Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 190: That row, second position

"Seven o'clock." He Zikai said, he called the hospital last night, and the scheduled time was seven.

He Zikai then looked at the time and said to Cheng Nuo, "This meeting should be here."

"Then I'll go downstairs first, you have finished washing down." Cheng Nuo said, walking up to He Zikai, standing on tiptoe, and printing a kiss on He Zikai's cheek.

"Well, as soon as possible." He Zikai said.

Cheng Nuo nodded and smiled, then walked out of the bedroom.

Downstairs, the doctor was already sitting in the living room waiting with the medicine kit. He saw Cheng Nuo go downstairs with gauze wrapped around her forehead. The doctor knew she was the patient he was going to see today.

"Hello." The doctor did not know what to call Cheng Nuo, so he could only greet him like this.

People who can live on the banks of Lishui Bay should be Kaishao women, so you must not neglect.

"Well, hello." Cheng Nuo was also very polite, walked over, sat down on the sofa, smiled and said to the doctor, "Please help me re-bandage, by the way, change the medicine, this time I don’t need to wrap so much gauze. Can you just put a bandage on the wound?"

Cheng Nuo asked, I am going to work today, of course I want to look good and how to do it.

"Okay, I will take apart the gauze to look at your wound, and then I will bandage you." The doctor said.

"Well, then you can start." Cheng Nuo sat in the living room upright.

The doctor began to remove the gauze from Cheng Nuo.

Twenty minutes later, the doctor cleverly bandaged Cheng Nuo's wound. The bandage was not only small, but the hair on the forehead was covered, and there was no visible forehead injury.

Cheng Nuo went to the mirror on the first floor and was very satisfied with the doctor's bandaging technique.

Cheng Nuo then thanked the doctor and asked Aunt Lan to send the doctor away.

When He Zikai went downstairs, he saw that the little woman was already sitting in the living room for dinner. She was not angry or blamed for her practice of having breakfast alone without waiting for herself today.

This home is hers, she can come as she pleases, and she is up to her.

"Akai, I'm hungry, so I ate first." Cheng Nuo noticed that He Zikai came over and said hurriedly.

"Well, eat slowly." He Zikai sat next to Cheng Nuo and said, taking the milk on the table and passing it to her, worrying that she might choke while eating bread.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered.

Only then did He Zikai pay attention to her forehead, seeing that the bandaging of the wound was indeed a lot more beautiful, and he was quite satisfied.

"Akai, where did you find the doctor? The technique is so good." Cheng Nuo asked while eating.

"Hospital." He Zikai uttered two words briefly, and then began to eat breakfast.

"Does the hospital have such a good doctor?" Cheng Nuo asked.

"Yeah." He Zikaiying, he just called the hospital last night and told the dean to find the best doctor for trauma bandaging. He didn't say much about the others, but it seems that the hospital will have to invest more in the future. The doctor's ability is good.

Cheng Nuo didn't think much about it as he ate, and he blurted out, "Then you have to leave the contact information of this doctor. When I get injured again next time, I can find this doctor for bandage."

auzw.com""He Zikai was about to take a bite of bread. Hearing the woman's words, his movements stopped and his face sank.

Next time? Next time? It hurts enough to hurt herself this time. She is still thinking about getting hurt next time?

Cheng Nuo was still eating, and he hadn't reacted in his mind. After a few seconds, he realized that he had said something wrong.

Worried that He Zikai would be angry, Cheng Nuo had a pitiful look, flapping his eyes, looking at He Zikai with innocent eyes.

He Zikai looked at this woman, after all, the gloom on his face disappeared, and the anger in his heart just disappeared.

"No next time, I won't hurt you again." He Zikai said solemnly every word.

"Well, I won't hurt myself either." Cheng Nuo said quickly, with a flattering smile on his face.

He Zikai nodded, and then said softly, "Let's eat."

Cheng Nuo didn't speak, and began to eat like a kitten.

After eating, the two drove to work.

At this time, at the Xiamenkou of Heda University, Liu Ziying carrying the latest bag, while walking into the Heyi Building, while holding a phone call.

"Sister-in-law, just wait. Today, I want to make that **** Cheng Nuo not stay in the Heyi Empire." Liu Ziying gritted her teeth and said, walking quickly with her high heels, making a squeaky sound.

"Well, I just go to the Ministry of Culture anyway." Li Fangqiong on the other end of the phone told Liu Ziying, "But Yingzi, you have to remember, don't talk about the marriage of He Zikai and Cheng Nuo, or it will spread. Now, none of us can eat it."

Li Fangqiong does not have the courage to disclose the hidden marriage of He Zikai and Cheng Nuo in his heart. If he angers He Zikai, He Zikai drives herself out of the mansion and swallows He Yi Empire, then she will not get a penny, so Pay more attention to yourself at this time.

"Well, don't worry, how could I say that my Kai married another woman? Even if I say, I should say that Kai's marry is me." Liu Ziying said, "Sister-in-law, just wait and see, I Today, I will not only reverse black and white, but I will also make a mess of the Ministry of Culture and drive away Cheng Nuo."

"Well, good job, Yingzi, it should be like this." Li Fangqiong supported Liu Ziying very much.

"Then I won't tell you, I'm going upstairs to the Ministry of Culture." Liu Ziying has already walked to the lobby on the first floor.


Hanging up the phone, Liu Ziying stepped on ten-centimeter high heels, twisted Xiaoman's waist, and walked to the elevator.

t5?m:?2 ('iu?m?6?5m vortex?????4) There are still twenty minutes before working hours. At the moment, only a few colleagues are here in the office of the Ministry of Culture.

When Liu Ziying walked into the office of the Ministry of Culture, several of the cultural colleagues were surprised when they saw Liu Ziying. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

Recently, I haven't heard that the Ministry of Personnel recruits people to the Ministry of Culture. This woman doesn't know her at all. She should have gone to the wrong department office?

Just when several colleagues, Liu Ziying suddenly asked a man, "Which is Cheng Nuo's desk?"

He didn't even say a polite greeting. The male colleague was a little surprised at the woman's appearance and cultivation, but he pointed to a short distance and said, "That row, the second position."

After Liu Ziying listened, she didn't even say thank you, and walked straight over there.

Several colleagues looked at each other again, and were all surprised at who this woman was from Cheng Nuo. Cheng Nuo was very polite and had a friendly relationship with everyone, but this woman seemed to be of low quality.

Liu Ziying stood at Cheng Nuo's desk, looked at it for a while, then pulled Cheng Nuo's office chair away, sat down, and began to wait for Cheng Nuo.

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