The guard saw that the earth dragon was killed by the young man and did not run, and quickly came forward and praised in shock:

“What a great boy!”

“You can actually single-handedly kill the A-class dangerous earth dragon? It’s amazing! ”

After all, the boy is a teenager, where can he withstand the praise of others, and immediately showed a Burmese expression and said:

“Of course, this kind of guy, I can easily eliminate it!”

Although the young man’s expression is Myanmar, his words reveal confidence!

“By the way, my name is Tazmi! In the future, my great name will definitely resound in the imperial capital, you better remember this name!” ”

Teenager, no, Tazmi had a deserved expression and had no doubt about his own strength!

However, hearing Tazmi’s words, the guard’s expression became solemn and asked:

“Could it be that you want to go to the imperial capital to wander?”

“That’s of course, in the imperial capital, that’s the romance of the countrymen!”

Tazmi didn’t understand the solemnity of the guard, and still didn’t care.

“Tazmi, the imperial capital is not as romantic as you countrymen think, although it is very lively and prosperous, it is full of monsters that are more terrifying than the A-class dangerous earth dragon!!”

The guard explained to Tazmi seriously.

“What is it? Are there dangers on the streets? ”

The immature Tazmi was very doubtful.

“It’s human!! Appearance although human! But inside is a monster! It’s all a group of monsters in human skin, and such monsters are everywhere in the prosperous imperial capital! ”

The guards watched Tazmi save his life, and it was a kind reminder.

However, the guard’s reminder did not deter Tazmi, and in his simple thoughts, he could not think of the appearance of someone more terrifying than the dangerous species, so naturally there was not much fear!

Ignorant so fearless! Exactly how Tazmi is now!

“Thank you for your advice, but how can I hold back now, I… We are on a mission to save the village by making a lot of money! ”

The fearless Tazmi with a sense of mission is very determined!

After speaking, he simply said goodbye to the guards and headed towards the imperial capital…


Zhang Tian did not know that Tazmi would soon arrive in the imperial capital.

But you can guess it!

His consciousness was on the side of the red pupil at the moment, watching the battle in the courtyard, of course, an alternative battle!

On the stone table in the center of the courtyard, silver and black eyes are desperately trying to eat meat!

The two gulped and looked at each other with murderous aura!

The pieces of meat on the stone table disappeared into the stomachs of the two at a speed visible to the naked eye!

As for why the two of them compared to eating meat, the reason was that Silver got up slightly at breakfast time, and the meat inside was stolen by Black Pupil for breakfast, which caused Silver’s dissatisfaction, and under the mediation of everyone, a meat-eating war began!

‘Isn’t it because of the contradiction caused by meat, let you eat enough’, this is what most of the people present thought!

As for why not all?

Look at the envious red pupil expression next to you to know the answer!

“Come on sister!! We meat sisters can’t afford to lose!! ”

Although Chipu watched with distress as the piece of meat was eaten by the two, he still encouraged Hei Pupil!

“Silver, you also have to work hard, let their sisters know that eating meat, they are nothing!!”

Naturally, there are supporters on the silver side, and there are many supporters.

Under the coaxing of everyone next to him, the battle between Silver and Black Pupil became more and more intense!

When all the large pieces of meat on the stone table disappeared, the two finally stopped fighting!

“Very good, tie!!”

Cole announced the results of the game!

“Ah, I don’t want to eat meat anymore!”

After listening to the results of the game, Silver shouted, and she was almost killed.

“Sister, it’s so happy to eat!”

The black pupil’s side is completely different from the silver, although it is also unable to hold up, but there is a look of satisfaction on the face.

Chipu pouted, now that the game is over, her envy has also broken out, but after all, Heitu is her closest sister, so Chipu just doesn’t want to speak!

Zhang Tian looked at the lively and cute children, and was also very happy, enjoying the happy time with the girls.

And if you have nothing to do, brush your sense of existence and conjure up your hands…



After comforting Esdes, Lingdeer, Horse Head, and Cole.

Zhang Tian switched to the side of No. 9 who took Sha You back last night!

Just switched over, I saw that No. 9 was changing Shayo’s dressing!

The reason for changing the dressing is just to make Sayo suffer more!

And Sha You has also woken up, holding her eyes open and enduring the pain, and there is a trace of loss of concentration under her eyes!

“Number 9, what was her performance today? Talk about it briefly! ”

Zhang Tian’s voice sounded in No. 9’s mind.

“Master Zhang Tian! Sha You woke up this morning, maybe because of the first time she suffered such suffering, so her consciousness was still a little scattered and not very awake, but she was still able to sense pain, and occasionally gave me a grateful look! Wait a few days and recover slowly! ”

No. 9 heard Zhang Tian’s voice and quickly replied, and there was no pause in the action of changing the medicine in his hand!

“Oh? Very well, keep doing what I gave you! ”

Hearing that he could recover after a few days, Zhang Tian was very satisfied.

After some instructions, he left No. 9.

It switched to a girl who was wandering outside without a mission!

The girl stood on the roof of a building, her long purple hair fluttering casually, and she was dressed in a dark tight leather suit, which was his doppelganger.

Holding a pitch-black huge scythe in his hand, he coldly scanned the lower hair!

Like the Grim Reaper!

Seeing this shape, Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment!

This is his concept of subordinates, carrying Venom black leather clothes and pitch-black weapons.

Very handsome and in line with his heart!

However, Zhang Tian only found that this girl was like this for the time being, and everyone else had other clothes to match, and the venom doppelganger was just used as underwear!

“It seems that unified uniforms will be needed in the future!”

Zhang Tian said secretly in his heart.

The girl’s costume made Zhang Tian have a hint of the idea of dressing up like this collectively!

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