Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 216: For whom to spend so much money

Suddenly, He Zikai broke away from Song Jingye's hand, looked at his eyes, and said fiercely, "As for? What do you say? You used to be like this for Gu Yao, my promise, I have my heart for her. It’s good to dig her lungs, but what about her? I followed the other men silently, got into the arms of other men, and lay under the other men. What do you think of me? I can’t wait to break Gong Yi into pieces. segment."

Song Jingye was speechless by He Zikai. Now, he has experienced the situation of He Zikai. At the beginning, he was only sad that Gu Yao left, and he still had to endure the fact that his beloved was around other men, such torture. , Really uncomfortable.

Song Jingye also sat on the ground afterwards, and the two of them sat quietly.

Time passed every minute and every second. It was not until a long time before Song Jingye said calmly, "Zi Kai, cheer up, besides her, you still have your career, your family, and friends. We don’t want you to be like this. Depressed."

Hearing Song Jingye's plain voice, He Zikai's mood also became indifferent, and her lips lightened, "But when I think of Nuoer, my heart hurts, Jing Ye, do you understand?"

"Yeah." Song Jingye answered, knowing, experiencing, and understanding the pain of missing her beloved.

After that, Song Jingye continued, "Zi Kai, bear this feeling, cheer up, your future is still a long way."

"But there is no Nuoer in my future," He Zikai said, staring in front of him with empty eyes, as if he could not see anything.

A week later, He Zikai came out of the bedroom in the morning and went downstairs.

Aunt Lan saw He Zikai coming downstairs and hurriedly went up to greet him, "Sir, breakfast is ready, you are now"

Aunt Lan was coldly interrupted by He Zikai before she finished speaking.

"Don't eat." He Zikai refused coldly, "I don't need to prepare breakfast in the morning."

Aunt Lan heard He Zikai's tone and was too scared to speak.

He Zikai went to the living room and sat down. He stared at him with deep eyes, and said to Aunt Lan, "Today, everything about her at home will be thrown out, and there will be a renovation company tomorrow. ."

"Yes." Aunt Lan did not dare to neglect, and immediately replied.

Over the past week or so, the husband has changed so much. The whole person seems to have completely changed, without the gentleness and smile of the past. Today's face is all wrapped in indifference and gloom, and everything he says seems to be thrown out of the ice cellar. Same word.

He Zikai sat on the sofa for a while, feeling that the time was almost up, then got up and left home.

He Yi Building, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng had already been waiting in He Zikai's office.

I don't know what He Zikai called them today, but the only thing the two can think of is the discussion about He Yi's interests, so naturally, they will come here soon.

An Lin sat in front of the office, and when he saw He Zikai walk out of the elevator, he immediately got up and greeted him.

"Mr. He." An Lin greeted.

He Zikai didn't even look at An Lin, and walked straight to the office.

Li Fangqiong and He Cheng saw He Zikai coming, and they deliberately sat silent, wanting He Zikai to take the initiative to greet them.

However, He Zikai walked into the office, just glanced at the two of them, then went to the desk, took a document, walked to the two of them, and kept the document on the coffee table in front of them.

"Sign it, then get out." After He Zikai finished speaking, he turned around and went back to sit down at his desk.

"" Li Fangqiong and He Cheng looked at each other several times, without knowing what was going on.

Li Fangqiong picked up the document in front of him and read it again, only to understand what happened.

"He Zikai, I want us to transfer shares to you, but there is no door." Li Fangqiong's face changed completely.

"That is, why should I transfer the shares to you? I still have to rely on this shares to continue to take He Yi's money." He Cheng also agreed.

He Zikai didn't have the mind to talk nonsense with the two of them. While flipping through the documents, he said coldly, "If you don't sign it for five minutes, I won't let you get a cent in He Yi."

auzw.com Listening to He Zikai’s voice, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng were a little scared.

Since Cheng Nuo left Xigang City, He Zikai has changed. In just one week, he acquired 12 companies, and even in some projects, he directly forced commercial opponents to be unable to survive. Today, the news reported that one After the group boss failed to compete with the He Yi Empire, he went to sea fishing to make a living.

Realizing this, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng were still shaken, and they hurriedly looked through the documents carefully, and transferred 30% of the shares to He Zikai, and they would get a price twice as high as the market. It is also profitable.

"Wife, or just sign it." He Cheng said that although there is no chance of profit in the future, the doubled price given by He Zikai is still relatively high.

Li Fangqiong is still hesitating, but he is worried that if he doesn't sign this, he really won't get a cent from He Yi in the end, so he will lose a lot.

Finally, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng signed the document, and He Cheng took it and handed it to He Zikai.

He Zikai took the file, but didn't even look at it, but was still on the side.

"An Lin" He Zikai called towards the door.

The office door was not closed, An Lin walked in immediately.

"Mr. He." An Lin answered, holding a long-signed check in his hand.

"Give it to him." He Zikai said two words.

An Lin nodded, then handed the check in his hand to He Cheng.

After He Cheng took the check, he confirmed with Li Fangqiong that there was no problem, and then gave He Zikai a disdainful look, and then left.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6蛋?5m 禟??馟???4 Only He Zikai and An Lin are left in the office, and He Zikai starts to order work.

"Prepare information, within one week, forcibly recover the shares in He Tianyu's hands." He Zikai ordered.

Yesterday I talked to He Tianyu. Because of his feelings for that **** woman, he was resolutely unwilling to transfer the shares to himself. In that case, he had to use his own methods to get back what he wanted.

"Yes." An Lin nodded and agreed.

"All of He Yi's projects in Canada have been stopped." He Zikai continued.

"At this time, An Lin was shocked, paused for a few seconds, and said boldly, "Mr He, this will cost a lot."

A project with at least nine figures of funds, if all of them stop now, the loss is simply incalculable.

"I don't care." He Zikai threw out four words coldly.

Money, what do you care about it? Who would spend so much money for?

In Canada, there is Gong Yi and that, **** woman, who hates that place.

"" An Lin heard the boss's words, but in the end he could only respond and start execution.

One month later, the breeze at night was cool, and He Zikai stood on the balcony, watching the night scene in front of her.

After standing for two full hours, He Zikai looked back, turned and walked into the bedroom.

The houses on the banks of Lishui Bay have all been remodeled. Nowadays, in the master bedroom, black is the main color, with very little white, and there is no third color in the whole room.

He Zikai walked to the bed and sat down, then stretched out his hand to open the drawer of the bedside table and took out a small medicine bottle from it.

Opening the bottle cap, He Zikai poured out several pills, then swallowed them all into his mouth, took a glass of water on the bedside table, and took two sips.

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