The next morning!

In the courtyard of the house, red and black pupils had already woken up early to exercise.

Of course, the workout is walking!

The two blushed and walked step by step!

At this moment, the two finally experienced the situation of Linglu, Horse Head, and Cole!

Zhang Tian felt the friction beautifully…


The residence of Team 7 No. 9!

In the courtyard, Shayo is doing eyesight training!

At this moment, No. 9 returned to his residence and walked to Sha You step by step, his steps were very awkward, obviously he had not been accustomed to Zhang Tian’s doppelganger for 2 days!

looked at Sha You, who was training his eyesight, and said to Sha You:

“I have sent someone to deliver the things, bring back a letter from the old man in your village, you can take a look!”

We didn’t say that you are dead, let Tazmi say the news of your death at that time, or maybe you won’t have the opportunity to say, after all, Tazmi is a killer, I don’t know which mission will die, leave a good thought for your village! ”

After No. 9 finished speaking, he took out a letter from the space and handed it to Shayo!

After listening to the words of the 9th, Sha You took the letter in her hand, but did not open it directly, but looked at the letter stunnedly!

She knew in her heart that this might be her last contact with the village, and after this letter, she Shayo was truly dead!

Since then, it has completely broken off from the past.

Thinking of this, Sha You’s eyes were moist, and two lines of tears flowed down!

After a long time, Sha You opened the letter, it was the personal letter of the village elder!

The letter talks about her and Iyeas’ contribution to the village, the wealth that the village can use to tide over it, and the elders who recorded the blessings of all the villagers.

That blessing seemed to be printed in Sha You’s heart one after another, making Sha You’s tears flow even more!

Even seeing the witty blessings of several village playmates in the letter, it made Shayou half cry and half laugh!

For a long time, Sha You, who had read the letter many times, held the letter in her arms and looked at the sky!

The sky seems to reflect the happy life of villagers and playmates in the village!


“We also didn’t explicitly say that you are dead, you can still go back and see in the future, upright!” Number 9 suddenly went on the side.


Sha You’s heart trembled, and she quickly turned her head to look at No. 9!

“It’s very simple, you just drilled the tip of the bull’s horn, only if Tazmi died, no one would know about you, and then you can make up a few lies to the villagers!” No. 9 doesn’t care at all about the life or death of others.

“Tazmi? Die?? ”

Sha You muttered in a bit of a trance! Then suddenly reacted:

“No, no, no, Tazmi can’t die.”

“Whatever you want, but Tazmi is also a killer now, maybe when the mission dies, you can still meet the village by then, of course, you can also entrust us to help you kill him, free Oh!” Number 9 teased.

“No, don’t, please, sister number 9, don’t hurt Tazmi!”

When Sha You heard No. 9’s ridicule, she immediately took it seriously and pleaded eagerly.

“Don’t worry, unless you entrust, I won’t be okay, I don’t have that leisure!” No. 9 waved his hand and said easily.

Sayo breathed a sigh of relief and prayed for Tazmi!

She didn’t know at all that the words of the 9th were conveyed by Zhang Tian to her at the right time, and the purpose was not to let Sha You make a decision now, but to plant a seed in her heart!

Arrange a few more scenes, water the seeds, and everything will go according to Zhang Tian’s script!

Sayo’s prayers for Tazmi were over, and she had no intention of continuing her training, and walked from the courtyard to the house!

Looking at his walking posture, it is the same as the current red pupil, black pupil, No. 9…


In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Zhang Tian has nothing to do all day, just look at the situation on the side of Esders, or comfort and comfort Linglu Matou and Cole, or stay on the side of the imperial capital to comfort and comfort Chipupil Black Pupil or Sha You and No. 9, and Art No. 8, the little life is so uncomfortable!

Esders has made preliminary adjustments to the rules and personnel arrangements in the barracks, and Linglu 8 women are also high-ranking officers, holding a lot of power in their hands!

The distribution and struggle for rights are often bloody, and as for those who disobey, their heads have basically been hung on the stakes in the camp yard!

By now, all reforms and adjustments are nearing their end, and Estes is about to prepare for her journey of conquest!

As for the imperial capital, everything is calm, the night attack has never been caught by Zhang Tian’s girls again, and he has secretly completed a lot of tasks, really like a group of underground rats, cunning and abnormal!

During this period, the night raid has also completed the task of assassinating the minister’s nephew in the original work, and nothing has changed here because of Zhang Tian’s participation.

However, recently, there have been a lot of news about and beheading Zanke, which makes Zhang Tian very interested!

Of course, he was still interested in that imperial tool-five-sight omnipotence!

This is an imperial tool that can greatly increase people’s strength, although it is a chicken rib for Zhang Tian and the girls, Zhang Tian still wants to collect it!

The chicken ribs are:

Farsightedness is useless for strength!

Future vision judges future movements through subtle changes in muscles, which is not as good as the god-level reaction of amplitude!

Perspective can go through obstacles and it’s not much use!

Insight can judge mental activity through expressions, but it is not very useful!

Only Vision still has a slight effect, after all, it is the only illusion skill in this world!

But overall, it’s still quite chicken, and it’s a waste of physical strength to open!

This is even more chicken!

[By the way, Zhang Tian finally researched and developed the sensing ability between doppelgangers in the past month! ]

The principle is also very simple, that is, on the basis of energy transmission, the avatar is marked with energy, and if the two marked energy are less than 100 meters away, then it can automatically cause an energy reaction, actively transmit to the position of the host and the other party, and pass it on every additional person!

If it exceeds 100 meters, you need to take the initiative to check!! 】

In addition to being interested in the emperor and wanting to collect it, Zhang Tian knew that the night attack would definitely come this time, and he could wait for a wave of operations!

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian couldn’t help but laugh in his heart, after all, he had another chance to taste it!

After that, an order was given to the subordinates in the imperial capital to find the location of the beheading of Zanke! If you meet head-on, don’t stay, kill without amnesty, seize the imperial tool, and lock the tracking if you find it in secret!

The reason for issuing orders in this way is naturally the five-sight perspective function!

It’s good to find it in the dark, if you stay for a while, Zhang Tian will be at risk of being green, which is not allowed by Zhang Tian’s male possessiveness!

However, what Zhang Tian didn’t know was that the five-sight omnipotence could not see through living things, and Zhang Tian himself was a creature, naturally he could not see through the black leather clothes!

The girls of the various teams in the imperial capital were also excited when they received Zhang Tian’s order!

You must know that they rarely receive tasks from Estes and Zhang Tian now, and they are basically completing the tasks arranged by the season!

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