80% of the source of self-confidence comes from Zhang Tian’s doppelganger!

In the past half a month, the four of them have been familiar with various abilities, and the more familiar they are, the more they can appreciate the strength of them, and they also understand that the girls in the dark department did not deliberately target them! ! !

Although there were 2 times before, 3 people were caught and tortured, but now 3 people can only admit that they are unlucky, such a powerful black leather clothes, if they really want to deliberately target them, then they would have been finished a long time ago!

“Yes, BOSS!!”

Everyone in the night raid responded excitedly.

They have had enough of the one-sided situation, and although they are still at a disadvantage, they are many times better than before I don’t know!!


Najeshitan waved his big hand, and everyone in the night raid set off with their own mission!

After everyone left, Naje Shitan stood by the window of the house and condensed the figure of everyone leaving and pondered, the corners of her mouth hooked from time to time represented Naje Shitan’s mood!

At the same time.

Imperial capital, on the bustling street!

A young girl from the garrison kept looking at every pedestrian passing by while walking on the street!

“Night attack, night attack, night attack…”

Every time the girl looks at someone, she has to chant the name of the night attack in her heart, which shows how strong the hatred in her heart is!

The girl is none other than Cyrus!

I have been chasing the night attack for two months in a row, but there is still no clue!

“Go, Xiaobi, let’s go to other neighborhoods!”

After a long time, Cyrus had already pulled Xiaobi through the entire street, but he didn’t find anything, and he was a little disappointed to Xiaobi.


Xiaobi, who had been pulled by Cyrus all the time, followed behind Cyrus immediately responded twice!

“Haha, Xiaobi, we will definitely find the night raid and sanction the evil of the night attack! Right? ”

Cyrus chuckled and crouched down to ask Xiaobi, comforting himself by the way!


Xiaobi still responded happily twice!

Cyrus patted Xiaobi’s head with satisfaction, stood up, clenched his fists, and shouted in his heart:

“Night Raid, come out!! Let me sanction you for avenging the master! ”

After that, pull Xiaobi and run to other neighborhoods!

Poor Xiaobi was pulled to the ground behind him and kept rolling!


“Haha, Hill, our mission is completed, with this black leather coat, it’s just too easy, I don’t know how the others are?”

In the evening, Ma Yin and Hill, who had just completed their task, hid in a dark place in the imperial capital, excitedly communicating!

“Well, it’s very easy, [Space Concealment] go up, and easily assassinate!” Hill was also excited!

Before, others used [Space Concealment] to deal with them, which made them very humiliated, but now they deal with others, but they are extremely happy!

“Go, go back to the stronghold like a boss report!”

The Mayin little ghost commanded Hill, but Hill was also used to it and didn’t care at all!

The two immediately changed into pitch-black hoods and buttoned them on their heads, hid themselves, and left the dark place where they were hiding!

I don’t know if it’s an arrangement of fate!

On the way back, Main and Hill still met Cyrus on the road!

But this time is different from the original, Cyrus did not find the two at first, but when the two sides were about to stagger, Cyrus stretched out his arm and stopped the two and said:

“On the big night, do you want to do something bad by wearing a hat to hide your identity? Take your hat off! ”

Cyrus, who had never been able to find everyone to attack at night, was about to have some nerves, and she did not allow anyone to hide her head and show her tail in front of her!

“Huh? This captain of the garrison, we are nobles, are you sure you want us to take off our hats? ”

Main and Hill did not look up, did not even turn their heads, and threatened Cyrus in a low voice!

“Noble? The nobles of the imperial capital are not like you, I don’t know how many nobles I have seen in Cyrus, and my Cyrus represents justice, and nobles must be proven!! ”

As a member of the garrison, Hill has not seen too many nobles all day, and naturally has the ability to distinguish nobles, and Ma Yin and Hill don’t look like them, which makes Cyrus’ attitude even tougher!

After Ma Yin and Hill glanced at each other, they quickly raised their hands and opened the arm that Cyrus was blocking, and ran with all their strength!

“Where to escape! Small ratio! ”

Cyrus, who was opened, hurriedly shouted as he looked at the back of the two fleeing.

As Cyrus shouted loudly, the creature emperor tool beside him, the hundred-armed giant, instantly transformed, and a jump smashed in front of Ma Yin and Hill, stopping the two!

“Haha, hiding your head and showing your tail does not dare to appear, and attacking the garrison to escape, it must be a crime, although you have not found a night attack, it is also good to catch two fur thieves!”

I, the Imperial Capital Garrison Cyrus, in the name of absolute justice, hereby sanction your evil! ”

Cyrus laughed when he saw the two being stopped.

Zhang Tian just switched to this side and saw this scene, and quickly ordered a girl from the dark section closest to the location to rush to this side!

This time it was not for Main and Hill, but for Cyrus!

Fortunately, this is the imperial capital, and the nearest girl is less than 1 km away, and when she heard Zhang Tian’s order, she quickly rushed to this side!

“Hill, the other party is an imperial envoy, fight!”

Ma Yin looked at the creature emperor tool that intercepted the two, and knew in her heart that she had to quickly solve the battle, or get out of the battle, and definitely not wait to attract the dark girl!

Hill nodded, and immediately took out her imperial tool from the alien space-everything is broken!

Ma Yin also took out the imperial tool – pumpkin from the other space!

It’s not that they don’t want to use the weapon that Zhang Tian’s avatar changes, but they want to use it as a hole card when they face the girl in the upper dark part!

If exposed, it may attract the attention of Estes too early, after all, they are considered accomplices of thieves, and I don’t know how angry Estes will be!

“Imperial tools – everything is broken?? Are you Hill? Night Attack!! ”

Cyrus, who had been thinking about the night attack in his heart, looked at the emperor tool taken out by the other party and suddenly said in ecstasy!

“Not good, it’s been seen, Hill, fix her!”

Ma Yin couldn’t imagine that a member of the garrison actually had such information, and quickly said to Hill.

Hill promised, and quickly rushed over like Cyrus!


Cyrus drank violently, and Xiaobi rushed towards Hill extremely fast, stopping Hill in the middle of the attack!


Blocking Hill’s forehead Xiaobi was directly cut off by [Two Broken Things], but he also successfully blocked Hill’s attack!


Before Xiaobi could recover, countless bullets from the Main pumpkin machine gun mode had already bombarded Xiaobi’s body, beating Xiaobi into a sieve!

“This is the night attack! Sure enough!! But you think it’s over? It’s still early! ”

Cyrus, who was standing behind Xiaobi, laughed wildly unharmed.

With her laughter, Xiaobi’s injuries also recovered quickly, and in just a few seconds, Xiaobi, who had been beaten into a sieve, had already recovered to its original state!

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