Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1359: This... doesn't seem to count

"The other day, go home first today and don't get together anymore," He Lichen said.

"Okay, let's listen to our President He Da." Li Xuwen said.

"Don't be poor." He Lichen said to Li Xuwen.

Wan Kun also followed the excitement at this meeting and said with a smile, "Li Chen, You Jia seems to be interesting to you."

This, I observed it just now when I was eating. You Jia looked at Lichen's eyes, and there was something wrong with him.

"She is not such a frivolous person." He Lichen said. Although it was only the first time we met today, You Jia's impression of herself was not bad. She was a charming and capable woman, so her thoughts and cognition were not easy. Decide on one thing, such as what Wan Kun said.

"Yes, she is not a frivolous person, but the first impression is a little better, and she seems to have a good impression. Women will still show it. After all, women are more emotional than our men, even if they are strong women in the workplace." Li Xuwen agreed with Wan Kun .

He Lichen can't say anything at this time, because the analysis of the brothers is not unreasonable. Women are indeed more emotional, and when they meet for the first time, everyone still has some evaluation and impression of a person in each other's hearts.

"But Lichen, we just observed it and told you, you will pay attention to it later." Although it is a small matter, as a brother, Wan Kun still has to tell Lichen.

He Lichen didn't go on to talk about this topic, but said, "I'm turning at the intersection ahead. I'm free next week. Come to He Yi to find me. Let's discuss the central square project next quarter."


"Okay, got it."

He Lichen returned home and saw that his parents were not in the living room. They must have been asleep.

Going upstairs and returning to his room, He Lichen changed his clothes and turned on the computer to browse today's financial news. When he was about to turn off the computer and take a bath, the phone rang.

I took the phone and saw that it was a call from a little girl. He Lichen was a little surprised. The little girl called herself at this time and immediately connected.

"What's the matter?" He Lichen asked hurriedly, worried that there was something on her side, and still thinking in her heart that if there was something urgent, he would drive to the apartment right now.

"Uncle," Jane yelled, not very happy, and then asked, "Where are you?"

"At home." He Lichen replied.

""Jian Yi was startled, hey, my uncle is at home? Doesn't he have dinner tonight? And there are still women at the dinner. Didn’t they go to cheer up after the meal? Singing, or going to a bar for a drink or something, why come home so early?

Without hearing the little girl talking, He Lichen asked again, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing," Jian Yi hurriedly replied, pulling back his thoughts, and then asked, "When did you go home?"

"I've been back for a while," He Lichen replied, still worrying about the little girl, and then asked, "Is there something wrong? Did something happen to you?"

"No, I'm fine." Jian Yi said with a smile.

"Then you are calling." He Lichen didn't understand the meaning of the little girl calling.

"I just missed you." Jian Yi thought for a while, but couldn't say that he cared about his dinner tonight and worried that he would be close to other women, so he could only say that.

Hearing what the little girl said and knowing she was okay, He Lichen felt less worried and responded softly, "Well, what is going on?"

"Calling you in bed."


"What did you have for dinner?"

"Not very hungry, so I drank some porridge."


The two chatted for a while. Jian Yi was in a good mood because her uncle was at home and was not outside with others. He Lichen was safe because the little girl was fine, and she was at ease.

Without much chatting, I hung up.

After Jian Yi hung up the phone, she hugged her mobile phone in her arms, very happy, and then rolled around on the bed again, grinning, and talking to herself from time to time.

"There is no woman around Uncle."

"Let me just say, my uncle won't like those women, my uncle is a very honest person, he likes simple girls."

Jian Yi muttered a few words, and then suddenly asked herself, do you like uncle?

Ask yourself, I like it, of course I like it, my uncle is so good.

Do you love uncle? As soon as this question came out, Jian Yi himself was dumbfounded, she didn't know how to think in her mind?

Although I have never been in love, but I have chased love dramas, watched romance, the process and feelings of those male and female protagonists falling in love, I understand to some extent, if I put this feeling on myself and my uncle

Jian Yi didn't know what the younger uncle was thinking, but in his own heart, he cared very much about the younger uncle. That caring had already surpassed friendship, but in fact, the relationship between him and uncle was more than friendship? and so

Don't you love uncle?

Jian Yi would not admit this in her heart. If she put it another way, she didn’t want to admit it. After all, I didn’t know what the uncle’s thoughts were at all, so it’s better not to have illusions and keep the relationship like this. It's also pretty good.

"Oh, I'm so annoying, I don't want to, I'm going to sleep." Jian Yi muttered to herself, said to herself, disconnected her thoughts, and got ready to sleep.

On the other side of He Lichen, he rested after washing. He didn't think much about meeting with You Jia today, and he didn't think much about Xiao Niu's call, because Xiao Niu had nothing to do, so I didn't worry about it.

After a while, everyone's life was very peaceful. Apart from work and family, He Lichen's only concern was the chick.

But Jian Yi's work is very smooth, but because he can't see him often, he feels a little dissatisfied. Although he can talk to him on the phone every day, he still feels lonely if he can't see him.

On this day, Jane sat in a daze in the company pantry after finishing work.

"Hey, what do you think?" Hu Yangyang suddenly approached, and asked while intentionally frightening Jianyi.

Jian Yi trembled, hurriedly recovered, and quickly sorted out his emotions before repliing Hu Yangyang, "No, I didn't think about anything."

Hu Yangyang sat down opposite Jian Yi and said, "Looking at your thinking about spring, are you thinking of which man?"

"Do you think my friend counts?" Jian Yi asked directly, yes, he was just thinking about uncle.

What do you think the uncle is doing? Are you in a meeting? Are you still looking at the file? Or is it reprimanding which employee?

"Oh, that's your friend from Westport?" Hu Yangyang asked.

Jian Yi nodded. "This doesn't seem to count," Hu Yangyang knew that Jian Yi had a very good relationship with that friend, and continued, "You and him are buddies, the best and best friends, don't count."

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