Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 523: In this life, this love will not change

"My inner world is very small, and I am easily satisfied, He Zikai, you know, whoever treats me well, I will remember whoever is good to me, and treat each other with sincerity, so that person, Si Liheng, he is mine friend."

He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo’s tearful face, and he suddenly understood that that day, the day he made a mistake, he gave the man a chance, so he entered Nuo’er’s heart.

Cheng Nuo sniffed and continued, "Since I was in the venue that day, I knew that you didn't love me anymore, and I hated me. I know all this."

"No, Nuoer" He Zikai became nervous now, shaking his head constantly while speaking.

I did not love her, never hated her, never did.

"He Xinyan is indeed young and beautiful, much better than me. If you fall in love with her, I can understand that men like beautiful women. She is young and has capital, so she can’t compare with him. If you want to give her a future, think of ours. The family can't survive, I can" Cheng Nuo was suddenly interrupted fiercely by He Zikai before he finished speaking.

"Who told you this?" He Zikai glared at Cheng Nuo, but his heart ached.

It turns out that there have been so many misunderstandings between myself and her, so the relationship between myself and her has not returned to the past during this period of time.

"Who else should you tell me?" Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai with empty eyes, "You think of her when you look at the documents and work, and you write down her name. Do these facts still need to be said in person?"

He Zikai instantly understood what was going on.

Suddenly, He Zikai stepped forward on an impulse, walked in front of Cheng Nuo, grabbed Cheng Nuo into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Let go of me, you let me go, woo" Cheng Nuo cried and said while resisting in He Zikai's arms.

He Zikai didn't mean to let go, let her cry in her arms and let her hit herself with both hands.

At this moment, I don't feel any pain in my body, but in my heart.

What happened at the venue that day was really wrong, and there were coincidences and misunderstandings in the following things, but even with so many external factors, I did not allow anyone to separate myself and Nuoer.

Who dares to destroy the relationship between himself and Nuoer, he will not let that person off, no matter who it is!

Cheng Nuo resisted for a long time, didn't resist Kai He Zikai's embrace, and finally did not resist. The whole body collapsed helplessly, and lay crying in his arms.

"Nuoer," He Zikai squatted in Cheng Nuo's ear, calling affectionately, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it's my fault."

Her tears are her own fault, her grievances are also her own fault, everything is her own fault.

"He Zikai, you are a bastard, the biggest bastard!" Cheng Nuo cursed while crying.

But in my heart, I don't hate him as much as scolding him. My heart only loves him. Even if it is so painful at the moment, I still love him. Even if he falls in love with others, there is still no way not to love him.

"Yes, I'm a bastard, Nuoer, you can beat or scold you," He Zikai said, "As long as you don't leave me, okay?"

"Woo" Listening to He Zikai's words, Cheng Nuo's heart throbbed so much, and finally, driven by the love in his heart, he stretched out a hand to climb his neck and buried his head in his arms.

After a long time, He Zikai saw Cheng Nuo tired of crying, and then slowly let go of her.


Holding Cheng Nuo, He Zikai walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, then put the little woman on her lap and sat down.

"Nuoer." He Zikai whispered and looked at Cheng Nuo.

When Cheng Nuo looked at him, He Zikai said firmly, "Next, remember everything I say, remember clearly."

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai without answering.

"At the meeting place that day, I was wrong. I shouldn't be so impulsive to you. You didn't say anything about Yaoyao's condition before. It was not your fault," He Zikai said, "I will leave you alone in the meeting place. I was really wrong."

"Nuoer, I apologize to you for all the behavior that day, sorry," He Zikai looked into Cheng Nuo's eyes, "I promise, no matter what happens in the future, I will never make the same mistake again, definitely not."

Cheng Nuo pursed his mouth, his actions followed his heart, and nodded seriously.

"Yesterday you went to He Yi to find me. You left because you saw He Xinyan's name on the file?" He Zikai asked, but he was quite sure of his guess.

Cheng Nuo nodded without speaking.

"I didn't write that name," He Zikai said, "Nuoer, believe in my love for you. In this life, I only love you."

"Really?" Cheng Nuo just started to speak, trusting his honesty more than what he had seen unilaterally.

"Well, no one can compare your position in my heart, and no one can replace it," He Zikai said. "Our home, my love for you, and Xiaomei are all unique. In this life, this No love will change."

Cheng Nuo felt much more relaxed now. No matter who wrote the name, as long as Zi Kai didn't love other women, he would still be himself in his heart.

"Well, how about leisure?" Cheng Nuo asked, only worrying about this in his heart.

"Listen to you, if you want to continue operating, I won't close it," He Zikai said, and then said again, "However, that man, don't contact me anymore. I care about him."

Seeing He Zikai's stern face, Cheng Nuo felt so much better because he was jealous and because he cared about Si Liheng. Even though there were still tears on his face, he couldn't hide his smile and smiled happily.

"Akai, I know you care about him, but he really helped me. I can't help but contact him," Cheng Nuo explained patiently, looking back to the time when the two were intimate, "but I only treat him as a friend. If he has other ideas, I will immediately stop our friendship. I will do it."

Listening to the words of the little woman, He Zikai was still somewhat satisfied. He believed that the little woman knew what to do, and that she loved her sincerely, and she also believed in her love for her family.

"Well, I promise you first." He Zikai said.

All the misunderstandings were resolved, and the estrangement between the two of them gradually dissipated. He Zikai suddenly leaned forward and kissed the little woman's lips, wanting to get back all the intimacy of these days.

Cheng Nuo understood He Zikai's thoughts in his heart, and he thought so in his heart, so he didn't shirk and responded to his kiss.

The two of them stayed at home until after four o'clock before drove to the kindergarten to pick up their daughter from school.

In the kindergarten, He Xiaomei and Long Yixi walked out of the school gate side by side. He Xiaomei saw Papa and Mommy at a glance.

"Dad Bi, Cheng Xiaonuo." He Xiaomei yelled happily, and then said to Long Yixi who was beside him, "Long Yixi, then I will go first, you also go home, goodbye."

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