Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 613: Could it be... something really happened?

After Cheng Nuo carried her little daughter into the room, she said to her, "Xiaoxi, Mommy loves you very much too, but you sleep with your sister tonight, Mommy sleeps with your dad, so we Everyone has someone to accompany you, or if the three of us are together, your father will be more than one person, and he will be angry."

"Oh, that's it," He Xiaoxi suddenly understood something and said, "Well, then you can go to sleep with Dad."

"Then Mommy will accompany you to finish the bath first, and when you are lying in bed, Mommy will go back, OK?" Cheng Nuo said.

"Well, good!" The intimate little padded jacket replied warmly.

Cheng Nuo accompanied the two children to finish the bath, and when he walked out of the bathroom with his little daughter, he saw He Zikai coming in.

"Hey, Dad is shy, this is a girl's room, you are not allowed to come in." He Xiaoxi said while looking at Dad.

"I'm not ashamed." He Zikai replied to her daughter. He didn't watch them take a bath. What's the shame?

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai for a while, then looked at her little daughter and said, "Xiaoxi, you are wearing pajamas, so there is nothing to be ashamed of, and when you were a child, you hugged your dad at night than to sleep."

"Ah, is there? How do I remember that I only sleep with Mommy?" He Xiaoxi said blankly.

Cheng Nuo smiled and shook his head, and didn't intend to answer the little girl anymore. She was a scaled version of Xiaomei, arrogant, and with her own unique little domineering, even Lichen couldn't provoke her.

"Xiaomei, are you dressed?" Cheng Nuo turned to look at the bathroom door and shouted.

"Okay, Cheng Xiaonuo, I will come out immediately." He Xiaomei's voice came from the bathroom.

After Cheng Nuo put the little daughter on the bed, he saw the elder daughter coming out of the bathroom.

When He Xiaomei saw Paddy, she suddenly happily ran over to hug him.

"Dad, are you here to see me?" He Xiaomei asked happily.

"No, I'm here to take my woman back." He Zikai said truthfully. In fact, he was also visiting the two children. He was worried that Nuoer would be tired from taking care of them, so he wanted to come and accompany them.

He Xiaomei was shocked in her heart, so she could only curl her lips and said, "Well, I'm amorous."

He Zikai touched her daughter's head and said with a smile, "Daddy is here to accompany you too, so it's yours."

He Xiaomei became happy again when he heard Dabby's words, "I knew that Dadbie loved me the most."

"Sister, Dad's favorite person is me." He Xiaoxi lay on the bed and saw that Dad and sister were so close. She was so envious, so when she heard what she said, she immediately refuted.

"it's me."

"it's me"

The two little people were arguing with each other. Cheng Nuo shook his head helplessly, and said to the eldest daughter, "Xiaomei, okay, don't be serious with Xiaoxi, come and lie down."

"Oh." He Xiaomei answered, and then obediently walked to the bed and lay down.

"Dad Bi, Cheng Xiaonuo, you guys go back to rest soon, I take care of my little sister to sleep, rest assured." He Xiaomei said obediently.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo looked at each other. Cheng Nuo felt that there was nothing to worry about. He nodded to his daughter and said yes, and then after helping them to cover the quilt, he left with He Zikai.

As soon as the two returned to the room, He Zikai pulled Cheng Nuo into her arms, and then leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


After a long time, He Zikai let go of Cheng Nuo.

"Tonight, don't mess around, you know?" Cheng Nuo raised his head, met He Zikai's gaze, and said softly.

"Can't help it." He Zikai said, her woman feels good no matter what, so the urge to eat her becomes clearer at night.

"I can't help it," Cheng Nuo said to He Zikai, regaining a stern look, "I will feed you well when I go home tomorrow night."

"You said?" He Zikai was sure again, because he was leaving the day after tomorrow, so he didn't want to let go of the two nights.

"Well," Cheng Nuo's voice softened, with a bit of coquetry, "I'm really tired today. Let's take a bath and sleep."

"Okay" Seeing that the little woman is indeed a bit tired, He Zikai can't bear to toss her again.

The next morning, while Cheng Nuo was still vaguely asleep, he heard a voice from the balcony, which was the voice of He Zikai calling.

Cheng Nuo rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up from the bed. His mind was quite clear, and he heard what He Zikai said.

"He Yi will be fine. I will personally go over to deal with matters in South Africa tomorrow."

"In Westport, I will let An Lin stare at him. Anything Huaying makes, An Lin will report to me at any time."

"According to my instructions, call me if you have something to do."

Cheng Nuo concatenated He Zikai's words, wondering in his heart, is there any crisis in He Yi?

Zi Kai's tone is also not very good, looks very irritable, could something really happen?

When Cheng Nuo realized it, he hurriedly got out of bed, quickly sorted out the pajamas he was wearing, and hurried to the balcony.

It's just that Cheng Nuo hadn't walked to the balcony when he saw He Zikai hung up and came in.

"Nuoer, you are awake." He Zikai greeted Cheng Nuo when he saw Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Nuo didn't answer He Zikai, and hurriedly walked to He Zikai, took He Zikai's arm with both hands, and hurriedly asked, "Akai, is there any crisis in He Yi?"

Before he said he was going to South Africa on business, he only thought it was a small matter. He went to deal with it, but just now I heard him on the phone. The meaning of the words is that the South African affairs will involve something in Westport. , It seems very complicated, so I am worried about it in my heart.

"No, it's just that something happened in South Africa. I'll take care of it in the past." He Zikai said, not planning to tell this woman specifically.

"But you just said to make An Lin stare at Xigang." Cheng Nuo was interrupted by He Zikai before he finished speaking.

"I'm not in Xigang, An Lin naturally has to deal with the company's affairs," He Zikai's tone was as calm as possible, and continued, "Because the company has an important project recently, so I want An Lin to focus on this project. Any questions. Report to me at any time."

He Zikai still didn't tell her the truth, but changed things ingeniously.

Some worrying things, some bad things, just to bear it alone, don't need to let her know, otherwise her temperament will definitely be more worried than herself.

"Really?" Cheng Nuo asked uncertainly.

"Well, really," He Zikai nodded, and then changed the subject, "Okay, I will take care of the company's affairs, don't worry, hurry up and wash up, Xiaomei will have a dance class today, we will go there soon Ask Xiaomei to get up."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo replied, seeing that He Zikai didn't care about the company's affairs, so he didn't have a good time guessing.

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