Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 308: Three hundred and eighth

Chapter 308 Mommy, I finally see you

By the Lishui Bay, in the master bedroom, Cheng Xiaomei was lying on the bed, while He Zikai was sitting by the bed, looking at her daughter.

"Sleep." He Zikai said two words indifferently. Her daughter has been lying in bed for more than an hour, but her eyes have not been closed, so she opened her eyes and occasionally looked at herself and occasionally at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep." Cheng Xiaomei muttered and said, looking at Papa, "I hold Mommy to sleep every night. I can't sleep without Mommy."

After speaking, Cheng Xiaomei had another expectation in her heart, her voice lowered a little, and she asked in a low voice, "Can you take me to see Mommy?"

"No." He Zikai still coldly refused. Even though he knew there were some requests in his daughter's tone, at this time, he could not send his daughter to Lishe.

Cheng Xiaomei pursed her mouth again, pursing her lips, there were tears in her eyes, but she resisted.

He Zikai looked at her with a painful heart.

My daughter missed Nuoer, and she also missed it. I really hope that in the next second, Nuoer will come back to herself and her daughter, and come back to this home.

Finally, Cheng Xiaomei still couldn't hold back. While crying, she shouted, "I want Mommy, I want Mommy"

Seeing her daughter crying very sadly, He Zikai opened the quilt, picked her up from the bed, and carried her into her arms.

I can't take her to find Nuoer now. If I do, Nuoer and her daughter will accompany Gong Yi tonight. This is not what I want to see.

Cheng Xiaomei cried and cried, tired of crying, and fell asleep on her dad's shoulder.

He Zikai is very fortunate that her daughter does not reject her at all, even if she just met today, there is no barrier at all.

Looking at his watch, it was already past eleven. He Zikai then put her daughter on the bed very carefully and helped her cover her quilt.

Not planning to leave, He Zikai just sat on the side of the bed with her daughter.

Until three o'clock in the morning, He Zikai was a little sleepy. Looking at the sleeping daughter, he had no intention of leaving the bedroom. He walked to the sofa in the bedroom and sat down, then looked at the sleeping daughter for a while, then leaned on the sofa. Close your eyes and rest.

At six o'clock in the morning, two people in the living room of Lishe Villa sat for a full night, and no one went to rest.

The quiet atmosphere in the living room all night was suddenly interrupted by Gong Yi's voice.

"You can go to Xiaomei." Gong Yi finally compromised.

I can't help this woman, because she is her beloved, there is no way to watch her torment herself.

"Give me a time to come back." Gong Yi added that although he compromised, he couldn't really let go.

Let her go to Xiaomei and He Zikai. This is a decision she made after thinking about it all night and struggling to make it. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

After a while, Cheng Nuo reacted to Gong Yi's words and turned to look at Gong Yi. The next second, the whole person stood up.

But as soon as he stood up, Cheng Nuo had no feeling in his legs and couldn't stand at all. With a thump, he sat on the ground.

"Nuo Nuo." Gong Yi hurriedly left the sofa and knelt down, trying to help Cheng Nuo up.

Cheng Nuo knew that it was the reason that he had been sitting for a long time. Regardless of the support of Gong Yi's hands, he slapped his legs with both hands, feeling sensation in his legs, and then stood up with difficulty.

Cheng Nuo was sober in his mind at this time, looked at Gong Yi, and said excitedly, "Two days, two days later I will be back."

After finishing speaking, before Gong Yi's answer, Cheng Nuo hurriedly picked up his bag, mobile phone and car key on the sofa, and ran to the door.

Seeing Cheng Nuo's departure, Gong Yi felt sad.

Nono, are you so eager to meet Xiaomei? Or to see He Zikai?


On the shore of Lishui Bay, Cheng Xiaomei sat on the sofa with a bulging face, looking straight at the watch on the wall.

Dadbi said that if Mommy doesn't come here at 8 o'clock, he will take himself to find Mommy.

He Zikai stood aside, looking at this stubborn daughter, there was really no way at all.

She woke up at five o'clock in the morning, went to the bathroom, went downstairs and sat here all the time. She just asked her to eat breakfast, but she didn't eat it.

"At eight o'clock, I will take you to find Nuoer." He Zikai continued, worrying about her daughter's body, "I promised you, it won't change."

After a pause, He Zikai said, "Now, eat first."

Cheng Xiaomei's belly has been groaning and screaming. This will hear Papa's promise, and she doesn't know why in her heart. She believes in Papa and believes that he will not lie to herself.

"Oh." Cheng Xiaomei answered, looking at Dadbi.

He Zikai stretched out her hand and motioned for her to reach out.

Cheng Xiaomei slid down from the sofa, stretched out her hand, and took Dabby's hand.

He Zikai took her daughter by the hand and went to the dining room for breakfast.

Aunt Lan was very happy. The husband didn't have the habit of eating breakfast, but today he ate breakfast with the little princess. Isn't it true that the husband's breakfast habit will continue after the wife comes back?

After eating breakfast, Cheng Xiaomei immediately picked up the cartoon phone on her chest, pressed the bright screen and glanced at it, then turned the screen to the opposite Papa, and stretched out her hand to show him.

"It's seven fifty." Cheng Xiaomei was reminding Dad that there was excitement in her voice.

"Yeah." He Zikai put down his chopsticks, looked at his daughter and said, "I will take you to find Nuoer."

Cheng Xiaomei smiled happily, put her phone away, slipped off the chair, stood there, and signaled Dad to leave now.

He Zikai was disappointed, disappointed that Nuoer did not return, but on the surface, he did not show any expression.

He Zikai took her daughter by the hand and walked out of the villa. When they were walking towards the car, suddenly a car drove into the yard.

After one year and one year, she stopped, Cheng Xiaomei took a serious look, and suddenly cried out in surprise, "Mommy, it's Mommy."

This is Mommy's car, yes.

"Mommy, Mommy, Cheng Xiaonuo." Cheng Xiaomei immediately broke away from her dad's hand and ran to Mommy's car.

Cheng Nuo hurriedly got out of the car and saw her daughter coming over. He was excited and his eyes were red.

"Xiaomei" Cheng Nuo couldn't even pay attention to the car, and ran to her daughter.

When the two women met, Cheng Nuo squatted down and hugged her daughter tightly.

"Woo, Mommy, I finally saw you." The little man couldn't help but cried.

"Xiaomei, I'm sorry, it's all bad mommy, it's Cheng Xiaonuo's fault." Cheng Nuo endured the tears and said to her daughter.

Xiao Ren Er got into Mommy's arms and shook his head vigorously, "I don't want you to say this, I just want to be with you forever, Xiaomei and Cheng Xiaonuo will not be separated, never separated."

"Well, if you don't separate, you won't be separated again." Cheng Nuo followed her daughter's words and replied.

The mother and daughter held each other for a long time. It was a long time before Cheng Nuo let go of her daughter. At this time, He Zikai had already walked to them.

Cheng Nuo helped her daughter wipe away the tears from her face before looking at He Zikai.


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