Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

But he could bear it, but the Lord Zhaorong couldn't bear it.

"What are you! Dare to speak to my dad in such a tone! You stand up, the master of the county orders you, and immediately apologize to my dad!" She snapped the table and stood up, pointing at Gu Qingze Shouted angrily.

Ning Guogong was startled, turned his head and glared at the leader of Zhaorong County, shouting: "Zhaorong, Hugh is rude to the ancient magician! You come and give the ancient magician a gift." He beckoned to Zhaorong .

A glance at the mouth of the Lord Zhaorong County said with a disdainful face: "Dad, don't be fooled by anyone. This year there are all kinds of scammers on the rivers and lakes. One mouth can talk, the tongue can lotus flower, and the dead can be said to be alive Yes, he is so young, how could he be the first magician in the world! According to his daughter, he is an absolute liar! "

Ning Guogong was also speculating under his heart, would this ancient Qingze really be overdone, and he has read countless people? How can he think that the other party is not like the famous first doctor in the world.

The magic doctors in his impression are all in the shape of immortal wind bones. They are at least forty years old. How could it be a hairy kid in his early twenties?

Look at his young age, even if he started to study medicine in his mother's belly, how many medical books can he read?

Although he was suspicious in his heart, he yelled at the leader of Zhaorong County: "You know what a girl's family knows. You are so nonsense. You offended the Divine Doctor, and quickly came to apologize to the Divine Doctor!"

Gu Qingze heard him a bit of a magician, and he knew what he meant long ago. He sneered slightly, only to understand, so he sat in a chair flawlessly, poured himself a glass of sherbet, and drank it in one sip. Then I poured another cup, cup after cup, and even drank several cups, showing a pleasant expression.

Ning Guogong looked suspicious in his eyes.

If he is really the first magician in the world, then what kind of good things under the world have never eaten or drank, how can he love such a cup of sherbet so much?

The leader of Zhaorong County paused and shouted, "Dad, look at his appearance as a country gangster who has never seen the world, how could it be a magician, you must not be fooled by his rhetoric, my daughter know He, he is ... just a country boy! "

She saw Gu Qingze's careless look at her and suddenly recognized it. When she exchanged a carriage with Shen Ning at the time, the young man was also on Shen Ning's carriage. Vixen little **** are a gang, and they are not good!

"Nonsense, if you talk nonsense, you will be severely punished for your father!" Ning Guo Gong mocked Zhao Rong fakely, turning his head to smile at Gu Qingze.

"The ancient magician, the little girl is a child's house, she has no barriers to speak, she is not sensible, she talked to you, please don't care, my father-in-law here pays you for her here."

As he said, he clenched his fists with both hands and gave Gu Qingze a punch.

He has an honorable status. In the entire hall, except for a few people, he counted his official Gao Juexian. He actually paid a courtesy to a young man without any official position, and surprised the group.

If I changed someone else and saw Ning Guogong salute to myself, I would have stood up in a panic and returned the gift.

But Gu Qingze just lifted his eyelids lightly, still sitting in a chair, and waved his hand: "Well, the unknowing is not guilty, Cao Min does not blame her."

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