Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

At that time, Shen Ning was sharp and witty, and left a deep impression on both people. Now facing Shen Ning, both people are extremely vigilant.

"Back to the Queen Mother, yes." The two replied respectfully.

"Then this palace would like to ask the two grandmothers, what kind of method do you use to check the body of the governor's maid? Is it gongsong sand? Or the old method that the two grandmothers are used to ... take a look at the undressing?" Shen Ning asked unhurriedly.

The master of Zhaorong's face suddenly turned red, his fist was secretly clenched, and his nails were deeply sunk in his palm.

Meng Jiang ’s two mothers could n’t hear the irony in Shen Ning ’s words, but the two had been in the palace for a long time, their skins had become thicker than the city walls, and there was no strangeness on their faces. humble.

Grandma Meng replied cautiously: "The matter is related to the innocence of the county hostess. The slaves use the method of **** for the sake of stability."

"Then I don't know which grandma checked it out? Or did the two grandmothers checked it together?"

"This ..." The two mothers couldn't help but exchanged their gazes, and then replied: "It was the slave-servants who checked it together."

"How long have the two grandmothers been in charge of etiquette ceremonies and wind instruments?" Shen Ning suddenly asked another unrelated question.

Grandma Meng replied: "The slave-servant has been doing it for twenty-four years."

Grandma Jiang said: "The slave-servant has been in this errand for 22 years."

"So there must be a lot of girls who have been seen by the two grandmothers. The experience of the two grandmothers should be extremely rich. No wonder they can do this position for so many years." Shen Ning smiled and praised the two of them with a smile.

"Dare not to be a queen empress."

"I also want to ask the two grandmothers, if a girl is not perfect, then she just broke down, or has long been virgin, the two grandmothers have so much experience, they must be able to see it, right?"

Meng Jiang and his two grandmaes sighed at the same time and replied: "Of course."

The Lord Zhaorong clenched his teeth secretly, and Yu Guang glanced at Shen Ning with deep hatred and smugness.

Humph! She came up with such a seamless plan. Does the queen of vixen think she can find her handle in a few words? Stop thinking!

"Then the two grandmothers checked the results. Is the county hostess just broken?" Shen Ning raised her voice and asked out in a straightforward manner.

Lord Zhao Rong had never thought that the most secret private matter of her girl family would be discussed openly by Shen Ning in front of everyone.

For a time, his face was flushed with red, and he wished to find a piece of seam and drilled into it, even without the courage to glance at Mo Chuan.

Empress Zhou and Su Jin also felt a little embarrassed, but Shen Ning's words were very generous, as if this was a natural question.

Grandma Meng bit her teeth and replied: "Not bad."

"Very well, then I'll ask the two grandma's last questions."

Shen Ning's words made the two grandmothers relieved at the same time. Shen Ning's questions were just one after the other, and one was sharper than the other, so that they all raised their hearts in their throats.

"Excuse me, Queen Mother."

"Is the innocent lady's innocence destroyed under the man's body or on the fingers of the two mothers? This question, please ask the two mothers to tell the truth."

Shen Ning glanced at the master of Zhaorong County, and then returned to Meng Jiang's two maids, asking without any hassle.

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