No. 2 and No. 3 were puzzled at first, and then No. 2 remembered Zhang Tian’s fun, and suddenly had a hint of understanding, with a look of great joy on his face, and knelt down on one knee respectfully:

“Thank you for the baptism!!”

Although No. 3 is still a little unconfused, he also learns No. 2 and kneels on one knee to thank:

“Thank you for the baptism!”

The action of the two kneeling on one knee made Arya next to her look confused, and she also knelt on one knee in a panic, but she didn’t know the reason at all!

No. 2 and No. 3 told her before that when applying to join the organization, the big people in the organization need the big people of the organization to nod, and they will call the big people over, and she only needs to greet them respectfully.

Arya happily learned to greet the two respectfully, but now less than 2 minutes have passed, and before the big man has appeared, the two of them are kneeling on one knee, which makes her really unable to figure it out!

“Haha, it’s good…”

Zhang Tian ignored Arya, who was a little dazed next to him, and a loud laugh sounded in the minds of No. 2 and No. 3!

At the same time, the black leather clothes on the two began to extend out, changing into 3 tentacles, and in the joy of No. 2 and No. 3, Arya’s dazed expression, rolled up the three people!

“Ahhh ×3!

For a long time, 3 screams of pain sounded, and the process of baptism officially began, and the 3 people looked at each other to receive the process of baptism, and their faces were all crimson!


A morning spent in the baptism of 3 people!

When everything was over, the three people fell to the ground, unable to stand up, and their eyes were in a state of confusion.

“Gee… Your baptism is over, take Arya to the house of Esdes at night to find Chipu and ask for a doppelganger! Even if you officially join the organization! ”

Zhang Tian happily recalled for a moment before saying!

“It’s my lord! Thank you for your baptism! ”

No. 2 and No. 3, the confused eyes recovered a little, and directly said in a voice that Arya could hear.

Arya was a little stunned, this is a baptism?

And isn’t it a dangerous species for 2 people? How did you become an adult?

He was stunned for only a moment, and quickly learned No. 2 and No. 3 to thank the air respectfully: “Thank you for your baptism!” ”


Zhang Tian laughed loudly, did not respond to the 3 people, but switched to Chipui’s side, explained to Chipu, and Chipu, who was shopping with Heitong, naturally did not care about the order.

The two are worthy of being reincarnated as foodies, walking on the street, still holding two pieces of special jerky in each hand!

Zhang Tian leisurely followed the red pupil and black pupil to walk the street, chatting about the sky.


Night raids on strongholds.

“BOSS, letter from headquarters!”

Leonay hurriedly took the letter in her hand and pushed open the door of Najestan’s office, and quickly said to Najeshtan, who was on her desk.

After speaking, he put the letter in his hand in front of Najestan!


Naje Tan, who was dealing with things, whispered, quickly opened the letter in front of her, and read it!

“How? BOSS? What does the letter say? Is it about to launch an all-out attack? ”

Before Najehitan finished reading it, Leonai said excitedly.

However, Naje Shitan’s face slowly changed as she watched the letter!

“BOSS? What bad things happened? ”

Naje Citan’s face Leo Nai naturally noticed, and her speech changed from happy just now to solemn!

“Hmm!! Esders went to the south and is now a general of the Southern Army! Our previous plans were disrupted! ”

Najeshitan asked as she lit a puff of her cigarette and thought about things.

“The south is the base camp of the revolutionary army, and Esders is a general there?”

Leonay was also shocked!

Although Estes has been a general for a month and a half, because there is no big move, there has been no news, and it was not until recently that the news of Esders was learned by the revolutionary army!!

“Yes, the original plan of our revolution was to first let the southern army be chaotic, and the revolutionary army took the opportunity to develop and prepare rapidly, and then assassinated every general of the southern army, and when the army was chaotic to a certain extent and did not have much combat effectiveness, the revolutionary army officially raised the flag to rebel, took the south in one fell swoop, and counterattacked the imperial capital!”

Western aliens allied with us will also attack from the west at the same time!

Then find a way to kill the spies sent by the minister of the Anning Sect, and the Anning Sect will take the opportunity to rebel in the east under the leadership of the original sect leader!

At that time, our 3 forces will attack the imperial capital from 3 directions!

The cities on the march route leading directly to the imperial capital have begun to slowly open up relations, and when the day of the final war begins, we can drive straight in, take the imperial capital in one fell swoop, kill the ministers, overthrow the empire, and rebuild the country!

But now, the first step was unexpected!

The headquarters is well aware of the horror of Esders and the importance of the Southern Army must be chaotic, so it is ready to assassinate Estes again. If it doesn’t work, the headquarters needs us to find a way to contain Esders!! ”

Najeshitan thought while explaining the situation of the matter!

“BOSS, the headquarters let us involve Esders? That’s too difficult! ”

Leonay’s face was like a bitter melon, and his tone was extremely unconfident!

“It is simply impossible for us to involve ourselves, but the headquarters also said, let’s find a way, we don’t necessarily have to be involved, because no one in the revolutionary army knows Estes better than us, so it can only be left to us to complete!”

Besides, the preparations for the headquarters are still a lot worse, the assassins have not yet assassinated Esders, and we have a lot of tasks in the imperial capital in the near future, and there is still a long time, the headquarters just wants us to prepare in advance! ”

Najeshitan spat out a puff of smoke.

“Whew, scared me to death, I thought I had to find a way to contain it now, didn’t this let us send it to death?”

Leonai exhaled heavily, calming the tense mood just now!

“Compared to this, what I really care about is the position of Esders, originally her position was neutral, and now she has suddenly become a general of the empire, which means that she wants to stand in the position of the empire?”

Najeshitan said what worried her the most!

Leonai nodded in understanding, the issue of Esders’ position is indeed the real priority!

“BOSS, do you say that Estes just went to the southern army to play?”

Leonay thought about it and said his guess!

“It’s quite possible, but it’s just speculation, it’s inconclusive, and you have to think about the worst-case scenario when planning!”

Najeshitan nodded, not denying Leonai’s speculation!

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