Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Shen Ning thought for a while and said, "Since these two cities are so important, can we send more guards to go?"

Mo Chuan shook his head and said: "I told you yesterday that I have no generals in my hands. The guards of these two cities were originally stationed in the cities. Although the South Vietnamese nation has been watching me for ten years, , But they have n’t been invaded. I ’m worried that they are slack. They have sent people to remind them to beware of the raids in South Vietnam. It ’s just that it takes five days from Kyoto to Nanguan and Shuanglu, even if it is a fast news report. Know if it ’s too late. "

"What, it takes five days?" Shen Ning couldn't help but sighed, pointing at a pass on the map: "Don't you say that last time, is it possible for Chu Shaoyang to attack from the mountain road here? Isn't he? Will you abandon this road instead of attacking Nanguan and Shuanglu cities? "

Mo Chuan said: "Yes, if he carries out a raid, he can indeed go straight from this must-go road to the hinterland of Xichu, and there are very few people who know this path. They have horses that are good at crossing mountains and mountains. The most suitable path is, but there is also a fatal weakness when taking this mountain path. Look here ... "

He pointed somewhere on the map and Shen Ning glanced at it, and then said, "It looks like a gourd!"

"Yes, the terrain here is called Hulukou. It is named because the terrain resembles a gourd. Last time I said, there are several mountain roads that can lead to the hinterland of Xichu, but they all go the same way, no matter which mountain road they take. In the end, I will pass this gourd mouth. As long as I bury an ambush near this gourd mouth, I can win more with less and beat them with a drop of flowers. Since Chu Shaoyang is familiar with the war books, he is very familiar with the terrain here. I want to come He would not make such a mistake, unless he did not look at me at all, he would choose this path, but for the sake of safety, I have sent people here to ambush, if Chu Shaoyang would not come, If he really wants to be caught off guard from Hulukou, I will let him eat his own fruit! "

He clenched his fist in his right hand, punched **** the map, and said loudly.

Shen Ning couldn't help raising his eyes and looked at Mochuan with a strange look.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Mo Chuan wondered slightly.

"Mo Chuan, you just read the book of soldiers all night, and actually understood so much at once, I really admire it!"

Mo Chuan smiled slightly and stroked her hair: "I just understood some of the fur on that soldier's book. There are a lot of strategies in it that are wonderful, but I haven't figured out how to use it. This fur is also Is it worth your praise to me? "

He paused and said: "So in addition to this Hulukou, the two cities of Nanguan and Shuanglu are another option for Chu Shaoyang. These two cities are the key to open my Xichu, as long as he occupies Nanguan With Shuanglu, the Nanda Army can drive straight in, and our West Chu is at risk. "

"In this way, the two cities of Nanguan and Shuanglu are the top priorities, and they cannot be lost anyway, are they? In this case, you should send a capable general to the city of defense. Nothing will be available, I am willing to recommend myself. "Shen Ning thought for a while.

Mo Chuan heard the words, smiled for a moment, "You girl, come to nonsense again."

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