Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Especially those warriors who have done a great job, seeing that Chu Shaoyang is young and born beautiful, and even more so that he is the defector of the West Chu, he despised him in his heart, and even wondered how the emperor would be fainted , Not only sealed him as King of Chu, but also handed over the military power to such a traitor.

So there are some satires, some slow people, and some bad talkers.

Chu Shaoyang turned a blind eye to these people and ignored them.

At three o'clock that night, he walked into the Chinese military account alone.

The first thing he did was drumming.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deafening drum sound resounded over the capital city of South Vietnam as a thunder, awakening the sleepy night.

This is the point drum!

The generals who heard the drums awakened from their dreams and almost couldn't believe the dense sound of raindrops.

"Jianggu Drum? How could someone knock the Dianji Drum at this hour, could it be that Lao Tzu's ear broke? Or was Lao Tzu dreaming?"

The generals listened with their ears and found that this was not a dream at all. It was indeed someone who struck a little drum.

They immediately turned up from the bed under the heat, hurriedly hung on the horse, galloping in the direction of the school field.

Some generals didn't even wear boots, so they hurried to the general.

The army strictly enforces that the first sound after the drum will sound. Within a pillar of incense, all the generals and soldiers must gather in front of the stage, otherwise, cut!

No one dared to violate the military order.

After a pillar of incense, all the generals and soldiers were assembled in front of the stage.

Some of them ran out of their helmets, some had bare feet, some only wore upper body armor, and some had unkempt hair. Their images were very funny, but no one dared to laugh.

The time is too short, it is not easy for them to be able to arrive in a scent of incense, and some people still care about the image.

It's just that everyone's eyes are on the point platform.

Dozens of torches were ignited around the point platform, illuminating the entire platform brightly.

Everyone could see clearly, the huge platform was empty, and there was no figure.

How is this going? Why did someone hit the Dian Jiang Drum, but no one appeared on the Dian Jiang Taiwan?

Could it be that someone made a big joke with them!

The generals and soldiers began to clamor angrily.

Some people dared to play their joke with a drum, which clearly doesn't want to live!

"Who is it! How dare you dare to beat the drum!"

"Stand up! Dare to be a dare, what a man!"

"Be sure to arrest this man who disrupts military discipline and behead the crowd!"

In the shouting of everyone, suddenly, someone pointed to the corner of the high platform and shouted: "Look, there is a person there!"

The army looked in the direction of the man's finger, and really saw a white figure. He was wearing a white shirt and didn't know when he was on the high platform. Everyone didn't realize it.

The man in white and white armor stepped forward slowly, walked to the center of the stage, and glanced at the generals and soldiers under the stage. His eyes were majestic and deep, like a cold arrow.

"It turns out to be him!"

"It was Chu Shaoyang who was just named King Chu!"

"What qualifications does he have to beat the drums!"

"Yes, he is a rebel, what is it!"

Many people in the army recognized Chu Shaoyang, and immediately clamoured loudly.

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