Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Huh, the smelly girl who doesn't understand the etiquette, have a virtue with your master!"

The master of Zhaorong stared at Xiaoru ’s back, sullen abdomen, slowly picked up the sober soup, and was about to deliver it to his lips. Suddenly thought that this soup was brought over by the smelly girl, who knew if it would look like himself It ’s better not to drink the same thing.

She put the hangover soup aside without touching it.

It's been a while, why hasn't the cat appeared yet?

The leader of Zhaorong County waited for the left and right, and never heard the expected cat meow. She started to sit a little, and it seemed that she was tickling a layer of bugs on her buttocks.

Especially on the back, the itch was so severe that she wanted to reach out and scratch it, but in the presence of courtiers and courtiers, the crowd stopped, and her princes were itching in public, which was too indecent.

She forcibly resisted and took a sip from the glass. She thought that drinking cold wine would make her feel better. How do you know that after drinking this wine, the itch becomes worse.

The leader of Zhaorong County was very itchy and could not help shrugging his shoulders.

The material of the snow silk jacket is thin, soft and slippery, which is more comfortable than all the clothes she has worn in her life, so she wears it close to her without thinking about it. When the smooth and soft material was attached to her body, it was originally Very comfortable, but now she is not so comfortable, and the skin touched by the cloth begins to itch.

It was like countless hairy bugs crawling all over her body, from the front chest to the back, from the abdomen to the arms, crawling up and down her body, especially her spine, it was an itchy heart.

The leader of Zhaorong County couldn't help it anymore, and raised his arm to the back to scratch the itch, but the position of the back vest could not be reached.

"Zhao Rong, what are you doing, sit down properly for me."

Ning Guogong glanced at Zhao Rong's tickling posture, frowning and scolding.

Before and after he was surrounded by ministers who flattered him, Zhao Rong fell in everyone's eyes, wasn't it disgraceful!

"Dad, my back is so itchy, you help me scratch it."

The leader of Zhaorong County couldn't help the people around her looking at her strangely. After she scratched a few times, she couldn't take it anymore.

Ning Guogong's face sank, and he said angrily: "Why is it all! Zhao Rong, are you drinking too much? Drink some sober soup and wake up the bar!"

He saw his daughter wriggling in a chair and shaking her body constantly, how ugly and ugly it looked, especially when the ministers who were drinking on the surrounding tables began to notice the daughter, he only felt that his face It's hot.

"Hey, come and help me tickle, here, go up, then go up, yes, this is the place!"

Master Zhaorong grabbed a few backs and started scratching his arms. He always felt unsatisfactory. He told the maidens around him to let two or three maidens scratch their itch.

But the more itching, the more itchy, it seemed that the little caterpillars caught her heart, and it tickled her heart.

"Itch is dead, grab it hard, apply a little more force, yes, comfortable, good ... comfortable, ah! Uncomfortable, uncomfortable death me!"

The Lord Zhaorong tore the clothes on his body and ripped off the two long sleeves, revealing a pair of white and pink arms. It looked normal, but she felt itchy from skin to bone.

"Zhaorong! What are you doing, are you crazy?"

Ning Guogong looked at this scene, full of anger, and wished to step forward to teach his daughter a hard meal.

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