I'm a mosquito, and my mission is to suck blood.

My companions have thousands of troops, endless, and can never be killed.

'Despicable human beings, pay your blood and feed your masters. Today

is another happy day, and I have drunk the blood of many people.

In particular, the blood of the monks was very delicious, but I could hardly taste it.

Because the monks have aura protection in their bodies, if you want to break through their aura barrier, you can't do it unless they are asleep, or when they don't release their aura.

However, legend has it that there is a kind of spirit mosquito among our mosquitoes, and if you have cultivated a trace of aura, you can also break through the aura barrier of the monks.

I am very happy, I have also cultivated a trace of aura, and I can lead many mosquito companions to search for the blood of the monks.

It's not easy to find a monk to suck blood.

Some monks are very smart, they always use their aura to protect their bodies, and they can't approach them at all.

I could only take my mosquito companion to find the monk who was sleeping very dead, and take the opportunity to take two puffs.

If you suck too much, you may not be able to fly.

Not during the day, we mosquitoes rarely move during the day, except when we are particularly hungry.

"Ah, this room is poisonous, big sister, run!" I

went with my army of mosquitoes to find the blood of the monk that night, as usual.

As soon as I flew through a room, I sent a couple of sisters in.

Suddenly, the sisters' faces changed dramatically, and before they could finish their words, they died in the room filled with deadly gas.

I cried heartbreakingly.

"These lowly human beings are too vicious.

"Why, why don't you humans give us blood. "

Eldest sister, we have to avenge our sisters. Several

of the other mosquitoes were furious when they saw their sister dead in the room.

They were just hungry and wanted to suck blood, so they died in vain.

His gaze turned to a graceful woman in the room.

The dress half-hid the proud valley, and most of the creamy skin was exposed to the eyes of the mosquito sisters.

What fair skin, how wonderful it would be to take a bite and suck a mouthful of blood.

But this vicious woman actually lit poison gas in the room, and they called it mosquito repellent coils.

It's just abominable.

This poisonous gas is very powerful, it is the natural enemy of the mosquito army, and it cannot be shaken at all.

I looked helplessly at the graceful body, and could only stop outside the window and drool.

Hateful to leave this room, I took my sisters to another room.

Luckily, there weren't such vicious mosquito repellent coils in this room.

And there happened to be a man standing there in the room, touching a super large shield, with a happy smile on his face.

'Hmph, it's you today.

I rushed forward with grief and indignation.

Suddenly, the man's expression was stunned, and his gaze instantly locked on me.

I was also shocked.

With a whoosh, a big hand grabbed mercilessly.

I screamed in fear, thinking that this time I must be dead.

This is the tragic fate of our mosquitoes, and every day I don't know how many sisters die at the hands of humans.

I tried to run away, but the big hand grabbed me steadily, and even tried to pinch me to death.

I've decided to accept this fate.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't feel the breath of death.

Suddenly, the man let go of his hand and looked at me in shock.

I looked at the man in amazement.

The man's face was pale, and he slapped it with both hands.

I thought to myself, this is over, I am dead.

When I was grabbed by both hands, instinctively held up on both legs.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I felt infinitely powerful.

Even though these two hands seemed unshakable, I was able to resist his attack.

Just as I was shocked, the man let go of his hand again.

I got it thoroughly, I got stronger.

I can beat this man, I can beat the monk.

For a moment, I was so excited that I looked at the man again, and my eyes were full of greed and hatred.

It is you humans who have killed my companions, and I will avenge my companions and suck up your blood.

Again, I rushed forward, and the man reached out again.

It was as if I had divine power, and I was able to block his attack.

This made me so excited that I couldn't help but shout.

"Sisters, it's him, this weak chicken man, go on, avenge the dead sisters. Hearing

my shout, the other sisters were not afraid and rushed up one after another.

We've never seen such a weak man, or we've awakened the mosquito race.

This man is the hors d'oeuvres of our awakening.

The man was also furious and even took out his weapon.

I took the lead, flew over, and kicked it with my straight black silk legs.


crisp voice sounded, and I watched this scene in surprise.

I've really gotten stronger, I'm invincible, and even such a sharp sword can't hurt me.

I fought the man again, and the other sisters rushed forward without fear.

This man is weak, but he is extremely sensitive, and he has not let us suck blood until now.

"Stinky man, give your blood and feed us. I

shouted, fighting with my sisters.

This man's blood must be drunk.

Suddenly, the door opened, and the man could not resist our attack and fled.

A stunningly beautiful woman barged in at the door.

"Xixi, do you have mosquitoes in your room?"

"No, no, I have mosquito repellent coils."

"Okay, I'll go sleep in your room." With that, the

man pulled Xixi into another room.

I had already killed my red eyes and chased after my sisters.

"Ah, eldest sister, it's poisonous, don't go in... Come—"

A group of sisters rushed in, desperate for their lives.

But when they rushed in, they found that they had been tricked, and they died in the room.

I watched in shock and froze in place.

Watching the sisters die one by one, his heart was like a knife, this man was so despicable that he actually found reinforcements.

I watched in despair as my sisters died one by one, and I wanted to rush in.

But seeing that my sisters sacrificed their lives for me, if I rushed in, wouldn't it be a waste of their entrustment.

I stopped at the window, tears in my eyes, and looked at the man in the room, who was comfortably hiding in the toxic room and sleeping peacefully.

The woman didn't seem to be able to sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, always revealing her creamy skin from time to time, as if mocking me for not daring to go in and suck her blood.

"We mosquitoes, never slaves!"

I cried out in resentment, as if to pierce this unjust world.

Eventually, I gave up the room, and as I was leaving, I took a deep look at the man.

I remember him, and one day, I will come back, and I must suck his blood dry and avenge the death of my sisters.

Wait, man.


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