“Yes, the first thing is the children’s business, since the adults went to the sea two years ago, that is, 3 years after the adults left the base with the first echelon, the rest of the children have on average reached the standard given by the minister for acceptable tasks! Took over the task after the adult left!

7 boys, 80 girls! All have started their mission! In the past two years, more than 1,700 missions have been carried out, and the success rate of missions is more than 90%! No one is broken! Now I have recalled all of them to the imperial capital! On the way back to the imperial capital! ”

Ji roughly introduced the way!

“7 boys?”

Estes was a little puzzled.

“It was originally 8, and the other was executed by me during training!”

Ji said lightly.

“Oh? In what name? ”

“Dare to spy on the girl, ask the girl to train, and rape it! Fortunately, the girl was clever and reported to me when she went!

Just wanted to do it, but I caught it! In front of everyone, dealt with! When adults were over, they emphasized the idea of separating men and women and boys not being allowed to hit girls! ”

Ji said coldly!

Esders’s face was also cold, and he nodded and praised:

“Well, good, I’m satisfied!”

Hearing Esders’ approval, Ji was also very happy!

“Let’s talk about the last thing.”

“The minister wants to entertain the adults, the first is to continue to win over the adults, the second is to talk about the distribution of tasks and weapons, and the third is to fulfill the promise promised to the adults 8 years ago!”


Estes suddenly forgot what unfulfilled promises.

“By the way, is it an imperial tool?”

After a little reminiscence, Estes finally remembered!

She had used this reason to test the minister, but she didn’t take it too seriously at that time!

“Yes, my lord, it is the imperial tool, the imperial tool in the minister’s treasury has never been moved to keep it for the lord, and Goziqi has also retired from the combatants to the manager, and their former imperial tools have also retired, and the new Rakshasa Four Ghosts have not been rewarded by the minister’s imperial tool!”

Ji quickly explained and added!

“Well, it’s good, you can play with it as a toy for children, and your combat effectiveness can also increase a lot!” It seems that it is not for nothing that this minister can hold the highest power in the country! ”

Estes does not attach as much importance to imperial tools as expected!

She had seen the 3 imperial tools of the original Rakshasa Four Ghosts and the imperial tools in the minister’s treasury, and it seemed to her that it was just like that!

And since the children’s strength is strong, the previous subordinate tools have basically lost their value, and the weapons transformed by Zhang Tian have become the main weapons of the children!

Light! Convenient! Hard! Sharp! More in line with the heart! Wait a minute!

It’s all a reason for the courtiers to retire!

“Okay, I know, you can go back, just say I’ll be on time in the evening!”

As soon as Esders’s mind moved, Zhang Tianhua’s hands stopped massaging, and only then said!

Ji looked at this scene in amazement, did not dare to ask more, and knew in her heart that she didn’t need to ask what she should know, why ask what she shouldn’t know!

“Yes! My lord! ”

After Ji responded, he quickly got up from one knee and left the house!

“Master Xie completes his mother (master)!”

Linglu and Matou watched Ji Yuan go and quickly thanked Esders!

“Well, no, because of you, she deserves it!”

Estes waved his hand! The two quickly retreated and continued to walk habitually in the yard!

“Hehe, you should thank me, I also said good things!”

Zhang Tianxiao’s laughing voice appeared in Linglu and Ma Tou’s mind, and he took a little credit for what happened just now!

“Thank you, Master Zhang Tian!” ×2!

The two didn’t know why, so they quickly thanked them!

“Well, for my sake, shouldn’t you repay it?

Come, obedient. Do as I say and walk up… Uh-huh… Twist your waist vigorously… Hiss.. Yeah…. ”

Zhang Tian turned into an instructor and turned on the teaching mode!


Southwest of the imperial capital.

Night raids on strongholds.

Ma Yin and Leonai, who had just returned to the stronghold, were very anxious to find Naje Tan, who was writing the document!

“BOSS, big discovery!”

Leonay’s face was unusually heavy!


Najeshitan raised her head and saw Leonai’s face, and instantly became serious!

“Tell me more!”

“Today Ma Yin and I collected intelligence on the imperial capital and met 8 girls by chance! My beast intuition tells me that they are too strong! ”

Leonay said quickly.

“Is it the Minister’s dark ministry? They are also mostly teenage girls! ”

Najeshtan also asked seriously.

“Much like! But I’m not sure, I have also observed those in the dark department of the minister from afar, far less than the death threats and suffocation that 8 people gave me today! ”

Leonay shook his head!

Najeshitan pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked anxiously:

“Tell me about their appearance!”

Leonai instantly noticed Najestan’s gaffe, and secretly said in his heart:

“BOSS, I really know something!”

Then she described the appearance of the 8 people in Cole’s red eyes, and she was extremely impressed by the 8 people!

“。。。。。。 Finally, a little girl, 12 or 3 years old, with short black hair, black pupils, biting flesh in her mouth, holding the arm of the girl with long black hair and red pupils!! ”

When Leonai finished speaking, he found that their always strong, calm, majestic, and shrewd bosses actually lost their minds, and their mouths were still muttering:

“It’s them! It’s them! ”

Leonai and Ma Yin had never seen Najehitan like this, and quickly shouted:


Najeshitan came back to her senses under the shouts of the two, took a deep breath, took out a cigarette from her pocket, and swallowed the clouds in silence!

The face is unusually solemn!

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