Chapter 397 The first step, we have succeeded

He Xiaomei did not immediately answer Long Yixi's words, but said, "Long Yixi, I will not go to kindergarten anymore during this period of time. The latest and fastest update"

He Xiaomei wanted to say that Sister Jiayi was sick, and she had to go to the hospital to take care of her sister Jiayi every day, but then she thought about it again, Long Yixi didn't know Sister Jiayi, why did she tell him so much?

"Why? Did you transfer to another kindergarten? Or do you feel sick and want to rest at home?" Long Yixi asked, feeling dazed at the moment.

"No, I didn't transfer school yet." He Xiaomei arrogantly denied hearing Long Yixi's questions. "I don't feel sick, but I don't want to go to school anymore. I want to spend a few days with my family Cheng Xiaonuo at home. "

After speaking, He Xiaomei went on to say simply, "Long Yixi, I will go to school in a few days, and I will play with you again at that time. I won't tell you now, I'm busy, goodbye, bye."

After speaking, He Xiaomei hung up the phone, only for a short ten years after thinking about Long Yixi's face in her mind, and then after she broke her mind, she ran to help Mommy water the flowers.

Because of Long Yixi's phone call, He Xiaomei didn't mind singing and dancing anymore.

At this time, Long Yixi in the kindergarten replied angrily in the classroom, and walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag, while walking out, calling the family driver. Latest and fastest update

"Come and pick me up now. I won't go to school these days." Long Yixi ordered the driver who was connected to the phone.

"" The driver over there opened his mouth, not knowing what was going on. Some wanted to ask why, but he didn't dare to ask. The young master's temper was clearest by himself.

"Okay, master, I will come to the kindergarten to pick you up now." The driver finally responded respectfully.

Long Yixi hung up the phone, ignored the teachers on campus, and walked straight to the guard.

There is no Xiaomei in this kindergarten, and it is not interesting at all. I might as well go home and stay. When Xiaomei comes to the kindergarten, I will come again.

Time flies day by day, and in a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

In the research room of the hospital, Ji Shaoqin and Weina have been through it for 28 hours. Because of fatigue, both of them are not in good spirits, but neither of them wants to stop because they have such strong personalities. Seeing the results, the development in hand will not be stopped.

The hands of the watch on Vina's wrist went round and round, and on the stool outside the study room, the meal delivered by the nurse was changed again, but it was still the same as the previous meals, no one had moved.

"Developed, developed." Suddenly, Ji Shaoqin exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing Ji Shaoqin's voice, Weina instantly became more energetic, and quickly walked towards Ji Shaoqin.

"Prepare a medicine bottle." Ji Shaoqin said.

"Yeah." Vina answered.

Another hour later, a small bottle of liquid medicine was sealed up. Ji Shaoqin and Weina took off their masks and hats. They were so tired that they didn't want to move even one step. They slid down the wall and sat on the ground.

Ji Shaoqin held the medicine in his hand, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a smile.

"Although it can only control the spread of toxins, it is very important to Jiayi's body." Ji Shaoqin said.

"Well, the first step, we have succeeded." Weina looked at the medicine in Ji Shaoqin's hand from a distance. At this moment, she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart, and she was also happy for Jiayi. Jiayi, Shaoqin and I will work hard to wake you up, wait.

After watching for a long time, Ji Shaoqin looked at Vina and said firmly, "Wait until the toxin is under control, Vina, it's up to you next."

This bottle of medicine can only guarantee to control the spread of toxins in He Jiayi's body, but it is still unclear whether there will be any side effects. After that, Vina will have to work hard to observe He Jiayi's various nerve tissues from time to time for 24 hours.

"Yeah" Vina nodded surely.

In the ward, Cheng Nuo, their daughter, and Gu Yao, the three of them accompanied by the bed, looked at He Jiayi who was still not awake in the bed, Cheng Nuo and Gu Yao were worried, but He Xiaomei took all their thoughts Show on the face.

"Woo, Sister Jiayi, will you wake up soon, okay?" He Xiaomei finally couldn't help crying, and cried out.

Hearing their daughter's cry, Cheng Nuo and Gu Yao kept holding back the tears, keeping the tears from falling out in their wet eyes.

Cheng Nuo pulled her daughter into her arms, hugged her, comforted her and said, "Xiaomei doesn't cry, Sister Jiayi will wake up, she will definitely."

"But I want to talk to Sister Jiayi now, oh mummy, I want to talk to Sister Jiayi." He Xiaomei cried.

Cheng Nuo couldn't hold back, hearing her daughter's cry, her own tears also flowed out.

Gu Yao took a few steps forward, stood in front of her goddaughter and Cheng Nuo, squatted down, looked at her goddaughter and said, "Xiaomei, what your goddaughter said, sister Jiayi will be fine, and last time your dad I said it too, do you remember?"

"Well, I remember, both Dad and Dad said that Sister Jiayi would wake up." He Xiaomei nodded vigorously, thinking of Dad and Dad, as if two giants suddenly appeared in her heart, she was weak and wanted to cry. Suddenly, his mood changed.

Yes, Dadbi and Goddad are the best. What they say will definitely come true. I believe what they say.

"Yeah" Gu Yao nodded, giving Xiaomei confidence, and at the same time giving herself and Nono confidence. Everyone must believe that Jiayi will be fine and will wake up.

An hour later, the three people were still in the ward, with He Jiayi who was in a coma.

The door of the ward suddenly opened, and the three of them turned around instinctively and looked at the door of the ward.

He Zikai and Song Jingye walked in at the same time.

"Akai." Cheng Nuo obviously did not expect He Zikai to come to the hospital at this time.

"Jing Ye, why are you here?" Gu Yao asked in surprise.

Song Jingye did not answer Gu Yao, but walked over to Gu Yao, took her into his arms, and looked at her seriously.

"Daddy" saw that Dad was here, and He Xiaomei's emotions in her heart seemed to find someone to vent, and she ran to Dadbie coquettishly.

He Zikai squatted down, picked her up after her daughter came in front of her, and walked to Cheng Nuo's side.

Song Jingye looked at Cheng Nuo and her goddaughter, and then at Gu Yao for a while, then answered Gu Yao’s question just now, "Weina called us and said that she and Shaoqin have developed the initial medicine, The two of us are coming to the hospital now, they are filling the medicine in the pharmacy, and the medicine will be injected into the next bottle of drip for Jiayi to take."

After Song Jingye's words were finished, everyone's eyes turned to the person in the hospital bed.

"Great. After taking the medicine tonight, can Jiayi wake up tomorrow?" Gu Yao said happily, looking at Song Jingye looking forward to answering.


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