Ten minutes later, in the sky behind the two, a black dot was rapidly approaching!

Keep zooming in after that!

From a distance, a figure stood on top of the pitch-black eagle!

The figure is domineering and graceful, it is Esders!

And the pitch-black eagle under his feet is not a big eagle, but it looks like it from a distance, it is exactly the shape of an eagle that Zhang Tian changed!

“It’s around here!”

Zhang Tian’s changing eagle began to hover nearby, looking for the figure of Linglu and the horse’s head!


Or Esders’s eyes were sharp, and he found the location where the two were hiding at a glance!

Locked the position, Zhang Tian was not circling, aiming in the direction and swooping away!

When he was about to land, Estes suddenly boarded and jumped!

The big eagle incarnated by Zhang Tian also suddenly disintegrated, turning into countless pitch-black silk threads in the air, constantly surging towards Esders!


Estes suddenly landed behind Linglu and the horse’s head, and the pitch-black silk thread had disappeared under his clothes!

The sound of landing startled the Linglu horse head who was carefully staring at the S-class dangerous species.

The two immediately turned back! That’s when I saw that it was Esders!


The two seemed excited.

“Intelligence says it’s 5?”

Estes hooked the corners of his mouth and asked softly.

“Yes, my lord! Right below the canyon! ”

Reilu pointed to the cliff to Esders.

Esders walked quickly to the edge of the cliff and immediately saw 5 S-class dangerous species under the canyon.

“Very good! You guys are very good, worthy of being my Estes’ subordinates! I’ll take note of your credits! ”

Esders did not hesitate to praise, and the two of them praised the beauty!

After speaking, he ignored the cliff hundreds of meters high, and jumped down with one jump!


Linglu exclaimed.

Esders, who jumped off the cliff, fell in the air at great speed!

Two pitch-black wings suddenly appeared behind Esders, slowing down their speed!

From the extreme speed of falling just now, it has become a gliding state! Look at the deer and horse bosses on the cliff stunned!

“Linglu, my lord, this is?”

The horse head asked in disbelief.

“I don’t know, if it’s ice wings, then it’s still said in the past, after all, adults have frozen imperial tools, but this…”

Linglu didn’t know what to say either.

The shock and puzzlement of the two people on the cliff naturally did not know about it!

At this moment, Esders has already glided directly above the 5 S-class dangerous species!

In an instant, the ice hammer was launched, and a huge ice ball that was enough to fill the middle of the canyon 100 meters was instantly formed!

Smash at the 5 S-Class dangerous species!


The whole canyon trembled like an earthquake!

A large number of stones were shaken down by vibration, making a sound, and the canyon was extremely lively for a while!

And 3 of the 5 S-class dangerous species in the bullseye were directly smashed to death by the ice ball, and the two that survived the immortality also became seriously injured!

With a casual wave of Esders, two ice blades appeared out of thin air, following the trajectory towards the two seriously injured dangerous species.


After the sound of ice blades entering the flesh, the last two dangerous seeds fell!


Estes smiled evilly and nodded with satisfaction!

As soon as the opinion moved, the two pitch-black wings on the back disintegrated and turned into silk threads and disappeared!

And Estes also fell to the ground!

The Western sword was casually inserted into the corpse of an S-class dangerous species, and he looked at the dangerous species that was slowly decomposing and disappearing and faced Zhang Tiandao

“In the past half a year, I have encountered more than 70 S-class dangerous species, but I didn’t expect that in less than a month after scattering the children, there was a harvest of 70 S-class dangerous species! Your solution really works! ”

“Of course, the search for dangerous species is naturally the more people the better, but too weak is not enough, it is easy to deliver vegetables!” Zhang Tian said proudly.

“After these 5 are absorbed, how much is the difference?”

Estes asked while holding the Western Sword in his hand.

No way, Zhang Tian can’t leave the body, although he can also operate remotely with a black line connected in the middle, but it’s not necessary!

“777/1000, 223 left!”

“If you calculate it this way, you can upgrade in less than half a year?” Estes calculated a little and chuckled.

“Not necessarily, we have already crossed the northern alien race to the further north region, maybe this area will be cleaned up when it will be completed!”

Zhang Tian interrupted Esders’s confused confidence.

“In other words, are we helping the northern aliens clean up the threat?”

Esders suddenly thought of something, and said very unpleasantly.

“That’s right, but there is no threat from the S-class dangerous species, and there is no pressure from the northern alien race, how can there be a strong person without pressure? Look at the problem in many ways! Zhang Tian thought for a while.

“Tangled! Forget it, big deal, kill it for a few more rounds! ”

Estes said nonchalantly, killing rounds in her mouth was very casual!

In the past six months, Estes has led the children to slaughter at least hundreds of thousands of people of foreign races in the north!

Three years later, the name of Estes spread throughout the continent.

The high-ranking members of the alien races in the north naturally would not allow Estes to slaughter their people like this.

The army was mobilized to surround and suppress several times, but they were easily suppressed by Esders under Zhang Tian’s increase!

After Zhang Tian’s increase in Esders, the freezing ability has turned over several notches!

When facing the army, ice plates with a radius of several miles square in size and a thickness of 2 meters fell from the sky, and tens of thousands of soldiers died in one death!

The current Esders is in addition to the nickname [Black Demon].

With an even stronger nickname

——[Ice Queen] !!

(PS: The Queen is right!) Please call me Lord Queen! )

A few minutes later, the five S-class dangerous species were absorbed by Zhang Tian.

Esders put away the Western Sword, kicked more than a dozen in a row, and jumped up a canyon hundreds of meters high to the edge of the cliff where Linglu and Horse Head were!


Linglu and Horse Head looked at Estes with extreme adoration!

Although I have seen the power of Estes countless times in the past half a year, each time has a different shock!

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