Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 350: Three hundred and fifty

Chapter 350 I invite you to come

Lao Ji moved her mouth and didn't know what to say for a while. After a while, she replied, "Well, the dinner hosted by Zi Kai, Sister Bai should be there."

Mo Kuang looked at the front with a very indifferent expression, unable to guess what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Mo Kuang asked again, "What's the situation with Zuo Yu and Qi Yuheng?"

"They should act tomorrow night." Old Ji said.

Mo Kuang's eyes deepened, and he still spoke calmly, "Set up our people."

"Yeah." Old Ji promised, "Don't worry, there are our helpless people, the people of the z organization, don't want to touch Bai Jie and Zi Kai."

In this case, Mo Kuang naturally also believes that protecting Wanjing and Zi Kai is Mo Bang's unconditional mission.

Cheng Nuo and her daughter strolled in the park for a while before walking towards the park gate.

Cheng Nuo held his daughter's hand in one hand, and his mobile phone in the other. He was about to dial He Zikai's number when he saw an incoming call.

Taking a serious look at the teledisplay, Cheng Nuo was shocked, and it was actually Gong Yi's call.

Cheng Nuo stopped, and then Cheng Xiaomei followed Mommy to a stop.

Cheng Nuo answered the phone, put the phone to his ear, and yelled softly, "Gong Yi."

"Well, it's me, Nono. The latest and fastest update, free reading is provided." Gong Yi's voice sounded the same as before, very calm and gentle, "Are you at home now?"

"No, I am in the park with Xiaomei." Cheng Nuo replied, and after thinking about it, he immediately asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm in Lishe now. I haven't seen you and Xiaomei for a long time. I miss you very much and want to see you." Gong Yi said his true thoughts.

As soon as I recovered my body and returned to a good state, I couldn’t wait to see Nuno and Xiaomei. I have not seen each other for so long. I missed them so much and I have been patient. Second, he wanted to stand in front of Nono and Xiaomei.

"Well, Xiaomei and I miss you too." Cheng Nuo said excitedly. He really missed Gong Yi and worried about him.

"Then, can we make an appointment to meet?" Gong Yi asked, trying to suppress his emotional excitement, not wanting Nono to hear it in his tone.

"Yes, of course." Cheng Nuo was so excited that he wanted to cry. After thinking for a few seconds, he continued, "Gong Yi, Xiaomei and I are now ready to go home. Or come to Lishui Bay. I'll call Zi Kai and say, let's have dinner at home together at noon, okay?"

"Yeah, OK." Gong Yi said, accepting the reality of Nono and Xiaomei's life, and he also accepted He Zikai, eating together, to himself, there is nothing surprising or unacceptable.

"Well, then I will wait for you at home." Cheng Nuo said happily.

After chatting for a few words, Cheng Nuo hung up the phone and called He Zikai again.

He Zikai heard that Gong Yi was coming home, so he decided to put aside his work and go home to receive Gong Yi.

Nuoer and her daughter miss Gong Yi. Gong Yi is a benefactor to herself, so naturally they should entertain them.

An hour later, when Gong Yi came to Lishui Bay and saw their family of three standing at the door to greet him, Gong Yi had a slight astringency in his heart, but more of joy.

"Papa Gong." When Cheng Xiaomei saw Papa Gong, she ran to Papa Gong immediately.

Gong Yi squatted down as before and stretched out his hands to welcome her daughter's arrival.


Holding his daughter in his arms, Gong Yi was extremely satisfied, and the feeling was exactly the same as before.

Gong Yi picked up her daughter, and at this time He Zikai and Cheng Nuo had already walked up to Gong Yi.

"Gong Yi." Cheng Nuo said, the strong affection in his eyes could not be hidden long ago.

This man is the man he believes most except He Zikai, and he has been with him for more than five years. It is impossible to have no feelings, but his feelings have nothing to do with love.

"Nuo Nuo." Gong Yi also yelled affectionately, then looked at He Zikai.

"Welcome to my house." He Zikai said first, greeting Gong Yi.

"Yeah" Gong Yi nodded, greeting He Zikai.

After the three greeted each other, before they could say anything else, they heard their daughter's voice.

"Papa Gong, you seem to be thinner, and your face is getting smaller." Cheng Xiaomei finished speaking, and kissed Papa Gong on the face, still as close as before.

"Recent work has been too hard, so I lost weight." Gong Yi said hurriedly, worried that his family would see any flaws.

"Oh, Dad Gong, you must pay attention to your body." Cheng Xiaomei said childishly, caring about Dad Gong in her heart.

"Well, it will." Gong Yi smiled and looked at his daughter, giving her a relieved smile.

"Hey, Dad Gong, let's go in, I'll take you to see my nest, it's very beautiful." Cheng Xiaomei said.

Gong Yi nodded, held his daughter, and walked into the villa with He Zikai Chengnuo.

After lunch, Cheng Nuo went upstairs to accompany Bai Wanjing. Cheng Xiaomei went back to her room and took a lunch break with a small velvet bear. In the living room, He Zikai chatted with Gong Yi.

"You haven't been on a business trip during this time." He Zikai asked Gong Yi, what he said was sure.

Nuoer told herself that Gong Yi was on a business trip during this period, and she believed it at first, but when she learned that gd was managed by Gong Yi’s friend, her thoughts have changed a bit. He should not be on a business trip, but something else. .

Gong Yi knew that he couldn't hide it from He Zikai, nodded and admitted, "Well, I'm not in good health, I've been training."

"Because of Nuoer and Xiaomei?" He Zikai asked. Gong Yi, in his own view, is also a powerful person. What can influence him is not work.

"Yeah." Gong Yi said, and then hurriedly said, "Don't tell Nono and Xiaomei, I don't want them to know."

He Zikai understands Gong Yi’s request. He Zikai understands that Nuoer and her daughter are very important in her heart, and they are also very important in Gong Yi’s heart. Although Nuoer’s feelings for Gong Yi have nothing to do with love, but that care can be done by herself. Guessed, if Nuoer knew about Gong Yi's physical condition, she would be very worried.

"Take care of yourself, Nuoer and Xiaomei, I will take good care of them." He Zikai said, and he agreed to Gong Yi's request.

He is now his friend too, and what he cares about in his heart, he knows that he will take good care of Nuoer and his daughter. I hope he will not worry, but also hope that he can take good care of himself so that Nuoer will not worry. Up.

"Yeah." Gong Yi nodded and stared at He Zikai's gaze. There were too many words to say.

He Zikai takes care of Nono and Xiaomei, and feels relieved that he can take good care of their mother and daughter.

As long as Nono is good, she will be content. Her happiness and happiness determine her happiness.

He Zikai then changed the subject and said, "Tomorrow night, can you come to my dinner party? I invite you to come."


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