Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Ah! Cockroaches, this is cockroaches. God, there are thousands of cockroaches. Are they crazy?"

There were screams and exclamations in the crowd, and people were frightened to avoid them, and they saw a large black worm on the ground, rushing towards the Lord Zhaorong like a tide.

These insects are in groups, dense and dense. At first glance, there are ants, spiders, cockroaches, and some worms that people can't even call their names, but they make people numb and goose bumps at once. .

"Escort! Escort! Help, help!"

The leader of Zhaorong County was so scared that his legs were as soft as noodles, and he could not stand steadily. If the guards were supporting her, she would have collapsed into a ball.

She stomped her feet desperately, dodge the worms that rushed towards her like crazy, but there were still a lot of ants and spiders climbing up her skirt and crawling up to her along the skirt.

The big red skirt suddenly became gray-black, and the densely packed skirt was full of bugs.

"Ah! Help, help!" She hissed, only to feel that many ants crawled in along her trousers, and touched her delicate skin, biting on her skin, itching and itching.

Especially when she saw the furry spider, she felt sick.

The guards in the Ningguo government were also frightened. They waved their waist knives and drove the bugs out of the Zhaorong County Lord. However, they used the waist knives to deal with such small insects like ants and cockroaches. Step on it, catch it with your hands, and grab the insect that climbed up to her skirt for the leader of Zhaorong County.

But those insects are more and more, and they are inexhaustible. They can't catch them all. They look like a black ocean, and they drowned the entire Zhaorong County Master.

Lord Zhaorong closed his mouth tightly and dared not to cry.

She was afraid that as soon as she opened her mouth, those disgusting bugs would crawl into her mouth.

nightmare! This must be a nightmare!

These bugs must be crazy, crazy!

The people were frightened by the torrents of insects, but then they found that the goal of these insects was not themselves, but all rushed to the Lord of Zhaorong County, and they could not help but widen their eyes in surprise.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Just when the Lord of Zhaorong County was tormented by the insects and was ashamed to die, the crowd suddenly heard a sound of air vibration and looked at it.

I saw a large piece of Wutong in the distance flying over, flying closer and closer, flying closer and closer ...

"No! It's a bee!"

"Not only bees, but mosquitoes! Oh my god, how could there be so many mosquitoes!"

The people were shocked, waved their sleeves, and fled again.

"Run, run!" The crowd cluttered.

But the bees and mosquitoes that just flew over were n’t interested in them at all. They were buzzing and fluttering their wings to the Lord Zhaorong, like a large group of hungry wolves. Delicious meat ...


In a blink of an eye, Lord Zhaorong was surrounded by bees and mosquitoes. She tried to protect her face with her hands. She only felt itchy and painful on the back of her hand. At that moment, she did n’t know how many bees and mosquitoes stung her back. All over the body, either bees, mosquitoes or ant spiders.

"Hurry, save the county lady!"

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