Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 637: it is my fault

"Are you worried, that person will be him?" Song Jingye asked He Zikai, the only opponent who was once in college.

"Well, there is not much certainty, but I am still worried." He Zikai said, after all, if it was really him, then things would not be so simple to deal with.

Even if he controls Jiang Yin and drives Huaying out of Xigang City, it does not mean that He Yi and himself will not be in any danger in the future, because Jiang Yin is not the source of the danger at all.

"Continue to look for clues," Song Jingye said, "Jiang Yin believes you now, and you may get more news from her later."

"Well," He Zikai nodded, and then said, "Our staff will continue to stare at Huaying. Huaying's financial information has not been obtained. You continue to send people to stare at Jiang Yin's apartment."

"Yeah" Song Jingye said, looking at He Zikai worriedly, and changed the subject, "Zi Kai, the sister-in-law's side."

Thinking of this, He Zikai suddenly looked helpless and shook his head, "I don't know, what Nuoer saw with his own eyes this time has been misunderstood. I don't know how to explain it?"

"Otherwise, you can tell your sister-in-law directly that you and Jiang Yin are just acting together. For the safety of her and the children, just let her cooperate with you in front of Jiang Yin." Song Jingye said.

"No, Nuoer will be more dangerous in this way," He Zikai refused. "Once Jiang Yin knows that Nuoer and I are cooperating in the acting, Jiang Yin will definitely do more terrible things to Nuoer and even use extreme methods to deal with me. Family."

I have finally stabilized Jiang Yin's emotions and made her fall a little bit. If she suddenly finds out, then what her character has done will be unexpected and even cruel.

Song Jingye didn't speak any more, and Zi Kai could guess what Zi Kai said.

"Today I broke Nuo'er's heart so much, I feel very uncomfortable," He Zikai said in his own heart, "but I also understand a little bit. After that, I will try my best to protect Nuo'er and the children so that their bodies will not be harmed. , Secondly, I will try my best not to make Nuo'er sad."

"Zi Kai, you will suffer yourself if you do this, your sister-in-law will misunderstand you, and the children will hate you even more." Song Jingye was sad for He Zikai.

It ruined the image of the husband in the sister-in-law's heart, and ruined the image of the father in the children's heart. Such an inner trauma, I don't know how much time and energy it will take to repair it, and it may not be able to repair it to its original state.

"I don't care," He Zikai said, "They misunderstand, just misunderstand! At least their lives are safe. If Nuoer shed a drop of blood, I would really kill that person by myself."

Seeing He Zikai also had her own helplessness and worries, Song Jingye couldn't say anything more.

The two chatted for a while, then left the office together and went home separately.

On the shore of Lishui Bay, Cheng Nuo did not pick up the children from school this afternoon. He asked Bai Jing to pick up her son and young daughter from school, and then to pick up her elder daughter from school.

After the three children got home, they all looked for Mommy.

"Hey, where's mommy?" He Xiaoxi asked first, and then called Grandma Blue into the kitchen, "Grandma Blue, where's my mommy?"

"Upstairs, little princess." Aunt Lan answered the little princess.

"Go, go upstairs and take a look." He Lichen said, and took He Xiaoxi's hand, and the two walked upstairs.

He Xiaomei saw her younger brother and sister coming upstairs, so she followed.

Cheng Nuo sat in the room. Although he didn't cry this time, he was still very depressed and his eyes were red.



auzw.com "Cheng Xiaonuo."

Seeing the three children coming in, Cheng Nuo hurriedly gathered his emotions, looked at the children, put a smile on his face, and said to the children, "Come back!"

"Well," He Xiaoxi ran to Mommy very obediently, snuggled into Mommy's arms, looked at Mommy and asked, "Mommy, why are your eyes red?"

When Cheng Nuo heard his daughter's words, he hurriedly lowered his head to prevent the children from seeing his embarrassment, and said, "Mummy is okay."

Only then did He Xiaomei notice that Mommy had cried, and she was very puzzled, what happened to Mommy? How can you cry? Does Dadbi know?

"Cheng Xiaonuo, what's the matter with you?" He Xiaomei hurriedly walked to her mother's side and asked her.

Cheng Nuo shook his head and signaled that he was okay. After adjusting his emotions, he said to the three children, "Okay, let's go downstairs to eat."



Cheng Nuo took his son and daughter downstairs, He Xiaomei followed behind.

Four people were sitting in the dining room. Cheng Nuo was taking care of the children for dinner. Suddenly, He Xiaoxi asked Mommy, "Mommy, will Dad come back to eat with us?"

"Your dad will come back later than we will eat first." Cheng Nuo answered her daughter's words.

"Oh" He Xiaoxi answered, and then continued to eat.

He Xiaomei sat in her seat and ate quietly, guessing in her mind why Mommy was in a bad mood? Will it be related to Dad?

In my mind, Mommy would never cry when she encountered anything, except for her dad.

After eating, Cheng Nuo and the children watched TV in the living room. When they heard movement at the door, the four looked at the door at the same time.

"Daddy" He Xiaoxi saw that Daddy was back, and happily ran to Daddy, begging for a hug.

"Well, Xiaoxi." He Zikai hugged her little daughter, let her kiss her face several times, and then walked into the living room with her little daughter.

When Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai approaching, his gaze shifted to one side and looked at his son who was playing.

He Xiaomei will discover Mommy's emotions. Mommy didn't greet Dadbi as usual, so Mommy's sadness must have something to do with Dadbi.

He Zikai walked to Cheng Nuo, then put her little daughter down, looked at Cheng Nuo, and whispered, "Nuo'er."

Cheng Nuo ignored He Zikai, got up and walked to his son not far away, squatted down, and played toys with his son.

He Zikai felt uncomfortable when he saw Cheng Nuo's appearance, but he also knew that what happened today had hurt Nuo'er's heart. At this moment, he could only look at Cheng Nuo helplessly.

"Daddy, did you make Cheng Xiaonuo sad?" He Xiaomei couldn't help but ask Dadbie suddenly.

He Zikai heard the eldest daughter's voice, looked at the eldest daughter, saw her serious face, and did not intend to hide it, "Well, it's my fault."

Cheng Nuo heard He Zikai's voice and did not speak.

"Daddy, why do you make Mommy angry?" He Xiaomei wanted to ask clearly, she didn't want her parents to have conflicts with her, she hoped that her parents would always love Mommy, as before.

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