Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1331: Any comments?

Sheng Hang deliberately didn't answer immediately. He waited for a while before saying, "That person is the person I have loved since I was young, Han Zhenzhen."

"Xiaodouzi is my biological daughter. I and my real daughter," Sheng Hang said. "Some time ago, Xiaodouzi was injured. I sent Xiaodouzi to the hospital and the doctor asked me to give Xiaodouzi a blood transfusion."

Shenghang told his parents all the matter and said in great detail.

Sheng Guocheng and Wen Jin listened very seriously this time, and because they knew that it was a blood transfusion, they didn't doubt it at all. Instead, they made a good decision in their hearts, and they kept changing.

"Dad, mom, everything is like this." After Sheng Hang finished speaking, he stopped talking and looked at his parents.

Sheng Guocheng and Wen Jin obviously hadn't fully reacted in their hearts, and they were still thinking about it.

"So, you and that woman, very early" Sheng Guocheng reacted and asked his son, "You still have children, do I have a granddaughter?"

"Well, yes, I have talked with Zhenzhen, Xiaodouzi now calls my dad." Shenghang replied.

After Wen Jin reacted, he smiled happily and said excitedly, "I have a granddaughter, and I have a granddaughter."

Sheng Hang looked at his mother, and then said, "Xiaodouzi is very good and sensible."

"That's, my granddaughter, how can you be behaved?" Wen Jin would completely forget what he had agreed with the old man before, and instead asked his son, "But Hanghang, how did you do it? How can you hurt the child? How is Xiaodouzi's injury? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, it's already healed. The doctor said that if he recovers later, the scar will slowly recede, so Xiaodouzi is fine now and healthy." Shenghang replied.

Wen Jin was relieved now.

Sheng Guocheng is also happy this time, knowing that the woman is his son's woman, and he still has a granddaughter, so there are no opinions or dislikes.

"That's Han Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen, she and Xiaodouzi are at your home now?" Sheng Guocheng asked.

"Well, we live together, but Xiaodouzi is at school today. I'm really alone at home. I have to go to school to pick up Xiaodouzi later." Sheng Hang said.

"That's fine, you pick up Xiaodouzi, then Zhenzhen, and come home to eat at night." Sheng Guocheng said directly.

"No," Sheng Hang refused, "I didn't say to Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, I would scare them when I suddenly came back for dinner."

Now, it was his turn to reject his parents.

Wen Jin was right when he thought about it, and hurriedly persuaded the old man, "Yes, Hanghang is right, in case Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi are scared, that's not good, I don't want to scare my daughter-in-law and granddaughter."

Sheng Guocheng had no reason to refute. After thinking for a while, he shifted the blame to his son and blamed him, "Who told you not to arrange for us to meet?"

"Your mother and I agreed before, if you want to see Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi, why don't you take it seriously? You haven't arranged to meet for so long, don't you sincerely want me to see the child and the child's mother?" Sheng Guocheng asked his son.

""Sheng Hang was speechless now, well, he was wrong.

This time, although the two elders blamed Shenghang, the atmosphere was quite good. Everyone was happy in their hearts, and they were still happy in the blame.

Shenghang talked a lot with his parents, and when the time was about to go, Shenghang was going to pick up Xiaodouzi.

Before leaving, Sheng Guocheng ordered his son, "The time is set for this weekend. Go back and discuss the time and place with Zhenzhen, and let me know if you have discussed it."


"If you dare to delay me because of work, I will buy back your broken company next week." Sheng Guocheng said.

Wen Jin also echoed and said, "Yes, Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi are much more important than your job, Hanghang, you have to take it seriously. Arrange for us to meet Zhenzhen Xiaodouzi this weekend."

"Yeah, I see." Sheng Hang agreed, and felt relieved. With his parents like this, there is no objection at all. Then he and Zhenzhen Xiaodou will definitely be together.

Sheng Hang came to the school to pick up Xiaodouzi and went home. Han Zhenzhen had already made dinner.

After the family had dinner, Han Zhenzhen accompanies the children to do homework and Shenghang washes the dishes.

It was already past ten o'clock when Han Zhenzhen and Shenghang were resting when the child was asleep.

"Zhenzhen." Sheng Hang lay on the bed, holding Zhenzhen, and suddenly called out affectionately.

"Well, what's the matter?" Han Zhenzhen answered, knowing that Sheng Hang had something to say to himself.

"I went back to my parents' side today." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhen was really serious, knowing that Shenghang would continue to speak, so he kept listening.

"I told my parents everything about us and Xiaodouzi. They know everything." Sheng Hang said.

"Uncle and aunt, did you say anything?" Han Zhenzhen asked.

"My parents, all the thoughts and thoughts of you and Xiaodouzi have changed," Sheng Hang said. "They know that Xiaodouzi and I still have the identity of Xiaodouzi. They are very happy and want to see you and Xiaodouzi."

"Besides, we promised to have a good meal together before. The two elders blamed me today, saying that I didn't want them to see you and Xiaodouzi, saying it was all my fault." Sheng Hang said.

After hearing this, Han Zhenzhen smiled happily, looked at Sheng Hang and asked, "So about our two things, shouldn't uncles and aunts have any opinions?"

"Do they still want to have any opinions?" Sheng Hang asked back, "We both have to do what we should do, and we have our kids. What other opinions do they want to say?"

"If there are any more opinions, I will really think about it, not let them see you and Xiaodouzi, and give them a constant appetite." Sheng Hang said.

I really don't believe it anymore, my parents can't help it.

Although he is an elder, he will not resist anything, let alone hate anything, but there are some things that I should insist on, and some methods I can still do.

Han Zhen really smiled warmer than before, knowing that there should be no obstacles between himself and Shenghang.

"Okay, I'm not poor anymore," Han Zhenzhen said with a smile, calming down a bit, and said to Shenghang earnestly, "I must see my uncles and aunts, and in Xiaodouzi's heart, I should also want to see her grandparents. "

"I guess uncle and aunt would like to see me more, right?" Han Zhenzhen said.

"Well, my parents want to see you and Xiaodouzi very much, saying it's this weekend, anyway, they will see you." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhen nodded, "Well, yes, Xiaodouzi should have no activities at school this weekend. It's up to you."

"I'm okay," Sheng Hang said, even if there is something to do, he must make time for himself, "Why don't we have dinner together at noon on Saturday?"

"Okay, yes, I'm fine." Han Zhenzhen said. Sheng Hang approached Han Zhenzhen and dropped a kiss on Han Zhenzhen's forehead.

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