After dinner, as usual, Han Zhenzhen took care of the children and rested on homework. After the children were settled, Han Zhenzhen returned to the room, it was already ten o'clock.

After washing and lying on the bed, Han Zhen stayed in Sheng Hang's arms at eleven o'clock, looking at Sheng Hang all the time.

"What's wrong? Looking at me so much." Sheng Hang asked Han Zhenzhen.

Han Zhenzhen did not hide, looking at Sheng Hang, he cried out affectionately, "Sheng Hang."


"Do you really love me?"

"Of course," Sheng Hang replied, "True, my love for you has always been true."

After Sheng Hang finished speaking, he took Han Zhenzhen's hand and placed it in his heart.

Han Zhen really understood it, but when he asked him this sentence just now, it had no ulterior motives.

Staring at Shenghang's eyes again, Han Zhenzhen said, "Then we shouldn't hide anything between us, right?"

At this time, Sheng Hang fully understood. Zhenzhen's words just now had something in the words, but her speculation and perception in the afternoon have not been dispelled until now, instead she asked again.

Han Zhenzhen did not wait for Sheng Hang to answer, and continued, "I guess you have something, but I can't guess anything, Sheng Hang, I want to know."

"We are already together. From now on, regardless of your business or mine, we will tell each other and let each other know." Han Zhenzhen said.

"True, I" Sheng Hang wanted to say something, but Han Zhenzhen's hand suddenly stretched up to cover his mouth, beckoning him not to speak any more.

After Han Zhenzhen stopped Sheng Hang, he continued to say, "Sheng Hang, I am worried about you and worried about what you have. Although I don't know whether the things in your heart are good or bad, you can tell me that we will find a way together and meet together. Yes, can it?"

Sheng Hang couldn’t hide it long ago when his beloved woman said it. He was thinking about this matter by himself. After he convinced his parents, he would tell the truth. But now he All thoughts have changed.

"Well, okay, I said," Sheng Hang promised, looking at the woman in front of him, and all said, "Actually, I went home at noon today and met my parents."

Han Zhenzhen was surprised that Shenghang went home, but did not speak and continued to listen.

"I told my parents about our affairs, they have some opinions," Sheng Hang said, but immediately said, "but they are not opposed to it, just some of their own ideas, I will communicate with them more later, let them Changed his mind and it’s all right."

Han Zhenzhen guessed something and asked Shenghang, "Is their opinion because of Xiaodouzi?"

Sheng Hang wanted to deny it, but looking at Zhenzhen with his eyes fixed on him, he couldn't tell a lie so obviously, even a white lie.

"Yeah." Shenghang finally answered.

Han Zhenzhen felt a little bit uncomfortable in his heart, and at this moment, he was very excited, preparing in his heart, and wanted to tell Shenghang about Xiaodouzi.

"Sheng Hang, actually Xiaodouzi," Han Zhenzhen made enough preparations, but when he wanted to speak out, Sheng Hang interrupted. "Really, don't worry, I won't want Xiaodouzi," Sheng Hang was nervous, worried that Zhenzhen's thoughts would change, and hurriedly said, "You and Xiaodouzi, I have to make a decision in this life. Yes, no matter how other people object, my idea will never change, you and Xiaodou is all mine. "

Hearing Sheng Hang's words, Han Zhenzhen's eyes blushed. He had the courage to say the facts just now. He has no courage to say it, so he can only put it back in his heart.

"True, trust me, I will solve everything, I will not let go of you and Xiaodouzi, never," Shenghang continued, "The three of us will be together forever in this life."

"Well, Sheng Hang, I know, I know." Han Zhenzhen said, hugging Sheng Hang's neck with both hands, and got into his arms again, hugging him.

Sheng Hang also hugged Han Zhenzhen, at this moment, there is only love for her, true love.

After a long time, Sheng Hang lay in Han Zhenzhen's ear and said, "True, my parents, don't worry, I will take care of it, and give me some time, okay?"

I am afraid that I will change my previous mind and leave myself. "Yeah." Han Zhen really didn't mean to blame Sheng Hang at all. The Sheng family's thoughts are understandable to him. From the perspective of the elders, they think Sheng Hang can find a better woman, not his unmarried but unmarried woman. Single mothers with children can understand this by themselves


Shenghang was relieved after hearing the real answer.

On Saturday, Shenghang sent Zhenzhen and the children back to Han's house, and went to work on other things by themselves. In fact, those things are not in a hurry, but today I have time to deal with these things, so that I don’t have to spare time later. Come to work on these things.

When Han Zhenzhen returned home, he did not tell his parents and brother about the affairs between him and Shenghang, let alone the affairs of the Sheng family. Besides staying with the children at home, Han Zhenzhen also accompanied his parents. Talk with them.

Today, Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui are very happy, as if their married daughter is returning to her natal family to visit relatives. They care about their daughter and granddaughter.

"Xiaodouzi, are you still used to living in Uncle Sheng's house?" Zhou Hui asked his granddaughter.

"It's all good habits, grandma."

"That's good, if there is something you are not used to, let your Uncle Sheng and your mommy solve it for you. If you can't solve it, call grandma." Zhou Hui said.


The family stayed together all day. In the evening, Shenghang deliberately said that he had dinner for Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi in order to save more time for Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, so that Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi had a meal at Han's house. Pick them up.

Han Zhenzhen didn't say anything, so he agreed.

In the evening, Shenghang came to pick Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi at more than eight o'clock. When they returned to Shenghang's house, it was almost ten.

Han Zhenzhen took care of the child to wash and rest. Before the child rested, Han Zhenzhen told the child his plans for tomorrow, "Xiaodouzi, we won't go out to play tomorrow. You have to do homework at home."

"Well, well, I feel very happy to be with Mommy and Uncle Sheng anyway." Xiaodouzi said.

Han Zhen really smiled, as long as his daughter is happy, she is also happy.

After taking care of his daughter, Han Zhenzhen returned to the master bedroom. Before taking a break with Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen asked Shenghang, "Why did you go today?"

Han Zhen really knew that Shenghang had no important work to do.

"Some things have been dealt with, but they are not particularly important." Sheng Hang answered truthfully, not intending to hide the truth. "Dinner, did you eat it by yourself?" Han Zhenzhen asked.

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