Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 322: Three hundred and twenty-two

What she said in Chapter 322 is true?

Just after the housekeeper’s words were finished, Xiao Wei, who was standing in the middle of the living room, suddenly thumped and knelt on the ground, crying, shaking his head and saying, “Second Young Master, Second Young Grandma, it’s really not me. I didn’t give the old lady the medicine. , Really not me. The latest and fastest update, free reading

The other babysitters bowed their heads in fright, and didn't even dare to say anything, for fear of involving themselves.

The old lady is the biological mother of the second young master. Now that things happen, the second young master will definitely get angry, and how can the second young master's temper easily let go of the person who prescribed the medicine?

"Isn't you still having someone else?" He Zikai's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he couldn't think of anyone else except Xiaowei?

"It's really not me, it's not me, Second Young Master." Xiao Wei cried silently, and kept kowtow, "I was wronged, really."

He Zikai clenched his fists, his murderous intent had risen to the highest point.

In the past five years, my mother's condition has not improved. It was because of this reason. As everyone knows, when did she start?

She is really courageous.

However, none of the people who provoked his He Zikai had a good end.

"The housekeeper." He Zikai coldly called the housekeeper regardless of the crying person who was kneeling not far away.

"Second Young Master." The butler nodded and replied.

"Pull out and kill with one shot. The latest and fastest update, free reading is provided," He Zikai ordered.

The butler did not answer immediately. He first glanced at the old man and saw that he didn't mean to speak. Then he answered, "Yes."

The security guard in the yard was ordered to come in, and he was going to drag Xiao Wei to the backyard and follow the orders of the second master.

The He Family Mansion has its own family laws and rules. None of the people who have betrayed the He Family had a good end. This time, Xiao Wei can't escape.

"No, no, I don't want to die."

"I was wronged, I really don't want to die."

"Woo, second young master, please believe me."

Xiao Wei was dragged to the door by two security guards, struggling hard.

Just when everyone thought Xiao Wei was making the last dying struggle for his mistake, suddenly, a word stunned everyone.

"Yes, it's Grandma, it's her, she asked me to do this."

At the juncture of his life, Xiao Wei still said it out in order to save his life.

If you don't say it, you will die, but if you say it, maybe the second young master will leave him with a bad life.

Suddenly, everyone in the living room looked at Xiao Wei at the door at the first glance, and at Li Fangqiong sitting on the sofa at the second glance.

Even He Cheng looked at Li Fangqiong in surprise. Latest and fastest update

The housekeeper saw that the second young master did not give any instructions, and what Xiao Wei said was very useful. Thinking about it, he made his own way, winked at the two security guards, and asked them to drag Xiao Wei back again.

Xiao Wei was dragged back and sat not far in front of He Zikai. He didn't care who kept it secret, and said everything he wanted to say in his heart.

"Master, second young master, second young grandmother, really, it was all the older grandmother who instructed me to do it. A long, long time ago, she ordered me to drug the old lady, saying that if I quit, she would find someone to kill. My whole family, I was forced."

After a pause, Xiao Wei seemed to think of something, and continued, "Also, the young lady said that her medicine was specially studied for the old lady, and it was from a foreign family."

Before Xiao Wei had finished speaking, Li Fangqiong suddenly rushed forward and beat Xiao Wei frantically, preventing her from speaking.

"You bastard, why did you plant it on me?"


"How could I harm the old lady? She is my mother-in-law."

"Blind maid, I must teach you a lesson today."

Li Fangqiong and Xiao Wei fought together, and the people around wanted to go forward to pull, but they couldn't find a gap to start, Li Fangqiong's movements were too fast.

Suddenly, Li Fangqiong stuffed Xiaowei's mouth with something, and Wei Na saw it at a glance.

Suddenly, Xiao Wei's whole body softened and fell to the ground, Li Fangqiong also stopped fighting.

Vina hurried forward a few steps, pushed Li Fangqiong away, and began to see Xiaowei's situation.

Everyone around was always in a state of surprise. He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stood there, still unable to reflect what was going on now.

"Yeah" Xiaowei was completely weakened. He was very anxious about what he wanted to say, but he just couldn't make a sound.

Wei Na looked at Xiao Wei's eyes, her face, and her neck slowly flushed.

"What did you eat for her?" Vina asked Li Fangqiong angrily.

"Huh, this **** is talking nonsense, he deserves a lesson." Li Fangqiong would stand up and tidy up his clothes.

Li Fangqiong's answer, Vina didn't get any useful information, and she couldn't take care of the others. Simply for Xiaowei's first diagnosis, her vocal cords might be useless if she is not given first aid.

As a doctor, I only care about saving people, not who is right and who is wrong.

"You two, help her get in the car and follow me to the nearby hospital." Vina said hurriedly.

The two security guards also saw that Xiaowei's condition was not right, and when they heard Vina's words, they hurriedly helped Xiaowei and followed Vina out of the house.

He Zikai did not stop Wei Na's actions, and all the hatred was placed on Li Fangqiong.

Xiaowei was in a hurry and had no reason to lie, so her words were true.

And his own guess, Li Fangqiong is more likely than Xiaowei to hurt his mother.

"What she said is true?" He Zikai looked at Li Fangqiong and asked.

Li Fangqiong was a little scared now, and did not answer He Zikai's words, but looked at the people around him, including the indifferent face of the old man, and the surprised He Cheng.

"No, it's not true." Li Fangqiong trembled, and answered He Zikai's words. His teeth were already shaking in his mouth because of tension.

Listening to Li Fangqiong's trill, no one can believe Li Fangqiong's words.

Everyone in the living room knows how much Li Fangqiong hates Bai Wanjing.

"Li Fangqiong, this time, I won't let you go." He Zikai said word by word, with a terrifying expression on his face.

Regarding my sister, I have been skeptical of Li Fangqiong, even 90% sure, but because there is not enough evidence, I have not moved her thoughts.

Today, breakfast is still on the coffee table, and Xiao Wei’s words and words that are uttered in a hurry are very credible in order to save his life. Therefore, this time, I will never let Li Fangqiong go.

"Steward." He Zikai called again.

"Second Young Master."

"Li Fangqiong, He Cheng, they all blasted out of the mansion, in the future, they are not allowed to step into this place." He Zikai ordered.

"Yes." At this time, the butler answered very simply and looked at the door. Several security guards at the door received their eyes and walked in.

Li Fangqiong panicked and shook his head hurriedly, "No, I won't go out, I can't go out."


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