheng Hang's current thoughts only want Han Zhenzhen to come in first, so standing at the door talking like this is not what he wants to see.

Han Zhen really thought about it, didn't hesitate, nodded, and went in.

Xiaodouzi was sitting in the living room, watching Mommy come in, Xiaodouzi was not very enthusiastic.

Han Zhenzhen walked over, sat down next to the child, looked at the child's appearance, guessed that she had already taken a nap, and asked the child, "How about taking a break at noon?"

"Yeah, it's good." Xiaodouzi didn't feel upset, and Mommy answered by himself. "Then, Mommy will take you home, okay?" Han Zhenzhen said. On the way here, I didn’t quite understand why the child and Shenghang were at home and didn’t go to the children’s playground. But now, I don’t want to ask, after all, I am today. In front of Shenghang, I feel guilty about things I go busy with.

There is also some embarrassment.

"I don't want to go back," Xiaodouzi replied to Mommy, looking up into Mommy's eyes, and continued, "I want to live here tonight at Uncle Sheng's house."

"Xiaodouzi" Han Zhenzhen suddenly became serious and looked at the child. Xiaodouzi knew that Mommy was going to be angry, so he squirmed aggrievedly, then slid off the sofa and walked in front of Uncle Sheng. As he walked, he said, "I'm going to live in Uncle Sheng's house, and I want to live with Uncle Sheng. Together."

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